Chapter 148 The Fourth Generation of Lei Ying Ai has finally come!!


“What’s wrong with you?”

Naruto walked over to Kakuto and Hidana and asked strangely.

These guys,

How can they all look at themselves with such eyes? Have you become handsome again?

“Cough… It’s okay… It’s okay…”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kakuto and Hidan finally came back to their senses.

They had been against Naruto Uzumaki and would be very strong.

But he didn’t expect Naruto to be so strong! In the view of Kakuto and Feiduan,

Even if Naruto was able to solve the two-tailed human pillar force. But it will certainly take some hard fighting.

But now it’s good,

Just a few minutes,

He defeated the two-tailed human pillar force that almost put them in a desperate situation.

Or in their most unexpected way.

He hammered the second tail with his fist.

This kind of battle scene,

It’s so impactful.

No wonder before the battle, Naruto Uzumaki had that expression when he heard them say that the tailed orc pillar force was dangerous.

Not really.

In front of Naruto Uzumaki, the originally ferocious two tails,

It’s like a docile kitten! There is no power to fight back at all!

Now Kakuto and Hitomi are full of admiration for Naruto Uzumaki.

Especially Kakuto,

He also triumphantly raised his head towards Fei Duan.

The expression was triumphant.

It’s like saying, look,

This is Uncle Ben pulled to AkatsukiOrganization! And the ninjas of Yunyin Village,

They all looked in disbelief.

A second before they thought that Naruto had chosen to fight hard with the two-tailed vortex Naruto was dead.

The result is the next second,

Nio was like a leather ball, kicked around by Naruto Uzumaki.

At last

It was solved in just a few minutes.

In this process,

Nio didn’t even have any ability to resist at all.

This kind of thing,

Even if the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Lord came in person, it would be impossible to do it, right?!

“Lord Yukihito… Unexpectedly……… Defeated?! ”

“Damn, what the hell are these guys?” Why is it so powerful? ”

“Such a guy is no longer something we can stop, so go and inform Lord Lei Ying!”

“When did such a powerful ninja appear in the ninja world?” Why not have any information about them? ”

“Hey, let’s stop talking about it, isn’t the most important thing to do now to save Lord Yugito from the other side’s hand?”

“Yes, you must not let them take Lord Yukito away!”

“Together, as long as you can delay until Lord Lei Ying comes, the other party will definitely not be able to run away!”

Looking at the Uzumaki Naruto Four, hundreds of ninjas from Ungaku Village hesitated a little too much to come forward.

Although they are all the elite of Yunyin Village.


The scene where Naruto had just defeated Yugito was so shocking.

Even the elite ninja dared not say that he could hold out a round under a perverted ninja like Naruto Uzumaki.

That powerful force, as long as it is hit,

There is absolutely only one dead end! therefore

Although hundreds of ninjas from Ungakushi Village said they were going to save Yugito from Naruto Uzumaki.


But no one dared to take the lead in standing up.

The power of Naruto Uzumaki,

Let their hearts completely fail to raise morale.

“It looks like these guys have been so scared that they don’t dare to move at all.”

“Yeah, I was so fierce when I shot at us before, but now I’m all withered.”

Seeing that none of the hundreds of ninjas in Yunyin Village dared to come forward and take a shot at them,

Kakuto and Fei Duan were even more shocked in their hearts.

With the strength of one person, hundreds of elite ninjas were all scared to attack.

Such a scene,

They hadn’t even heard of it before.

“Let’s hurry up and evacuate.”

The mission was completed, and Uchiha prepared to retreat.

His goal was only the tail orc pillar power.

Now the two tailed orc pillar forces in Yunyin Village had all been captured.

There is no need to make a fuss about it.

“I’m not going to enter your alien space.”

Naruto Uzumaki was not relieved by Uchiha’s Obito soil.

Although he is strong now.


He wasn’t sure if anything unusual would happen after being sucked into the Shenwei space by Uchiha’s Obito.


Naruto Uzumaki naturally didn’t intend to take that risk.

“Well, I’m not going to take you away either.”

Uchiha snorted coldly and threw Yukito into the Kamui space using Kamugi.

And then

It turned into a whirlpool and disappeared in place.

“It’s ruthless.”

Watching Uchiha disappear with the soil, Naruto Uzumaki shrugged his shoulders in disbelief.

Didn’t it make you pretend to be successful?

As for being so stingy?

“Face numbness, let’s go.”

Watching Uchiha take Tu away, Kakuto hurriedly said.

Now he had only one heart left.

The panic in my heart was extreme.

“Let’s go.”

Hearing Kakuto’s words, Naruto Uzumaki took the lead and walked forward.

The hundreds of Yunyin Village ninjas who had originally surrounded him had all taken a step back at the same time.

Naruto Uzumaki alone had scared off hundreds of Unyin Village ninjas.

“Haha, these cowards, are they really ninjas?”

Seeing this scene, Fei Duan couldn’t help but laugh.

Hearing Fei Duan’s unbridled laughter, the ninjas of Yun Yin Village couldn’t help but blush.

Now it seems,

It seemed that they were indeed like cowards who were frightened by Naruto Uzumaki.

“Well, we’re just waiting for Lord Thunder Shadow to come over.”

“Yes, our task now is to reduce unnecessary sacrifices and trap the enemy.”

“Yes, it’s not that we’re timid, it’s because we don’t have to confront such an enemy.”

“Although you are arrogant now, wait until Lord Ray Shadow and Lord Chirabi come over, and you will look good!”

The ninjas of Unyin Village found a reasonable explanation for their actions.

That’s all,

Only then will they be able to alleviate the embarrassment in their hearts at this time.

“I said, you guys really don’t want to be able to say such duplicitous things.”

“I think you should all be sacrificed to the Evil God!”

“Hmm… However, if you offer such a sacrifice to the evil god, the evil god lord will not be angry, right? ”

Although the strength of the flying section is not very good, but a mouth is indeed very poisonous.

After saying this, it almost made all the ninjas in Yun Yin Village run away!

If it weren’t for the fear of Naruto Uzumaki,

When Fei Duan said these words, he had already been crushed to pieces by the ninjas of this group of Yunyin Village.

“Fei Duan, don’t say it again.”

Hearing Fei Duan’s unbridled taunts, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He only had one heart left now, and if he got into battle, it would be trouble.

“Cut, horns, you’re really getting more and more timid.”

Fei Duan muttered unhappily.

His personality is already very crazy, and now there is Naruto Uzumaki,

There will be no worries.

“Rest assured, I’ll protect you both.”

Naruto Uzumaki turned back to the flying segment and the horn and smiled a little.

He would throw these two people to the Great Snake Pill to study in the future.

The immortal body and the resentment that can live forever as long as the heart is replaced.

These two forces,

It’s all worth exploring.


Naruto would naturally not let them die so easily.

In this world,

Except for Chakra,

There are too many mysterious powers.

He wants to — to be clear.

“Face hemp……”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, both the flying section and the horn were all warm-hearted.

As an S-class renegade,

Others have always been wary of them.

Someone like Naruto who cared about them like Naruto had never met before.

Of course

If they knew that Naruto Uzumaki already had the idea of a black belly that had made them human experiments a subject in his heart,

I’m afraid I won’t be as touched as I am now.

That’s it

A strange scene appeared.

Surrounded by hundreds of ninjas from Unyin Village,

Naruto and Kakuto were slowly rushing towards the outside of Yunyin Village. Hundreds of ninjas from Yunyin Village followed suit.


It was like a group of people escorting Naruto in the whirlpool.

That’s it

As Naruto and Naruto approached the outskirts of the village of Ungaku, a cracking sound suddenly came to mind.


With a loud noise, the blue thunder light on the upper channel flashed by.

The fourth generation of Lei Yingai appeared in front of everyone.

See Ai,

The corners of Naruto’s mouth cocked slightly.

He deliberately walked so slowly just to wait for Ai’s arrival.

Right now

Ai finally appeared.

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