Chapter 149 The Eight-Tailed Man Pillar Force is dead!!

“It’s Lord Lei Ying, Lord Lei Ying is coming!”

“Great, the enemy certainly can’t run away now!”

“Lord Lei Ying, these guys have taken away Lord Yuki, and you must not let them go!”

“Huh? How come I didn’t see Lord Chirabi? This time the enemy is not easy to deal with. ~”

“Stupid, Lord Chirabi is definitely still on his way over, and Lord Ray Shadow’s speed is beyond the reach of others.”

“Yes, but even if Lord Lei Ying is alone, he will definitely be able to defeat all the bastards on the other side!”

Seeing the figure of the fourth generation of Lei Yingai, all the ninjas in Yunyin Village became excited.

Ai, who has mastered the Thunderbolt Chakra Mode, is an invincible being in the eyes of this group of Yunyin Village ninjas.

Even when the eight tails ran away in the beginning, Lord Lei Ying suppressed the eight tails by looking at his own strength.

This kind of strength, looking at the entire ninja world, is the top existence!

Compared to the excitement of the other ninjas in Yunyin Village, the face of the fourth generation of Lei Yingai did not have much expression.


He looked at the three of them in front of him and asked.

“You guys, what’s going on?”

After hearing the ninja of the Dark Ministry report to him that an enemy had attacked Yugito

Ai immediately thought of Chirabi.

The same is the tail orc pillar force,

Since the enemy will attack Yukito,

The Chirabi, who was the force of the eight-tailed pillar, would definitely be targeted by the enemy.


He immediately went to look for Chirabi.


After searching for a long time, I didn’t find Chirabi.

In the place where Chirabi practiced, there were also traces of battle.

This made Ai’s heart rise up an unpleasant feeling.

Chirabi, absolutely something has happened.

And this,

That’s why Ai only came over now.

“The eight-tailed man pillar force……… Has been killed. ”

Hearing Ai’s words, Naruto Uzumaki said expressionlessly.

“Shut up, he has his own name!”

“His name is Chirabi!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadows instantly became furious.

Although he had thought about the possibility of Chirabi having an accident.


When the news of Chirabi has been killed,

Ai still nearly lost his mind.

Seeing the appearance of the four generations of thunder shadows, the people of Yunyin Village knew that it turned out,

Chirabi seems to have been killed one step ahead!

“Did you hear that? Just now that guy, it seems to say that Lord Chirabi has been killed! ”

“Is it true? How can it be? Lord Chirabi is a perfect human pillar force! Has an ability that no shadow-level strong person can match! How could such a strong man be killed?! ”

“Yes, the opposite side must be a lie, Lord Chirabi has been in the village, if someone had shot at him, everyone would have noticed it a long time ago.”

“Yes, I still remember when Lord Chirabi ran away, Lord Ray Shadow and Lord Chirabi had a big fight, and almost destroyed the village!”

“That’s right, the other side must have deliberately said this to provoke Lord Ray Shadow, otherwise Lord Chirabi would have been attacked, and we couldn’t have been unaware!”

The people of Yunyin Village did not believe it,

The perfect human pillar Pillar Richie Rabi, whose strength is second only to that of Lord Thunder, will be unaware of it without all of them noticing,

Be defeated by the enemy!

“But… What if the other side really has the strength to quietly defeat Lord Chirabi? ”

“It’s like defeating Lord Yukito…”

Remembering the scene where Naruto had just defeated Yugi, someone in the crowd spoke.

And then

Everyone in Yunyin Village was silent.

Oh, yes………

It’s a little incredible, but,

What if the other side really has the ability to solve the problem of Lord Chirabi silently? After all

The scene where Naruto had just easily defeated Yugi was still fresh in everyone’s mind.

“Face numbness, this is a little troublesome.”

Seeing the four generations of thunder shadows, the faces of Kakuto and Feiduan became solemn again.

In the body of the four generations of thunder shadows,

They felt an extremely strong sense of oppression.

The power of the four generations of thunder shadows,

I’m afraid it’s far beyond their imagination.

“Ah Fei, don’t watch the drama anymore.”

“Take them away.”

Naruto Uzumaki shouted somewhere, and then Uchiha’s figure with the earth appeared beside him.

“When did you find me?”

Uchiha looked at Naruto Uzumaki with a somewhat somber tone.

He didn’t think about it.

Even if he did not appear in the Shenwei space,

Naruto could still feel his presence.

“Ahhh… I didn’t find you, just guessing that you shouldn’t just leave. ”

“No, just say a word and you’ll be out.”

Naruto Uzumaki casually made an excuse.

Having mastered the art of flying thunder, he was very sensitive to space.

Uchiha brought the earth to his side through Shenwei, and he naturally found out at the first time.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha was furious again.

This bastard,

Don’t you know that this will make him look stupid?!

“Okay, let’s take these two guys to the sidelines.”

“Thunder Shadow will be handed over to me to deal with.”

Naruto Uzumaki waved his hand, interrupting Uchiha’s words.

He wasn’t in the mood to mess with Uchiha now.


Uchiha snorted with the cold, and then,

He unleashed his divine power and left the battlefield with the flying segment and the horn.

“Damn, these bastards, why are all the abilities so weird?!”

“Space transfer, the immortal body, the ridiculously strong body… Where did such a group of people come from?! ”

“However, they actually left this guy here alone, do they think that one person can deal with the ninjas of our entire Yunyin Village?”

“Bastards, who dare to look down on the ninjas of our Yunyin Village, absolutely cannot be forgiven.”

“Be sure to let them know how powerful our Yunyin Village ninjas are!”

Seeing that Uchiha had taken the three of them to leave Naruto Uzumaki alone in their encirclement,

The people of Yunyin Village were all angry.

They feel completely despised.

Coupled with the four generations of thunder shadows, they gave them a lot of confidence.


The ninjas of Unzoku Village who were present had already begun to jump at Naruto Uzumaki.

“Hand over Chirabi and Yukito.”

“Today’s events, I can act as if they never happened.”

Looking at Naruto who stayed where he was, Ai Qiang said with anger in his heart.

He had an intuition in his heart,

Not long ago destroyed the entire Iwakuma village,

It must have nothing to do with the guy in front of you.


Ai didn’t want to easily clash with these strange guys in front of him.

“I’ve said it all, the eight-tailed man pillar force… Already dead! ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Ai could no longer restrain the anger in his heart.

“You this… Bastard! ”


In a rage, Ai enters the Thunder Chakra mode,

The whole person was wrapped in a blue arc of electricity, forming a layer of thunder armor.

The next second,

Ai turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly rushed towards Naruto the Whirlpool!

…… Nine.

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