Chapter 153 The Great War is Coming, Each One Has His Own Mind!!

Naruto Uzumaki left.

With the two-tailed human pillar force and the eight-tailed human pillar force, he calmly retreated.


Only the mess of Yunyin Village.

I don’t know how long it took,

Among the ruins of Yunyin Village,

Slowly crawled out some of the ninjas of Yunyin Village.

The faces of these ninjas,

Each one carries the joy of the rest of his life.


Almost every one of them was injured to varying degrees.


At least he saved his own life, didn’t he? But soon,

The joy on the ninja’s faces was replaced by consternation.

Looking around,

The whole village of Yunyin,

It was all in ruins!

“This… How is this possible? How did the village become like this? ”

“Is anyone still alive?” Let’s get together! ”

“Quick, go find Lord Ray Shadow!”

“The village…… The village is gone! ”

No one thought of it.

Not long ago there was a bustling village,

It was a ruin in an instant!


“I will not let you go!”

Looking at the ninjas in front of him, and the endless ruins, Abu Yi clenched his fist deeply.


As the wise man of Yunyin Village, she also understands the power of the enemy,

Definitely not something they can beat now.


She’s going to ask for help!

Mabuyi is now very sure, not long ago,

Kill the ninja who killed three generations of Ōnogi and destroyed Iwakuma Village,

These are the people who attacked Yunyin Village today.

Since Iwakuma Village was able to form an alliance with Konoha.

Then their Yunyin Village will definitely be able to form an alliance with Konoha.

When I think about it,

After Ma Buyi arranged some things,

He quickly rushed in the direction of Konoha Village.

The situation in Yunyin Village was not better than that of Yanyin Village at the beginning, and she had to fight for every minute and every second.


The members have assembled.

Under the two roads of Naruto and Payne soldiers,

Two-tailed, six-tailed, eight-tailed have all been captured.

Right now

In addition to one tail, three tails, nine tails,

All the other tailed beasts were already in the hands of AkatsukiOrganization.


Mitsuo Pillar Force Goji Yakura is now also under the control of Uchiha Obito Earth.

And one tail and nine tails,

Then it is all under the control of the wooden leaf.

It can be said that

Next just attack the wooden leaves,

Capture Konoha’s Nine-Tailed Pillar Force Vortex Naruto.

Na Akatsukiorganized a plan to collect the nine tailed beasts,

It can be achieved.

“Let’s prepare, our next target is the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force of Konoha Village!”

Looking at one of the ninjas under his command, Payne slowly opened his mouth.

Right now

Payne’s mood was also a little excited.

Collect the nine tailed beasts, shock the entire ninja world, and realize the desire for permanent nuclear peace in the ninja world,

It’s finally almost happening! Yahiko,

You see it.

Peace that counts on mutual understanding between people and people is impossible.

Only under the threat of force can nuclear peace,

to be able to last for a long time.

“This time attack Konoha, it’s up to you to strike.”

Looking at Payne,

Uchiha slowly opened his mouth with the soil.


He has already revealed his identity to everyone in the AkatsukiOrganization, and the great war is imminent.

He also wants to compete with Nagato for the ultimate leadership of the Akatsukiorganization.


There is no need to put it on.

“Whatever you want.”

“Nine-tailed pillar force, I will solve it.”

Payne finished speaking,

Turn around and plunge into the darkness.

He who has the eye of reincarnation,

Very confident in their own strength.

No matter what kind of plan Uchiha Madara had, he wouldn’t be afraid.

In Nagato’s eyes,

A guy like Uchiha who likes to hide his head and tail is absolutely impossible to pose any threat to him.

Watching Payne leave,

Uchiha’s eyes were a little gloomy.

The tailed beast collection plan was a bit too smooth.

This caught him a little off guard.

Because, now Nagato’s vitality is still very tenacious.

Originally he planned, through the tailed beast collection plan,

Greatly drain Nagato’s life force.

That way, he can take advantage of the opportunity,

Snatch Nagato’s reincarnation eye back.

And then

Become a ten-tailed human pillar force,

Create a world that belongs only to him and Lynn.


Now the tailed beast was almost finished.

Nagato hardly used the power of the reincarnation eye.

This is very bad news for Uchiha Obito Earth.


Once Nagato gathers all the tailed beasts, the ten tails will be resurrected.

At that time, if Nagato chooses to become the Ten Tails Pillar Force, then all his plans will be in vain.


He must take a shot at Nagato to snatch the Eye of Samsara back at the moment when Nagato collects the nine tailed beasts.


In Nagato’s current state,

Uchiha was not at all sure that he would be able to defeat the other side.

“Face Ma, when you attack Konoha, I hope you will listen to my orders.”

After Payne left, Uchiha took the earth and said to Naruto Uzumaki.

In the present Akatsukiorganization,

Except for Nagato,

Naruto Uzumaki had the highest prestige.

Scorpion, Deidara, Kakuto, and Hidan are very worshipped by Naruto Uzumaki if they can get the support of Naruto Uzumaki.

That whole Akatsukiorganization,

You can be controlled by yourself.

“No problem.”

“When I attack Konoha, I’m not going to be nosy.”

For Uchiha’s intention to bring the soil, Naruto Uzumaki was naturally well aware.

just right

He could also use Uchiha’s heart to break through the people of the AkatsukiOrganization one by one.

In Uchiha’s heart,

His strength should be comparable to Nagato’s.


Even when Nagato attacked Konoha, he defeated Nagato because of his presence,

Uchiha would not have chosen to help Nagato either.


He can defeat Nagato again,

Then slowly solve the problem of Uchiha with Tu and others.

“Face numbness, you are indeed a smart person.”

Naruto saw that Uzumaki didn’t hesitate and directly agreed to his proposal.

Uchiha felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart again.

Even if it’s a strong person like Naruto Uzumaki,

After knowing his “true identity”, he also chose to surrender. This greatly satisfied Uchiha’s self-esteem.

After Uchiha took the soil away, Naruto Uzumaki sneered a few times in his heart.

I don’t know what kind of reaction Uchiha will have when he learns his true identity in the future.


That scene must be very exciting, right? But

What needs to be done now,

It was just waiting for Nagato to attack Konoha.

Naruto Uzumaki returned to his room, leaving behind a wooden doppelganger.

After injecting enough chakras, the body of the Vortex Man quietly left the AkatsukiOrganization through the Flying Thunder God Technique.


He can fight once in his true identity!

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