Chapter 154 AkatsukiOrganizes All the Officers to Attack!!

After leaving the AkatsukiOrganization,

Naruto went straight back to Konoha in the whirlpool.

Soon the AkatsukiOrganization was about to launch an attack on Konoha.

He had to go back to Konoha to make some preparations.


“The AkatsukiOrganization is going to launch an attack on Konoha?”

After hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade opened his mouth wide in shock.

She didn’t think of anything.

The AkatsukiOrganization actually had the courage to attack Konoha!

“Rest assured, everything is on my plan.”

“The leaves will not suffer any loss.”

Naruto Uzumaki comforted Tsunade for a moment. He had already made arrangements for Akatsuki’s attack.

Konoha Village,

There is absolutely no loss of any kind.

“Well, I’ll listen to you.”

The bird snuggled into Naruto’s arms like a man.

I don’t know why,

As long as there is Naruto Uzumaki around,

She could always feel incredibly at ease.

“Okay, I’m going to arrange something else.”

Naruto touched Naruto’s head and then turned away.

He was about to start preparing his plans.

Leaving the Naruto Building, Naruto Uzumaki went directly to the experimental base of the Great Snake Maru, “Lord Naruto Uzumaki!” ”

See Naruto Uzumaki,

All of the Great Snake Maru’s men came out of the shadows.

“Take me to find the Great Snake Maru.”



Naruto Uzumaki then came to the laboratory of the Great Serpent Maru.


Uchiha is also here.

“Lord Naruto!”

Uchiha saw Naruto Uzumaki and respectfully performed a salute.

“Naruto-kun, how come you have time to come to me today?”

Looking at Naruto in the whirlpool, the Great Snake Maru showed a curious look.

You know,

Since the completion of his experimental base,

Naruto Uzumaki was still coming here for the first time.

“How’s the cloning technology doing?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Great Snake Maru was immediately excited.

“Cloning technology is going well.”

“I have now been able to clone the corresponding organs in the human body.”

“Including the eyes.”

The Great Snake Maru finished speaking, and picked up a transparent glass containing the nutrient solution from the table.


A dark eye was floating silently.

“This is the eye of a ferret that has been successfully cloned.”

“It’s just that I don’t know why it’s just ordinary eyes, not kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.”

The Great Snake Maru finished speaking, and looked expectantly at Naruto Uzumaki.

Obviously trying to get some hint from Naruto Uzumaki.

“Well done, keep up the good work.”

Naruto Uzumaki patted the shoulder of the Great Serpent Maru.

He didn’t know anything about these things.

“It doesn’t matter, this kind of thing can be solved sooner or later.”

Seeing that Naruto did not give himself any opinion, the Great Snake Maru did not have any disappointed expression.


His heart was now filled with gratitude to Naruto Uzumaki.


It is because of Naruto Uzumaki,

He was able to have such a luxurious laboratory.

Don’t worry about the problem of funds, but also do not worry about the problem of safety.

Most importantly,

The body and eyes of the Uchiha ferret that he had dreamed of before were now ready to be studied.

“By the way, the weasel’s hematous disease has basically healed.”

The Great Snake Pill said another piece of good news.

Because of the transplantation of white blood cells,

Uchiha’s current body was no longer in serious trouble.

“Or thanks to Lord Naruto Uzumaki!”

Uchiha also admired Naruto Uzumaki in his heart.

This ninja,

The real wooden leaf became what he couldn’t think of before.


The healing of the hemopathy also meant that he would be able to spend more time with Sasuke in the future.

“By the way, Naruto, what are you here for?”

The Great Snake Maru looked curiously at Naruto Uzumaki.

He couldn’t believe that Naruto had come to see him on purpose.

“Nothing, prepare me some materials for the rebirth of the dirt.”

Naruto Uzumaki said his purpose.

“No problem.”

The Great Snake Maru did not ask the reason, but directly followed Naruto’s request.

It didn’t take long,

The materials needed by Naruto Uzumaki were prepared by the Great Serpent Maru. Looking at these materials, the corners of Naruto’s mouth tilted slightly.

In his hands,

But there are a lot of strong cells.

The first generation of Naruto Senju Pillar, the second generation of Naruto Senju Pillar, the third generation of Earth Shadow Ohnogi, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai………

When Akatsukiorganized an attack on Konoha,

He will let the other person know what a surprise is!

“Nagato, I heard that Konoha’s Nine-Tailed Pillar is very strong.”

“Is your body still capable of fighting with high intensity?”

Inside the base of the Akatsukiorganization, AkatsukiNan looked at Nagato and asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, as long as we can collect all nine tailed beasts and realize our ideals.”

“My body is nothing.”

Nagato at this moment is as skinny as in the original.


But the vitality is far from being exhausted.


Nagato was still very confident about this attack on Konoha.

“However, Uchiha and Mihama are very close.”

“I’m afraid they’re going to shoot us behind our backs.”

The woman’s sixth sense,

Let AkatsukiNan never let down his guard against Uchiha Obito Soil.

She always felt that

Uchiha took the earth to collect tailed beasts, and had other purposes.

“It’s not certain yet.”

“However, you have to remember… If an accident really occurs, you must destroy my eyes at the first time! ”

Nagato looked at Akatsukinan with a dignified tone.

If it was just a Uchiha Madara, he was confident that he could defeat the other party.


If you add hemp,

Nagato was not sure.

In the first few battles to catch the tailed beast,

The performance of the facial hemp is really amazing.

One man destroys a village,

This kind of strength will definitely not be worse than him.

Hearing Nagato’s words, Akatsukinan nodded silently.

As of now,

It can only be one step at a time…….


A few days passed.

Under the leadership of Payne, Akatsukiorganized all the members to assemble.


It was the day they launched an attack on the wooden leaves.

Aside from Naruto Uzumaki,

A look of excitement appeared on everyone’s face.

Especially Nagato,

He had waited too long for this day.

“Let’s go!”

As soon as Payne gave the order, everyone in the AkatsukiOrganization began to march towards Konoha.

“Face numbness, remember my command.”

“Whatever happens, don’t help Payne.”

Uchiha took the earth and told Naruto Uzumaki uneasily.

“Got it.”

“Let’s go, I can’t wait to see the show!”

Naruto Uzumaki chuckled softly, then sped up to keep up.

In the wood leaves,

He had already prepared a grand “welcome ceremony”.

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