Chapter 155 The two sides meet, and the flying section is torn apart!!

“I’m about to reach Konoha, and I’m a little excited.”

“I don’t know if the people of Konoha will recognize my ultimate art.”


On the way not far from Konoha, Deidara sat on the back of the big bird and said with some excitement.


It was the day when Akatsukiorganized a joint attack on Konoha.

As long as you can defeat the ninja of Konoba,

his art,

It will be able to resound throughout the ninja world!

“Hmm, if it wasn’t for the original Naruto Senju Pillar, I almost destroyed the wooden leaf.”

After hearing Deidara’s words, Kakuto also showed a look of nostalgia on his face.

“I’m going to arrest all of Konoba’s ninjas and sacrifice them all to Lord Evil God!”

Fei Duan also had a look of great anticipation on his face.

Konoha ninja,

Evil gods should like it, right?

And AkatsukiNan, Uchiha with soil, and Naruto in the whirlpool, but all of them didn’t say a word.

In their hearts,

Each has its own ulterior motive.

“After the meeting has attacked the wooden leaves, you will be responsible for creating chaos everywhere.”

“I’ll leave the rest.”

Looking at the people of the AkatsukiOrganization, who were already a little impatient, Payne opened his mouth coldly.

Akatsukiorganized all the staff to go out.

This force,

Enough to flatten any ninja village in the ninja world.


New hatred and old hatred, he must figure out with Konoha!

“Payne, it seems like someone is blocking our way in front of you.”


Half-cut from the trunk of a tree in front of him.


“Is it Konoba’s ninja?”

Hearing the absolute words, Payne raised an eyebrow.


Their whereabouts,

Already detected by Konoha ninja in advance?

“That’s right.”

“But there’s only one little ghost with yellow hair.”

Absolutely done,

The expression also looked a little confused.

If Konohahad discovered their intentions, it would not have been just to send such a little ghost over.


If the wooden leaves did not find them.

The little yellow-haired ghost seemed to be waiting for them there.

“Hmm, just look at it and you’ll see.”

Uchiha snorted and took the lead in walking forward.

The rest of the people saw it,

And they all followed.


The crowd came to a huge waterfall.

Left and right of the waterfall,

They are statues between Uchiha Madara and Senju Pillar.

That little yellow-haired ghost in his mouth,

At this moment, he sat leisurely above the head of the statue between the Thousand Hands Pillar.

“It’s finally here.”

Seeing the people of the AkatsukiOrganization, Naruto Uzumaki had a smile on his face.

His wooden body was now in the AkatsukiOrganization’s team.


He knew everything about the organization’s information.

Dealing with these people,

Naruto would naturally not choose to let them enter KonohaVillage to wreak havoc.

In the Valley of the End,

A very good choice.

“Fei Duan, kill him.”

Payne opened his mouth coldly.

Although it is not known why Naruto Uzumaki is here, but,

Payne wasn’t going to let go of the other side.

“Got it.”

Hearing Payne’s order, Fei Duan struck the Death Mirror Sword in his hand on the shoulder.

And then

A teleportation came to Naruto Uzumaki’s side.

“Little devil, don’t be afraid, this will send you to see the evil god!”

Hidanna laughed a few times, then brandished his scythe to cut off Naruto’s head.

As a homicidal maniac,

Hidan doesn’t have a soft heart because of Naruto Uzumaki’s age.


Just when the scythe was less than a foot away from Naruto’s neck, Naruto Uzumaki moved.

I don’t know when, in the hands of Naruto Uzumaki,

There was an extra long sharp knife.

With a gentle wave,

The action of the flying section attack came to an abrupt halt.

The next second, the head of the flying section rolled down to Naruto’s feet.

“Hey, just attack without saying a word.”

“It’s very impolite.”

Stepping on the head of the flying section under his feet, Naruto Uzumaki’s expression was calm and did not change in the slightest.

It was as if everything that had just happened had nothing to do with him.

“This guy…”

Seeing this scene,

The faces of everyone in the AkatsukiOrganization all became solemn.

Although the strength of the flying section is not very strong,

But no matter how to say it, it is also the strength of the elite to endure.

Right now

It was actually cut off by the little devil on the other side of the head.

It’s incredible.

“Who are you?”

Payne stepped forward and finally took an interest in Naruto Uzumaki’s words.

Judging from what just happened,

Naruto Uzumaki was probably waiting for them here.

“You guess?”

Naruto Uzumaki showed a playful expression.

“Hey, you bastard!”

“I must dedicate you to the Evil God!”


Only a flying segment of the head remained, and suddenly opened its mouth and scolded.

Cut off his head by a little ghost like Naruto Uzumaki,

It makes him feel very faceless………

“Immortal body?”

“The Great Snake Maru should like it.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Fei Duan suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

Great snake pills?

Why did this little devil suddenly mention that guy? The Great Snake Maru was also once a member of the AkatsukiOrganization.


Fei Duan still has a certain understanding of the Great Snake Maru.

That’s a true perversion!

“Fei Duanjun, meet again.”


Another squad of ninjas appeared.

One of them,

It’s the big snake maru in a kimono.

“Does Fei Duanjun remember what I said before?”

“I’m very interested in your body, and the so-called evil god lord you say.”

“Now, at last, there’s a chance to look into it.”

The words of the Great Snake Pill made a cold sweat appear on Fei Duan’s forehead.

He knew very well in his heart,

What kind of torture would he suffer if he fell into the hands of the Great Snake Maru!

“Chief, save me!”

Without hesitation, Fei Duan yelled at Payne.

“Are they all ambushed nearby?”

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Konoha people, Payne raised his arm towards Fei Duan.

A strong gravitational force acted on the body of the flying segment.


Feeling the power of the Heavenly Guiding Heavens, Naruto Whirlpool snorted softly.


It also exuded a powerful gravitational force, firmly fixing the body of the flying section under his feet.

“Big Snake Maru, this guy will be handed over to you.”

“The secret of his body, you have to give me a clear understanding.”

“Got it.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Great Serpent Maru nodded slightly.

And then

Quickly unload the body of the flying section into eight pieces.


“Great Snake Pill I’m going to kill you!”

“The evil god is great……”

Watching his body being torn to pieces, Fei Duan angrily broke his mouth and scolded but,

Not to finish,

The Great Snake Pill gagged his mouth with a rag and put it into the bag.

And behind Naruto Uzumaki,

More and more Konoha ninjas also began to gather.

Although Naruto had said they didn’t have to come over.


These people still all chose to come to help.

even if

Most of them understand,

I am afraid that my own strength will not play any role.

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