Chapter 156 This is the gift package of rebirth that I specially prepared for you!!

“Fei Duan, this idiot, was actually cleaned up like this.”

“It’s so tragic…… It fell into the hands of the Great Snake Maru, and there was something he suffered. ”

“Fei Duan should regret it now, he is an immortal body, right?”

“However, how come Konoha seems to have been prepared earlier?”

Fei Duan was easily solved by Naruto Uzumaki, and everyone in the AkatsukiOrganization was a little angry in their hearts.

Flying Duan this bastard,

It’s a shame to them.

“Payne, this little ghost on the other side may be the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force of Konoha and Naruto of the Whirlpool.”

Look at the look of respect that the Konoha crowd has for Naruto Uzumaki. Coupled with the strength that Naruto had just shown.

He had already guessed Naruto’s identity.

“Is it?”

Hearing the absolute words, Payne’s face was a little solemn.


The Heavenly Guiding Path he cast did not even play any role.

This is still after he mastered the power of the reincarnation eye,

For the first time, the Vientiane Heavenly Citation did not play any role.

“Nagato, why did you become what you are now?!”

“If I’m not mistaken, you should be a disciple of Zi Laiye, right?”

Next to Naruto Uzumaki, Tsunade said loudly. She already knew Nagato’s true identity.


For this prophecy son who can bring change to the ninja world, he still hopes that the other party can change his mind.


The other party is also a former disciple of the self.

“Has the identity been detected?”

Payne murmured in a low voice, ignoring Tsubasa.

Since Yahiko’s death,

He already had no illusions about this ninja world.

“Nonsense needless to say, get ready to feel the pain.”

After Payne finished speaking, in addition to the Heavenly Dao, the other five Daos also appeared in the camp of the AkatsukiOrganization in an instant.

Then, he prepared to attack the people of Konoha. And the momentum on Payne’s body also exploded to the extreme.

Although the number of wooden leaves is large.


He didn’t pay any attention to it at all.

“Good powerful momentum, this… How do you feel like you’re fighting with Lord Naruto? ”

“Beyond the strength of the shadow level, is this the strength of the other party to attack Konoha?”

“Those eyes are the eyes that the legendary Six Immortals have, right?”

“There are six pairs of reincarnation eyes, which is terrible!”

“No wonder Iwakuma Village and Yunyin Village have been destroyed one after another, and ninjas with this kind of power can indeed do it.”

“The rest of the guys are all notorious S-class rebels, none of these guys are easy to deal with!”

Feeling the momentum emanating from Payne’s body, everyone in Konoha was secretly surprised.

Although they had great confidence in Naruto Uzumaki.


Dealing with six enemies with reincarnation eyes at once, everyone still couldn’t help but be a little worried.

In addition, the rest of the Akatsukiorganization,

It also all gave the Konoha ninja tremendous pressure.

These ninjas,

They all possessed the strength of a shadow-level strongman! But

It was in this case that the people of Konoha found out,

Tsunade Tsunade, Great Snake Maru, Kakashi, Uchiha Ferret and many other high-level people, but they did not intend to do anything at all.

What’s going on?

A trace of doubt arose in everyone’s mind.

The doubts of the crowd did not last long,

Because, very quickly, they found out,

Naruto Uzumaki began to seal.

“The Art of Rebirth in the Dirt!”

With a soft drink, several coffins appeared in front of Naruto in the vortex and immediately followed,

The lid of the coffin opens automatically one by one.

The ninja inside also slowly walked out.

“The first generation of Naruto Senju Pillar, the second generation of Naruto Senju Pillar, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Ai, the third generation of Earth Shadow Ohnogi… There are also three generations of wind shadows whose whereabouts are still unknown. ”

Seeing the ninja reborn by the dirt, the corners of the mouth of everyone in the AkatsukiOrganization twitched.


No wonder the other side is so calm.

Turns out here are waiting for them!

It was thought that under the leadership of the chief,

This battle can be easily won.

Now it seems that

I’m afraid it’s a bit of a hassle.

“This is a gift I specially prepared for you.”

“So, please start your show.”

After Naruto finished speaking, he began to lift the restrictions on ninjas reborn from the dirt.

The next moment,

All five of them opened their eyes.

“Isn’t the old man already dead?”


“Columns… Post… Lord Pillar…?!! ”

After regaining his sanity, the three generations of Shadow Ohnoki first looked around in confusion.

And then

Not far away, he saw a thousand hand pillars that had also been reborn by the dirt.

Ohnogi’s ninja of that era,

For the Thousand Hands Pillar is very respectful.


“Are you…?”

Seeing Ohnogi, Senju couldn’t remember the identity of the other party.

“I’m Ohnogi.”

“Two days in Iwakuma Village, Ōnogi!”

Ohnogi quickly introduced his identity.


When he went to Konoha with his teacher, he was still a little fart who had not grown up.

“Ahh… It was you, when did you die? ”

“Uh… It must have been a short time since I died. ”

Hearing the words between the thousand hand pillars, Ohnoki was stunned.

This way of greeting,

Should it be said that it is worthy of the Lord of the Pillars?

“He was reborn by the dirt again.”

“Is it the Great Snake Maru guy again?”

Looking at his body, he snorted unhappily between the thousand hands.


Ninjutsu he invented,

It would bring him so much trouble after his death.

“These ninjutsu skills you invented have brought some trouble to the 370s to the hereafter.”

“I said you were, you…”

“Shut up, Nissan!”


Under the sharp eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar, the emotions between the Thousand Hands Pillar suddenly became lost.

“Big Grandpa, Second Grandpa!”

Just then, the voice of the Tsubasa came from behind him.

“You are… Tsunade Hand?! ”

Seeing Tsunade Hand, the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar all showed a look of surprise, “It’s me!” ”

Tsunade walked up to the two of them, from small to large,

The Thousand Hands Pillar and the Thousand Hands Pillar are very fond of her, therefore,

The relationship between Tsunade and the two is also very deep.

“Haha, I didn’t expect AkatsukiGang’s hand to grow so big.”

“It’s a lot prettier!”

The Thousand Hands Pillar touched the head of the Tsunade and opened his mouth to laugh.

Even the face of Senjuma, who had always been unsmiling, showed a warm smile.

“Hey, didn’t anyone tell me what the hell was going on?”

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai muttered irritably.

Isn’t he already dead?

Why is it suddenly here?

I even saw the legendary god of the ninja world, the Thousand Hands Pillar! Is this the Pure Land?

“I don’t know why, but it’s clear we’ve been resurrected.”

The three generations of wind shadows stared at the AkatsukiOrganization opposite, and their expressions were gloomy and frightening.

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