Chapter 157 The Scuffle Begins!!

“I don’t know why, but we were obviously resurrected by some means.”

The three generations of wind shadows stared at the people of the AkatsukiOrganization opposite, and their faces were very gloomy. Because

He saw the Red Sand Scorpion. Four

In front of the Red Sand Scorpion,

It is a human puppet made from his corpse! This bastard,

After killing him,

Did you even make a corpse into a puppet? It’s disgusting!

This is undoubtedly a great shame for the three generations of wind shadows. “This bunch of bastards!” “I’m going to kill them!” “One does not stay!”

After hearing the words of the three generations of wind shadows, Ai and Ohnoki all set their eyes on the members of the AkatsukiOrganization opposite.

This look,

The two instantly became furious. It’s the AkatsukiOrganization,

Kill both of them. It can be said that

The two of them and the AkatsukiOrganization have a feud against each other! Seeing this scene,

Naruto Uzumaki smiled in his heart. His plan now seemed perfect. Ohnoki and Ai,

All the black cauldron had been put on the head of the guy of the AkatsukiOrganization. So

After the fight starts,

The two of them will definitely fight with their whole body solutions. “This place… I miss it. ”

Seeing the statue of Uchiha on the opposite side, Senju Pillar sighed. In my mind,

He also remembered his original love-hate relationship with Uchiha Madara. “Okay, that’s all there is to the small talk.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and then ordered three generations of wind shadows to deal with the Red Sand Scorpion against the Thousand Hands Pillar and others.

Ohnogi was in charge of dealing with Deidara. Ai is in charge of dealing with Uchiha’s Obito soil.

Senju Uzumaki is responsible for “dealing with” the face hemp. As for the Thousand Hands Pillar…

Nature is used against the Six Paynes.

“Well, it’s just a ninja reborn from the dirt.”

“If you want to beat us with this, the guy with Konoha is really naïve.” Uchiha snorted coldly.

Inheriting Uchiha’s inheritance, he naturally knew the ninjutsu of dirt rebirth.

But, precisely because you know,

Uchiha Daitoshi was very dismissive of this ninjutsu. Ninjas summoned through the rebirth of the dirt,

I am afraid that the strength is not even one-tenth of the time of death. There is nothing to be afraid of.

Hearing Uchiha’s words, everyone in the AkatsukiOrganization quietly breathed a sigh of relief

If it’s really like what Uchiha said.

Beating the other side shouldn’t be too much of a problem. That’s it

The people of the AkatsukiOrganization were instantly entangled with the ninjas reborn from the dirt.

“Scorpion, I’ll make you pay the price.”

“Well, you weren’t my opponent before you died, and now it’s even more impossible.” “Just try it!”

“Magneto-iron triangular pyramid!” “Magneto-iron cylinder!”

Three generations of wind shadows and scorpions shot at the same time, and the huge sand iron collided with each other in an instant.

“Deidara, it seems that the old man made a wrong decision to let you go.” Today, I must clean up the portal! ”

Ohnogi flew in the air and looked at Deidara with confidence in his tone. He could feel it,

The body after the rebirth of the dirt,

Much more powerful than he was when he was alive!

Those stubborn diseases caused by age have all disappeared. “Teacher, obviously you are too stubborn.”

“If you can recognize my art, I won’t be right to defect to the village.” Deidara was very dismissive of Ohnoki’s words.

If someone could recognize his art, he wouldn’t have gotten to where he is now.

“Hmm, it’s useless to talk more.”

“The Art of Dust and Primitive Stripping!”

Ohnoki and Deidara, too, begin a fateful duel…….

“You bastard, who killed Bi!” “I’m going to kill you!”

When the enemy meets, his eyes are extremely red.

The fourth generation of Lei Ying Ai entered the Lei Sui Chakra mode. And then

He took Uchiha and killed him. “How could it be, so fast!”

Seeing Ai appear in front of him in an instant, Uchiha was shocked. He quickly unleashed his divine power and dodged Ai’s attack.


The attack was dodged, and Ai punched Uchiha into a huge pit with one punch. (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) This scene,

Let Uchiha bring some doubts. How does he feel,

Is the strength that Ai is showing now the same as when he was alive? At least, [010410206 Feilu 123480340]

In terms of speed and strength,

Ai is absolutely no different from when he was alive. Come to think of it,

Uchiha took Tu and set his sights on the others. And then

Uchiha was surprised to find that the people of the AkatsukiOrganization were completely suppressed!

These ninjas were reborn through the dirt. He actually had the same strength as before he was alive! And

Because of the infinite chakra and the immortal body.

They can even exert more power than they were before they were alive! “Abominable!”

“What the hell is going on?”

Uchiha now feels a little tingling in the scalp. With that said,

Isn’t the strength between the Thousand Hands Pillar similar to that of his lifetime? That’s a fart!

Just as Uchiha was taking the soil to complain, Ai launched an attack on the Uchiha Obito again.

Although Uchiha’s ability to bring soil is very weird. But

Ai’s mind suddenly appeared with information about Uchiha’s Obito of earth gods.

It was Naruto Uzumaki who passed it on to him. So

Now Ai is constantly attacking Uchiha with soil. Completely did not give Uchiha the opportunity to take the earth to cast divine power to leave. “This bastard! ”

Uchiha took the earth and secretly cried bitterly. Why

recent battles,

Will the enemy always use the way he least wants to fight?

In the past, Uchiha Obito Soil relied on divine might, and there had been no problems in the Ninja World waves.

But these recent battles,

Every time it made him uncomfortable.

It was as if the enemy had completely grasped his weakness. Not only Uchiha Obito soil,

Right >, the name is written in the sentence because,

They found that

The strength of the opponent is completely different from what Uchiha said. Every one,

They all showed more power than they had before they were alive. In the hearts of the people of the AkatsukiOrganization,

The eighteen-generation ancestors of Uchiha’s Obito had already been scolded.

The Konoha people next to Yi (Nomo Zhao) had a happy expression on their faces.

I thought it would be a big war, but I didn’t expect it.

They don’t have to shoot at all.

Just sit back and watch the play.

“Haha, this group of idiots on the other side is now completely suppressed and beaten by the ancestors” I originally thought there would be a vicious battle, but I didn’t expect it to develop into this

Child! ”

“Laughing at me, saying that I was going to destroy Konoha, it turned out that I didn’t even have the strength to let us shoot.”

“Worthy of being Lord Naruto Uzumaki, he casually forced the other party into a desperate situation.”

“Let the other village dead shadows fight for us Konoha is really worthy of Lord Naruto, so he can come up with this method, right?”

“It’s cool to see how they look bad!” “Hooray Naruto Uzumaki!”

Hearing the shouts of the Konohacrowd, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly. And then

Gaze at the six Paynes.

Between the six Payne and the Thousand Hands Pillar of the Rebirth of the Dirt. Which is stronger or weaker?

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