Chapter 158 Mu Sui VS Samsara Eye!!

“Is that where your strength lies?”

Looking at the AkatsukiOrganization people who were caught in a bitter battle, Payne stared indifferently at Naruto the vortex opposite.

“Of course not, it’s just an appetizer.”

“If you can get through this, I’ll show a little bit of my strength.”

“However, I don’t think you should even be qualified to let me shoot now, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.”

He had no intention of making a move.


With the current Nagato,

It is absolutely impossible to defeat the Thousand Hands Pillar.

“Then I’ll let you see what kind of power God can have!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, a wave of anger rose in Payne’s heart.

Ever since he mastered the power of the Samsara Eye, he has always claimed to be a god.


Even Hanzo, who was known as a demigod, was easily solved by him.


Now he was actually looked down upon by a little ghost.

This made Payne feel very uncomfortable.

To despise God is to pay a price!

After Payne finished speaking, the beast quickly sealed his hands.


With a low sigh, several psychic beasts of different shapes appeared in front of everyone.

Chameleons, split dogs, rhinos, centipedes… Each psychic beast is huge.

“I don’t know why you attacked Konoha.”

“But I won’t let your plot succeed.”

Seal between the thousand hand pillars.

“Mu Shu Mu Fen Body!”

As the words between the Thousand Hand Pillars fell, the five wooden doppelgängers split from the bodies between the Thousand Hand Pillars.

Followed by

Towards the six lanes of Payne.

The body between the Thousand Hands Pillar is standing in place to unleash the powerful wooden ninjutsu.

“Mu Shu Shu Jie has come!”

Countless trees grew wildly from the ground in an instant.

The thick vines wrapped around Payne’s six ways.

“Shurado Mechanism Armor!”

Seeing this scene, Shurado immediately opened the organs of his whole body completely.

Then he began to protect the Animal Path, the Human Dao and a few other Paynes, who were not good at fighting.

Madarag! Madarag!



Although the mechanism of the Shura Dao is very powerful.


Under the simultaneous attack of the Thousand Hands Pillar Wooden Escape and the Tree Realm, the Six Dao Payne still felt a huge pressure.

This ability between the Thousand Hands Pillar was really too restrained by the Six Paynes.

“The Art of Wooden People!”

“The Art of the Wooden Dragon!”

The Chakra was released between the Thousand Hands Pillar, and while the tree realm descended, the hands were once again sealed.

Followed by

A wooden man larger than a tailed beast, the wooden dragon appeared in front of everyone.

Just easily reach out and grab it,

Those psychic beasts that came out of the animal life path were instantly solved.

“Such a powerful force, worthy of the first generation of Naruto!”

“The opposite side is completely suppressed and beaten, and there is no power to fight back at all!”

“Last time, did we survive under the power of the first generation of adults?”

“In this way, Lord Naruto is really powerful and terrible!”

“I’m afraid no one in the entire ninja world is Naruto’s opponent, right?”

“Although Lord Naruto looks young, his back is unusually reliable.”

“I want to have something happen to Lord Naruto, even if it’s only one night…”

When they first saw the powerful lineup of the AkatsukiOrganization, the hearts of the Konoha people were still a little panicked.

After all

A group of S-class renegade ninjas with shadow-level strength form a group to attack Konoha.

Anyone has to be frightened.


Now the ninjas had exhausted all their might, but they couldn’t get close to them in the slightest.


It’s all because of Lord Naruto Uzumaki!

Without even having to shoot, you can solve so many shadow-level strongmen.

After that, in the entire ninja world, who else would dare to provoke their Konoha ninjas?

At this moment,

A sense of pride arose in the hearts of all the ninjas of Konoba.

The stronger the ninja village, the less dangerous it will be when carrying out the mission.

This is the eternal truth of the ninja world where the weak prey on the strong.


At this moment, the prestige of Naruto Uzumaki,

It has completely surpassed any ruler in the history of Konoha.

“This is the power of the original Naruto…”

Dodging left and right among the countless trees, Payne’s brow furrowed deeper and deeper. It was too draining for one person to control six Paynes.

Especially now.

Every Penn faces a powerful attack.

If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of no return.

For the first time since mastering the power of the Eye of Samsara, Payne was in such a passive situation.

“If that’s the case, let’s show real strength.”


After holding out for a while, Tendo Payne spoke softly.

Followed by

The other five Paynes, who had been fighting, suddenly fell to the ground as if they had lost their lives.

“Although doing so may expose some intelligence.”

“But it doesn’t matter……”

Payne muttered.

In this way, it is easy to guess that Penn Six Dao is a puppet manipulated.

But, as it turns out now,

There’s nothing to worry about about this kind of thing.

As long as he can defeat Naruto Uzumaki and grab the Nine Tails and Ichigo, his plan,

That’s it.


Seeing this scene, the Thousand Hands Pillar instantly understood.

Now fighting with him,

I’m afraid it’s not the body of the enemy.

Although life between the Thousand Hands Pillar seems very “stupid”. But

His combat IQ is very high.

After analyzing the truth, the Thousand Hands Pillar no longer cared about the other five Paynes that had fallen to the ground.

Instead, he controlled the wooden doppelgänger and attacked directly at Tendo Payne.

The five wooden doppelgangers surrounded Tendo Payne in the middle, and then attacked from different dead ends.


“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Looking at the wooden doppelganger who was attacking him, Tiandao Payne snorted coldly.

And then

A powerful repulsive force centered on him and quickly spread out towards the surroundings

The five wooden doppelgangers were instantly repelled and flew out without resistance.

The next second,

Five black iron rods were inserted into the bodies of the five wooden doppelgangers.

With just one move,

The wooden doppelganger between the thousand hand pillars was solved.

The giant trees around Heavenly Dao Payne were all repelled and flew out.

Around Penn,

A vacuum is formed.

“Is this the power of the Samsara Eye?”

Feeling the information coming back from Mu Feng’s body, the Thousand Hands Pillar also had a certain understanding of the ability that Heavenly Dao Payne had just used.

“Then let me see where the limit of your ability lies!”

After the thousand hands of the pillar are finished, the hands are clapped.

The huge wooden man was instantly ordered to attack Tendo Payne.

Stretching out the thick arm wrapped around the wooden dragon, he slapped his huge palm towards Tiandao Payne!

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