Chapter 159 What’s Wrong? God’s power is so small!!

Under the control of a thousand hand pillars.

The huge wooden man wrapped around the wooden dragon’s arm and slapped it hard towards Tiandao Payne.

This palm is hugely powerful.

A thousand hands between the pillars once used this trick,

A slap flew the Nine Tails thousands of meters away.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Looking at the huge palm that was slapping towards him, a solemn look also arose in Tiandao Payne’s eyes.

A loud pop,

The pupil power of the reincarnation eye is frantically cathartic.

A huge repulsive force instantly applied to the wooden man’s arm.


With a loud Madarag,

The wooden man’s arm was directly broken by this huge repulsion.

Even the wooden human body also took a dozen steps backwards under this repulsive force.

“It doesn’t feel like a very strong force…”


Seeing that the wooden man was repelled, there was not much disappointment on the face of the Thousand Hands Pillar, if this was the power possessed by the reincarnation eye, it would be too disappointing for him.


Uchiha Madara’s eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye,

I don’t know how much stronger it is than this so-called reincarnation eye now!

Without the slightest pause between the Thousand Hands Pillar, Chakra once again poured into the wooden man madly.


The wooden man’s originally broken arm grew out intact again.

And then

He attacked Tendo Payne again.

Fight the war of attrition,

He hadn’t been afraid of anyone among the thousand hand pillars.

Seeing the wooden man attacking again, Payne couldn’t help but frown.

He knows, this is going to be consumed,

In the end, it must be he who fails.

The chakra of the rebirth of the dirt is infinite.

And he,

What is consumed is real vitality.

“You have to solve the ontology.”

Payne instantly set his eyes on the body of the Thousand Hand Pillar on the opposite side.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

Tendo Payne raised his arm and waved in the direction between the Thousand Hand Pillars.


A powerful gravitational force acted on the body between the thousand hand pillars.

“It’s the exact opposite of the force just now.”

“Want to solve my ontology?”

The Thousand Hands Pillar instantly understood Payne’s intentions.

And then

He controlled the huge wooden man in front of him.


If Payne wants to suck him in,

You have to suck the wooden man over first.


Seeing this scene, Payne showed a rare expression of anger.

Because he found that

There was nothing he could do with the Thousand Hands Pillar.

The power of which he is proud,

It is impossible to inflict any damage on the Thousand Hands Pillar.

“What’s wrong?”

“How can you, who claim to be God, have such little power?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s taunts, Payne grew even angrier.

He must make the little devil on the other side pay the price!

With this thought, Tendo Payne folded his hands,

The pupil power of the reincarnation eye and the chakra in the body were mobilized madly.

“Earthburst Stars!”

With a loud roar, a pitch-black chakra ball rose from Payne’s hand.

Then quickly ascend into the sky.

A powerful gravitational force instantly spilled out of the black chakra ball.

All the ninjas around them had the feeling of being out of the ground under this powerful gravitational force.

Gradually, gravity is getting bigger and bigger, trees, rocks…

They all swept towards the black chakra ball.

“What’s going on?”

“No, I’m about to hold on, who will help me?”

“This kind of power, it’s so terrible, I feel like my body can’t resist it at all.”

All the ninjas present were aware of the horror of the black chakra ball in the sky.


But no one has a way to stop it.


There are already people who are about to be sucked into the air.

“No, you can’t control your body.”

“It’s still a little bit of a look at the power of the Samsara Eye.”

There was also nothing that could be done about this powerful gravitational force.

This trick,

Definitely a powerful sealing move.

And so it goes.

Sooner or later he will be sealed.


“I’ll see what you do!”

Seeing the panicked look of the Konoha ninja, a smile appeared on Payne’s face.


This is God’s unrivaled power! But

Payne’s face also showed a little fatigue.

Using such powerful ninjutsu,

The consumption of his life force was enormous.

“It seems that I still have to do it.”

At this moment,

Naruto’s lazy voice sounded.

Followed by

A powerful chakra breath soared into the sky.


Naruto had an extra chakra ball full of destruction in Naruto’s hand.

“Senfa Wind Spiral Shuriken!”

… With a soft drink,

Naruto Vortex threw the spiral shuriken in his hand towards the Chakra Ball of the Earth Blaster.

Under the action of gravity,

The Wind Spiral Shuriken instantly collided with the black Chakra Ball in the sky.


With a deafening sound.

A huge explosion occurred in the sky.

Followed by

The powerful, ubiquitous gravitational force dissipated completely.

Countless stones, huge trees fell from the sky.

Seeing this scene,

Senju Pillar quickly used the wooden ninjutsu to shelter the people of Konoha and blasted it!

Madarag! Ten seconds later,

The sky was finally calm again.

The people of Konoha Village also cried out again.

“It’s worthy of Lord Naruto, who cracked the opposite move at once!”

“Yes, just that move, the first generation of adults didn’t have anything to do.”

“It scared me to death, I thought I was going to be buried in the sky.”

“With Naruto in the world, we don’t have to worry about anything at all.”

The smile on Payne’s face had disappeared by this time.

He didn’t think about it.

A trick that consumed so much life force was cracked like this!

That’s a star!

It is the most powerful sealing technique in the eyes of reincarnation! How could it be cracked so easily? This made Payne a little unacceptable for a while.

“Not bad, little devil.”

Senju patted Naruto Uzumaki on the shoulder.

Naruto’s performance was somewhat unexpected.


The young Naruto of the Vortex had such great power.

(Note: The last time he fought with Naruto Uzumaki between the Thousand Hands Pillar, he was erased from consciousness by the Great Snake Maru, so he didn’t know the true power of Naruto Uzumaki)

“Next, leave it to me.”

“You go and help with the other members of the AkatsukiOrganization.”

“Remember, try to catch it alive.”

Naruto knew that Payne was about to go crazy.

In order to prevent others from being affected, Naruto Uzumaki decided to take matters into his own hands.


Enough is enough to hide behind the scenes and watch the play.

Naruto would not miss a chance to improve his combat experience.

“I see.”

There was nothing more to say between the Thousand Hands Pillars.

Directly ceded the battlefield to Naruto Uzumaki.

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