Chapter 160 My Power Is Far Above You!!

“Then I’ll leave it to you.”

There was no hesitation between the Thousand Hands Pillar, leaving the battlefield to Naruto Uzumaki.


Instead, he went to support the other ninjas who were fighting against the members of the AkatsukiOrganization.

“Come on, let me see how much power Naruto has come to Tendo Payne as a self-proclaimed god.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s arrogant look, Tendo Payne had a smile on his face.


He already had no hope of today’s battle.


I didn’t expect Naruto Uzumaki to take the initiative to choose to fight him.

Isn’t that a proper way to give a chance?

You know,

As long as you solve the ninja who uses the art of dirt rebirth, the art of dirt rebirth will be automatically dissolved.

By that time,

Konoha had no one to stop him.

“A little devil is a little devil.”

“You’ll pay for your arrogance.”

Payne sneered, dismissive of Naruto’s performance.

“Is it?”

“Is it really possible for you to do this?”

Naruto looked at the conceited Payne and laughed dumbly.

In his opinion,

Nagato blackened,

Definitely not just because of Yahiko’s death.

The main reason,

It was because after Nagato mastered the power of the reincarnation eye, he had lost himself under this powerful power.

Claiming to be God, he became cold and heartless.

These are the most intuitive changes since Nagato gained power.

In the comics,

Uchiha Obito has also said,

At most, he can control the power of one reincarnation eye.

If all two eyes are replaced by the eye of reincarnation, then he will sink into the powerful power of the eye of reincarnation.


This is the case with Nagato now.

“Well, just try it.”

Payne snorted coldly, and then attacked in an instant.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

This is his favorite and best move.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”


What Payne didn’t expect was that,

Naruto did the same thing.

And then

Two powerful gravitational forces collide in the air.

Tear everything in the middle into pieces!

“How can that be?”

“How can you have such power?!”

Seeing this scene, Payne’s face showed a look of gaffe.

He couldn’t figure it out.

Why would Naruto have the same power as him.

“What’s so weird?”

“There’s more to you than you know.”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled contemptuously. He certainly doesn’t lead to everything. This is the pupil technique of the reincarnation eye.


Gravity, repulsion he had all mastered.


There is no difference between the Heavenly Signs of Divine Luo and the Heavenly Signs of the Samsara Eye.


“It must just be a similar ability!”

“All your proud strength, in front of my eyes, is nothing!”

Payne roared angrily.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

With a low sigh, a powerful repulsive force, centered on Payne, instantly rushed in all directions.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Opening his mouth almost at the same time as Payne, Naruto Uzumaki let out the same low sigh.

And then

An equally powerful repulsive force burst out from Naruto’s body.


The two repulsions collided between Naruto and Payne in the vortex.

“No, it’s impossible!”

Seeing that Naruto had used the Divine Sign, Payne was completely furious.

Since mastering the power of the Samsara Eye,

No one has ever been able to resist these two moves in the front.

And because of this,

Payne would call himself God.


Today it was blocked by Naruto Uzumaki head-on.

This made Payne extremely angry.

He felt that his majesty had been provoked! Followed by

Payne began to increase his pupils.

Even if it consumes more life force,

He’s going to crush Naruto from the front as well!


Feeling the frantic output of Penn’s pupil power, Naruto Uzumbo snorted coldly.

You have the reincarnation eye, I have the perfect immortal body.

Than consume, see who can fight whom!

Naruto Uzumaki also mobilized his whole body of Chakra.

And then

The repulsion around him once again increased several times.

At the intersection of the two repulsive forces,

Even space is distorted.

With the full force of the two men, Payne obviously couldn’t hold on.

After all

What he consumes is the pupil power of the reincarnation eye plus his own life force.

And Naruto Uzumaki,

It is only the consumption of the insignificant part of the massive chakra in the body.

Under the constant suppression of Naruto in the whirlpool, Payne could not hold on any longer.


A loud noise,

Payne was thrown out by a powerful repulsion.

The body left a deep ravine on the ground.

“You bastard!”

“I don’t believe it!”

“I am the child of destiny who has the eye of reincarnation!”

“Only I can bring change and peace to this ninja world!”

“I’m going to kill you!”

Defeated by Naruto Uzumaki with his most proud move, Payne had clearly collapsed somewhat.

Ignoring his own rapid passing chakra, he once again attacked Naruto in the vortex.

“Super Divine Luo Tianzheng!”

With a loud cry from Payne, a powerful repulsive force quickly swept towards Naruto the whirlpool.

He wanted to use this blow to completely solve Naruto Uzumaki.


For Payne’s pause, Naruto just gently raised his arm.

“Super Divine Luo Tianzheng!”

He was going to use the same move to beat Payne head-on.

Kill people with a heart!

He wants Nagato to fully recognize reality.


Two powerful repulsive forces collided again.

Followed by

The contact place even tore the space apart……… A pitch black sheet was revealed.

Everything caught between the two repulsions was annihilated.

This power is simply too powerful.


Let the rest of the people who were fighting also stop at the same time.

“This guy… How can there be such a powerful force? ”

“It’s terrible, Lord Naruto’s power is unfathomable.”

“This feeling…… How can you just look at it and can’t help but tremble all over your body? ”

“Is Payne going to lose?”

“How could Naruto’s power be so powerful?” Fortunately, there is still noodles, otherwise the plan to collect the tailed beast will definitely fail. ”

“This level of power, what else can we fight?” It was simply the battlefield between Naruto and Penn. Whoever wins between the two of them, the corresponding side wins. ”

“This… There is nothing wrong with saying that. ”

Everyone’s eyes were focused on Payne and Naruto Uzumhir.

They know,

Which side can win today’s war.

It still depends on the competition between these two people.


“My power is far above you!”

Naruto snorted coldly and frantically output Chakra again.


The original equilibrium was broken.

Payne was also instantly reprimanded and flew out again.

His pupil power,

It couldn’t be compared to Naruto, who possessed a perfect immortal body and possessed two tailed beasts in his body.

This time

Tendo Payne never stood up again.

Although he has undergone special refining, his body,

Now it’s almost ruined.

“How can it be……”

Looking at Naruto who had come to him, Payne was still murmuring in a low voice.

He kind of couldn’t take such a huge blow.

“Recognize reality, you are not a so-called god.”

“You’re just a container for other people’s eyes.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Payne’s pupils shrank suddenly.

“What do you say?!”

“I mean, these reincarnation eyes aren’t yours.”

Naruto looked at Payne on the ground and spoke softly.

Payne was just a puppet made by Nagato.

He had to find Nagato’s true being.


“These are my eyes!”

Payne simply didn’t believe what Naruto Uzumaki was saying.

It was because of the Samsara Eye that Nagato would always believe that he was the most special Naruto who said that the Samsara Eye was not his.

He is just a vessel for the eyes of reincarnation.

This makes Nagato how to accept.

“Believe it or not.”

“I will find your body.”

“Until then, keep your eyes for me.”

After Naruto finished speaking, a spiral pill completely shattered Tendo Payne.


He was about to find Nagato’s body.

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