Chapter 163 The Truth of Those Dusty Pasts!!

Not far from the Valley of the End, inside a huge coarse tree.

A woman with light blue-purple hair and a man covered in skinny bones like a skeleton were staying inside.

It was AkatsukiNan and Nagato of the AkatsukiOrganization.

“Nagato, is your body all right?”

Looking at Nagato, whose mouth was spilling blood, a worried look appeared on AkatsukiNan’s face.

“I’m okay.”

“However, Yahiko’s body…”

Nagato shook his head, a look of loss on his face.

In the battle with Naruto Uzumaki,

He failed. And the defeat was so utter.

The most critical thing is,

The corpse of Yahiko, who was refined by him into Tendo Payne,

They were all completely damaged in the battle with Naruto Uzumaki.

“I didn’t expect the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force to have such a powerful force.”

“Let’s get out of here first.”

“Later, make plans.”

Today’s battle, AkatsukiNan saw everything clearly through the paper crane.

She knows it too.

With Nagato’s strength, it was absolutely impossible to be Naruto’s opponent.


Akatsukinan prepares to take Nagato to hide for a while.

In her heart,

I don’t know why,

There is always an inexplicable sense of crisis.

“That’s all there is to it.”

“This time I was careless.”

“Wait for the next time, I will definitely defeat the Nine-Tailed Man Pillar Force head-on!”

“No one can stop me, I achieve my goal!”

Nagato clenched his fists, very unwilling inside.

He couldn’t figure it out.

Why the Nine-Tailed Man Pillar Force Vortex Naruto,

Will have the power that only the reincarnation eye can possess.


Still so powerful.

Even he is not the opponent of the other side.

“I’ll talk about these things later.”

“Your task now is to take care of yourself.”

Hearing Akatsukinan’s words, Nagato’s heart was even more unhappy.

His body was very clear in his own heart.

It is absolutely not something that can be cured by simple cultivation.

Every minute and every second of the reincarnation eye was constantly pumping out what little life force he had left.

“You’re just a vessel for warming the eyes of samsara.”

I don’t know why,

Nagato’s mind suddenly came up with Naruto Uzumaki’s words.

Although Nagato was very reluctant to believe such things.


But I still couldn’t help but feel a little doubt in my heart.


Is it really just a vessel for warming the eye of samsara? Otherwise

Why is it that every time he uses a part of the power of the Samsara Eye, the Samsara Eye has to extract a part of his life force?


If one’s own reincarnation eye is transplanted into oneself.

The one who really has the eye of reincarnation,

Who the hell is that? Is it Uchiha Madara?

“Nagato, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing that Nagato was lost in thought, Konan’s mouth asked.

“Ahhh… It’s okay, let’s leave. ”

Nagato is now full of reincarnation things.

He must find out this secret.


How important this matter is in Nagato’s mind,

It has now gone beyond the goal of collecting tailed beasts to achieve peace in the ninja world.


“I don’t think it’s so easy for you to go today.”

Just as Konana and Nagato were preparing to evacuate.

The space in front of you suddenly twisted.

Followed by

Wearing a vortex mask, Uchiha appeared in front of the two of them.


“What do you want to do?!”

Seeing Uchiha with the soil, Akatsukinan immediately blocked Nagato’s side.

Now Uchiha Obito Soil appears here.

Absolutely nothing good.

“Don’t be nervous.”

“I’m just here to get back what belongs to me.”

Uchiha took the earth to look at the reincarnation eyes in Nagato’s eyes, and secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit in his heart.

After seeing Naruto’s strength, Uchiha had already understood.

To achieve your plan, you must obtain the eye of samsara.

And now,

Nagato, who has very little life force left, has no use value.

“Something that belongs to you?”

“Isn’t it…?!”

Uchiha’s words made Nagato’s pupils shrink suddenly.

The meaning of this sentence made him instantly think of what Naruto had said before.


Is he really just a hotbed of reincarnation eyes chosen by Uchiha Madara? The true master of these eyes of reincarnation,

Is it Uchiha Madara?!

The more Nagato thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was not wrong.

If things really go the way he thinks,

Na Uchiha took Tu to him and told him how to use the method of reincarnation eyes.

These questions,

It can all be explained clearly.

As the true master of the Samsara Eye,

Uchiha knew how to use the Samsara Eye, and it was naturally not surprising.

“Nagato, what the hell is going on?”

Seeing Uchiha with the soil and Nagato, Akatsukinan was very confused.

What belongs to Uchiha Madara?

What is that?

“AkatsukiNan, the reincarnation eye in my body may have originally belonged to Uchiha Madara.”

Hearing Nagato’s words, Konan’s mouth opened wide in shock.

The reincarnation eye originally belonged to Uchiha Madara?

How is this possible?!

“Looks like you’re smart.”

Uchiha sneered a few times.

I didn’t expect that Nagato was such an extremely conceited person,

I was able to guess the truth of the matter.

“At that time, after the battle between me and the original Naruto Senju Pillar, I was seriously injured.”

“I have been struggling on the edge of life and death, and I am worried that after death, the reincarnation eye will also disappear.”

“Therefore, I asked Jedi to find the right person for me throughout the ninja world.”

“That person, that’s you, Nagato!”

“But thankfully, I survived.”

“Looking at you who have already established the AkatsukiOrganization, I decided to make good use of you.”

Looking at the shocked looks of Konan and Nagato, Uchiha took the soil in a good mood.

What he enjoys most is the feeling of playing everyone in the palm of his hand.

They were just pawns in his hand.

“Aren’t you curious?”

“Why did Shimura Tunzang suddenly find a mountain pepper fish Hanzo to cooperate?”

“Why were there only the two of you and Yahiko on that day?”

“That’s because I’m the one behind all this!”

“It’s me who let Shimura Tunzang and Hanzo join forces to attack you.”

“It was also me who intercepted and killed all the other members of the AkatsukiOrganization in the middle of the road!”

“Now that you’re useless, I’m going to get back this pair of reincarnation eyes that originally belonged to me.”

Uchiha took Tu and told all the truth.

All this,

This plunged Nagato and Konan into a deep despair.


The real murderer of Yahiko,

It’s hidden around them!

“You bastard!”

In anger, AkatsukiNan launched an attack on Uchiha with soil.


It was completely impossible to hurt Uchiha Obito Soil, who possessed divine power.

“Okay, I’ve said it all.”

“Now, it’s time to send you on your way.”

Uchiha finished speaking with Tu and prepared to attack Nagato.

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