Chapter 164 The Eye of Reincarnation is mine, Nagato and Konan, in a desperate situation!!

“Now, it’s almost time to send you on your way.”

Uchiha finished speaking with Tu and prepared to attack Nagato and Konan.

Nagato had just experienced a big battle and was definitely tired now.

This opportunity,

But it is a rare occurrence in ten thousand years.

“AkatsukiNan, you go first!”

Seeing Uchiha with Tu preparing to attack, Nagato’s face was solemn.

As Uchiha had expected.

His body was now at his weakest.

The battle with Naruto Uzumaki had already consumed most of his strength.

Uchiha took Tu to choose to shoot now, and he really wasn’t necessarily able to resist it.

And, most critically,

His body is very fragile and cannot move.

This doomed him to be a target in battle.

Since Uchiha had chosen to take a shot at him now, he must have been absolutely sure.


Nagato decides to use his life to drag Uchiha to the soil.

In exchange for AkatsukiNan’s time to escape.

“I’m not going to go.”

“I want to avenge Yahiko and the dead members of the AkatsukiOrganization!”

“Even if I die here, I will not hesitate.”

AkatsukiNan did not have any intention of escaping.

Since Yahiko’s death,

Nagato is her only relative in this world.

If Nagato is dead,

AkatsukiNan has no nostalgia at all in this world.


AkatsukiNan wants to give it a go.

And, over the years,

She also had a certain understanding of the power of Uchiha with soil.

She teamed up with Nagato,

It may not be defeated in the hands of Uchiha Daito!

“Innocent little devil!”

Uchiha snorted coldly, and then took the lead in attacking Nagato’s body that could not move, and it was the best way to break through.

“Paper Shuriken!”

Konan saw through the purpose of Uchiha’s Obito and instantly blocked in front of Nagato,

Launched an attack on Uchiha with soil.


In the face of AkatsukiNan’s attack,

Uchiha does not dodge or dodge.

Instead, he directly launched the divine power and came to Nagato’s face.


Seeing this scene, AkatsukiNan gritted his teeth.

Then countless thousand paper cranes instantly wrapped Uchiha in the dirt bag.


This is a tactic that AkatsukiNan has long studied well.

The time limit for the blurring of Uchiha Obito soil is about five minutes.

Just for these five minutes, the detonator is continuously detonated.

You can completely blow up Uchiha with soil!


With a roar, Uchiha could only choose to aMadaradon his attack.

If Materializer attacks, the Detonator will kill him as soon as possible.

“How long can you hold out about such an explosion?”

Although he was temporarily entangled in the detonator and could not shoot, Uchiha was not in a hurry.

Trying to defeat him with a large number of detonators is a pipe dream.

“AkatsukiNan, listen to me, we are not his opponents now.”

“You go first.”

Nagato said to Konan.

Uchiha’s divine power with the earth was very restrained by his power.

Even if he had the Eye of Reincarnation, there was nothing he could do with Uchiha.

“Let’s go back to the rain country first.”

“As long as I get there, I’ll be able to solve Uchiha Madara.”

Using a thousand paper cranes, Konan, with Nagato, flew there in the direction of the Land of Rain,

There were six hundred billion detonators she had prepared long ago.

As long as she leads Uchiha to that location, she will have the confidence to defeat the other party.


AkatsukiNan’s idea is good,

However, Uchiha would not let her and Nagato leave like this

Seeing the two running in the direction of the Land of Rain, Uchiha took Tu and chose to shoot directly at the two.

“The Art of Cuttings!”

With a low sigh, countless sharp wooden thorns quickly attacked in the direction of Konan and Nagato.

As long as the wooden thorn is inserted into the body, the wooden thorn will instantly grow countless branches to completely destroy the opponent’s body from the inside.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Seeing the wooden thorn coming, Nagato instinctively activated the ability of the reincarnation eye.


Under the powerful repulsion, countless wooden thorns flew back towards Uchiha’s Obito.


Uchiha took the earth to unleash the divine power and dodged the blow.


In the sky, Nagato spat out another mouthful of blood.

His current body,

It was worse than expected.

Just by using a little power of the reincarnation eye, it almost knocked him unconscious on the Madara.

“Nagato, don’t use the Samsara Eye anymore!”

Seeing this scene, AkatsukiNan said anxiously.

Already knowing the truth, she finally understood why Nagato would pay such a big price for using the reincarnation eye.

Every time Nagato uses the eye of reincarnation, it consumes the true life force and goes on like this.

No need for Uchiha to take the soil to shoot,

Nagato himself played himself to death.

“Cough… Cough……”

Nagato coughed weakly a few times.

He didn’t have the strength to speak now.

“See how long you can hold out!”

Seeing Nagato’s appearance, Uchiha snorted coldly with the earth.

He then continued his attack on Nagato and Konan.

Fire escape, wood escape…

One powerful ninjutsu after another kept heading towards Konan’s and Nagato’s attacks.

AkatsukiNan could only helplessly put down Nagato and concentrate on fighting with Uchiha.


AkatsukiNan’s strength is limited after all,

Coupled with the fact that Uchiha has been looking for an opportunity to sneak into Nagato.

This made AkatsukiNan a little stretched in the battle.


As time went on, the detonators on AkatsukiNan’s body became less and less.

In the end,

The detonator that AkatsukiNan carried with him had been completely exhausted.


There was very little chakra left on his body.

“It looks like I won the battle in the end.”

Uchiha looked at AkatsukiNan, who was already crumbling, and laughed softly a few times.

He transplanted white blood cells,

In terms of staying power,

But it is not comparable to ordinary people.

“Madara, even if you die, I won’t let you get these eyes!”

AkatsukiNan watched Uchiha take the soil and launched an instantaneous spell to come to Nagato’s body.

Looking at Nagato, who had basically fallen into a coma, she decided.

Even if she destroyed these reincarnation eyes with her own hands, she would not let the reincarnation eyes fall into the hands of Uchiha Obito Earth again.

“What a shame.”

“If you have this realization, you should destroy these eyes before you fight.”

Seeing AkatsukiNan’s movements, Uchiha did not worry at all.

Instead, he slowly walked towards Nagato.

“This… What’s going on?! ”



Seeing Uchiha bring the soil in, Konan wants to destroy the reincarnation eye in Nagato’s eyes.

When she was ready to move, she found that her body was completely out of her control.

In the battle just now,

She had unknowingly caught the illusion of Uchiha’s Obito soil!


AkatsukiNan regretted it very much now.

He knew that the other party was Uchiha Madara, who had the eye of a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

How could I forget to guard against illusion!

“Finally, these eyes are mine.”

Uchiha also had a hint of excitement in his tone.

For these eyes of reincarnation,

He didn’t know how long he had been looking forward to it!

Watching Uchiha take Tutu and extend his hand to Nagato’s eyes, Akatsukinan completely fell into despair.


Is it really going to die like this? Samsara Eye,

Is it still going to be obtained by Uchiha Madara?


Just as Uchiha was preparing to gouge out Nagato’s reincarnation eye, a wave of warning suddenly arose in his heart.

And then

A figure quickly appeared in front of him.


With a loud roar,

The powerful attack landed around Uchiha’s Obito and destroyed the area within a radius of several meters.

Although Uchiha took the earth to use the divine power to dodge this attack.

But Nagato’s body had also been taken captive.


Looking ahead, Uchiha had a dignified face.

“It seems that the right time has come.”

“The next battle is up to me.”

The smoke and dust dissipated,

Naruto Uzumhir’s figure appeared in front of everyone…. And.

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