Chapter 166 with soil, remember this trick? Flying Thor II Stage!!

“If I’m not mistaken, the ninja who didn’t find the body.”

“It should be you…”

“Uchiha… With soil! ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha’s pupils shrank suddenly.

How can it be?

Was it really guessed?! This little devil,

Is it really a monster? Strong strength,

The IQ is still so anti-heavenly.

At this moment,

Looking at Naruto with a smile on his face,

A chill rose in Uchiha’s heart.

No one had ever made him feel so frightened.

Even if it was the former Uchiha Madara.

“Looks like I guessed right.”

Seeing Uchiha’s earthy look, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

“Little devil, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“That guy in your mouth, I don’t know.”

Uchiha Obito would certainly not admit Naruto’s speculation.

If admitted,

Once the news gets out,

Then when he does things in the future, it will not be so convenient.

“Then you say that Uchiha Obito Earth is the crane tail of the most crane that Konoha has ever seen, a poor insect that no one loves.”

Seeing that Uchiha didn’t admit it, Naruto Uzumaki teased.

Although Uchiha didn’t admit it, it made no difference to him.


Can tease Uchiha Obito soil,

Naruto Uzumaki was still very happy in his heart.

Uchiha was silent.

He had only one thought in his mind now.

That is to give Naruto the vortex eight pieces.

“Look, not saying it is the default.”

Looking at the whirlpool Naruto and Uchiha Obito soil, Nagato and Konan’s hearts were shocked from the current situation,

The possibility that the masked man in front of him is Uchiha is very small.


It is most likely the Uchiha Obito soil in the Uzumaki Naruto.

“Damn, I have been deceived for so long.”

Nagato was a little depressed.

He had always treated Uchiha as a Uchiha Madara.


With his character,

It was absolutely impossible for Uchiha to become the leader behind the AkatsukiOrganization.

“Fire Dragon Technique!”

Uchiha didn’t continue to hang out with Naruto Uzumaki.

Instead, the attack was launched directly.

Naruto’s sudden appearance had disrupted his plans.

This time

If he can’t snatch the Samsara Eye into his own hands.

That once the reincarnation eye fell into the hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

His plan was about to be completely ruined.

“The Great Breakthrough!”

Naruto Uzumaki also unleashed a ninjutsu, and then rushed towards Uchiha with the soil.


Both were extremely fast.


It got entangled.

Just a hand-to-hand fight,

Uchiha was shocked.

Naruto’s power was too strong.

Even if his body has been strengthened by white blood cells.

But fight hard with Naruto Uzumaki.

Still in the ascendant.

“Hmm, what I’m best at, back is not physical skills.”

Although the confrontation of the physical skills fell into the downwind, Uchiha took the soil without fear of him and snorted coldly, and then took out a chain from his arms.


With the sound of chains colliding,

Uchiha took the soil and fixed the chain to both wrists.

And then

Rushing towards Naruto in the vortex again.

As long as he touches it,

He was able to use his divine power to pull Naruto into his own alien space.

At that time,

He was the one who won the battle.

“It’s kind of interesting.”

Seeing Uchiha’s posture with soil, Naruto Uzumaki had a smile on his face that was hard to say.

If he remembered correctly,

When he and Uchiha Daito fought against the Wave Wind and Water Gate, this method was used.

“Then I’ll play with you!”

Naruto Vortex pretended not to know Uchiha’s ability to carry the soil, and then rushed up as well.


Naruto’s attack penetrated Uchiha’s body without incident.

And then

The chains behind Uchiha’s Obito bound Naruto to Uzumaki.


Uchiha took the earth with joy and immediately unleashed the divine power.

Naruto felt a strange suction force in an instant. The space around him seemed to be beginning to become distorted.


At the beginning of a thousand guns,

Naruto Uzumaki unleashes an instantaneous spell and successfully escapes the control of Uchiha Obito.

“Did you hide from it?”

“Then it will be faster next time.”

The blow did not succeed, and Uchiha did not get discouraged.

With divine power in hand,

Naruto Uzumaki was no threat to him at all.

However, he only needed to be able to catch Naruto in the vortex once.

Then the battle is over.

A ninja who was forcibly transferred to another space by Kamui,

For a short period of time, they will fall into a coma and their bodies will be numb.

Ten thousand steps back and said,

Even if Naruto’s body is unusually strong.


As long as he is sucked into the alien space by his divine might,

He could have let Naruto in the vortex fend for himself inside.

And this,

It was also the reason why Uchiha Daito, after seeing the strength of Naruto Uzumaki, dared to fight Naruto Uzumaki head-on.

“Little devil, this time you won’t have such good luck!”

Uchiha finished speaking with the earth and once again rushed towards Naruto the whirlpool.

Naruto Uzumaki also chose to confront Uchiha Head-on.

“Spiral Pill!”

Just as the two sides were about to make contact, Naruto Uzumaki had an extra sky blue chakra ball in his hand.

Seeing the spiral pill in Naruto’s hand, Uchiha was stunned.

This picture,

How does it seem a little familiar? But

At such a critical time,

Uchiha didn’t have the heart to think much about it.

Looking at the swirling Naruto who was close at hand, Uchiha snorted coldly in his heart.

“It looks like I won.”

Uchiha’s tone was full of confidence.

And then

After materializing, he reached out and grabbed Naruto in front of him.


Just as Uchiha was about to grab Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki suddenly disappeared from his eyes.


The attack fell short, and Uchiha opened his mouth wide in shock.

Through the sixth sense,

A fierce sense of crisis arose in Uchiha’s heart.

He wants to unleash divine power,

However, it was too late.

“Remember that?”

“This trick…… Flying Thor 2nd Stage! ”


There came the indifferent voice of Naruto Uzumaki.

Followed by

Uchiha felt a pain coming from his back.


With a loud roar.

Uchiha’s Obito soil was pressed to the ground by a spiral pill of Naruto Uzumaki.

“Flying Thor… Second paragraph?! ”

Hit head-on by the Spiral Maru, Uchiha quickly retreats with the soil.

Just that blow,

It reminded him of his former teacher, Bo Feng Shui Men.

Originally, during the Night of the Nine Tails,

It was precisely by virtue of this move that Bo Feng Shui Men defeated him.

Struggling to lift my head,

Uchiha suddenly found that the vortex Naruto in front of him,

And the wave of wind and water in his memory, it gradually coincided.

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