Chapter 167 The task of seizing the Eye of Samsara is completed and AkatsukiNan is subdued!!

Looking at Naruto’s familiar and somewhat unfamiliar face, Uchiha brought waves of horror to his heart.

He only suddenly remembered it now.

This little devil in front of you,

I was my former teacher.

The son of the fourth generation of Naruto wave feng shuimen!

“How can that be?!”

“Even if you master the Flying Thunder God, you shouldn’t have a chance to transfer to my back.”

Uchiha leaned over with Tu Tong, and his expression was a little puzzled.

When the wave of Feng Shui Men defeated him,

It was because he had thrown the special bitterness engraved with the Flying Thunder Divine Technique behind him in advance.


Naruto hadn’t thrown anything out of the vortex just now.

“I launched the Flying Thunder God, but I don’t need to engrave the Flying Thunder God’s magic in advance.”

“The Flying Thunder God Technique has long been improved by me.”

Naruto Uzumaki naturally wouldn’t tell Uchiha the truth.


Guess for yourself!

“When the hell is that…?!”

As for Naruto’s nonsense, Uchiha naturally wouldn’t believe it.

If you can really improve the Flying Thunder God, you can move in space without the Flying Thunder Magic Style.

Then he simply committed suicide.

Just when Uchiha took the earth and couldn’t figure it out.


A picture flashed through Uchiha’s mind. It was at the time of the Battle of the Valley of the End and the Konoha Crowd.

He had been attacked by the face numbness behind his back with a spiral pill.


“This guy, what a deep heart!”

Uchiha Obito soil can be sure.

It must have been Mihama who left the Flying Thunder Magic Technique on his back while attacking him with the Spiral Pill.

That’s all,

Only then was he able to explain why Naruto was able to transfer to his back in an instant through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

“It was like this, I see!”

“You must be in the Valley of the End…”


Uchiha was just about to confidently express his analysis when Naruto’s figure instantly appeared in front of him.

And then

A sharp sword of bitterness instantly pierced the heart of Uchiha’s Obito.

“The villain died of a lot of words.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and stirred it a few times with Kushina in the heart of Uchiha’s Obito.

Uchiha just wanted to say what he knew it.

Naruto didn’t want to hear Uchiha with his cranks.

“You this… Bastard! ”

Uchiha coughed up a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

Compared to the pain in the body,

Uchiha took the soil more depressed no.

He was clever once,

Originally thought to be able to fit a good one, the result,

Naruto Uzumaki doesn’t play cards at all! Boy

Even if you want to shoot,

Can’t you wait for him to finish his words before he does?

He’s rarely been so smart! That’s it

In the midst of extreme depression,

The vitality of Uchiha’s Obito soil passed quickly.

And then

Consciousness is completely plunged into darkness.

“Can’t you even kill like this?”

Seeing the disappearing body of Uchiha with Earth, Naruto Uzumaki frowned.


He had pierced the heart of Uchiha at the first moment.


It turned out that it was Uchiha who brought the soil to launch Izanagi to change the fact of death.

“It seems that if you want to completely solve the Uchiha Obito soil, you still need to wait until after the sixth level.”

Naruto Uzumaki sighed.


As long as Uchiha Obito Earth possesses enough writing wheel eyes, he will be able to resurrect infinitely through Izanagi indefinitely.

With Naruto Uzumaki’s current strength, it would be very difficult to completely kill Uchiha Obito.

No one knows how many writing wheel eyes Uchiha still has. Naruto didn’t have the heart to go down with Uchiha like this.

Of course

This is only the current stage.

After Naruto Vortex collects the Nine Tailed Beasts and becomes the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force.

He was able to enter the six levels.

With the strength of the six Dao Level, Naruto Vortex could condense the Seeking Path Jade.

The Path Jade can turn everything into nothingness.

Even ninjas who were reborn through the dirt could not recover again after being hit by the Seeker Jade.


As long as you kill Uchiha with the Seeker Jade,

Then Uchiha could not be resurrected through the ninjutsu of Izanagi.

“Well… There’s no rush anyway. ”

“Just let him live for a few more days.”

After thinking about it,

Naruto Uzumaki was no longer entangled.


Through today’s events,

Uchiha should not easily appear in front of him.

After all

Once the Flying Thunder Divine Technique was engraved, it was almost impossible to eliminate.

After solving the Uchiha Obito soil, it is time to solve Nagato.

“How’s it going?”

“Ready to give up your eyes?”

Naruto walked over to Nagato’s side and spoke softly.

“Naruto, Nagato won’t live much longer.”

“Can you wait for Nagato to die before you take the reincarnation eye away?”

“I promise that I will take good care of Nagato and not let Uchiha take advantage of the soil!”

Konan blocked in front of Nagato, looking at Naruto whirlpool pleadingly.

From childhood to adulthood, Akatsukinan has already regarded Nagato as his own relative,

She didn’t want Nagato to have his eyes gouged out at the last moment of his life.

“I can give you two choices.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, AkatsukiNan’s eyes lit up.

Seemingly, is there really a chance for things to turn around?

“First: Give me the reincarnation eye.”

“Second: I will kill you and then take the reincarnation eye myself.”

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t have a hint of emotion in his tone.


Wait for Nagato to die and then take the reincarnation eye? Naruto Uzumaki wasn’t that stupid.

If anything happens during this period, isn’t he finished? This ninja world is full of crises.

Naruto would never be complacent about his current strength.

Not to mention the few big barrels of wood that are coming.

Right now,

He may be under the observation of the big barrel wood.

This question of principle,

Naruto would never compromise at all.

“Naruto, if you can grant my request, I am willing to grant any request from you.”

AkatsukiNan is not dead-hearted,

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, a red glow appeared on his face.


The next second,

Konan was choked by Naruto Uzumaki’s neck.

“Do you think you are qualified to talk to me about the conditions?”

Naruto Uzumaki had a cold look in his eyes.

Although he thought AkatsukiNan looked very good. It’s the type he likes.


If AkatsukiNan dared to say anything more, he wouldn’t mind directly destroying the flowers.

He likes women,

But it will not affect one’s own judgment for the sake of femininity.

“To you, don’t hurt Akatsukinan.”

Seeing that Konan was in crisis, Nagato took his reincarnation eye down and handed it to Naruto Uzumaki.

“AkatsukiNan, take my and Yahiko’s dreams and live well.”

Nagato finished speaking,

It completely lost its vitality.

He was already seriously injured and didn’t have much life force.

Now the Samsara Eye has been forcibly poached away,

Nagato died outright.


Seeing Nagato’s body, Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly.

Then he let go of AkatsukiNan, who was already a little breathless.

“How’s it going?”

“Are you going to follow me back to Konoha or leave on your own?”

Looking at AkatsukiNan, Naruto Uzumaki spoke softly.

“I’ll follow you.”

“Naruto…… Oh no, my lord! ”

“Allow me to be by your side and be a maid in the future.”

Konan knelt in front of Naruto Uzumaki, very obedient.

She had nowhere to go now.

Even though Naruto did not accede to what she had just requested, AkatsukiNan chose to follow Naruto Uzumaki.

AkatsukiNan did not know,

It was because of this decision that she was saved from the brink of death.

If she had just chosen to leave alone,

Naruto Uzumaki would take a shot at her in an instant.

After all

Nagato ultimately died because of him.

If AkatsukiNan did not return to Konoha with him, it would mean that AkatsukiNan was dissatisfied with him in his heart, and maybe even had some hatred.

Naruto Uzumaki had always believed in cutting grass and roots, and he didn’t want to leave any trouble for himself.

“Well, get up.”

“I’ll take you back to Konoha with me.”

Hearing AkatsukiNan’s words, the corners of Naruto’s mouth slightly cocked.

Since AkatsukiNan is so obedient, it should be very good to stay around.

Since they have all come to the world of Naruto for three.

Those ninjas with names and surnames have to try to get it all together.

[Ding: Mission accomplished, Nagato Reincarnation Eye captured]

[Mission Reward: Nine Hook Jade Reincarnation Eyes!] 】


Naruto Uzumhirl’s mind sounded with a hint of a system reward.

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