Chapter 171 The Great Snake Pill, remember the Beiliuhu?!!

“Want to transplant a new eye?”

After listening to Naruto Uzumaki and Kiki Kakashi, Tsunade asked with some surprise

She knew exactly where Kakashi’s eyes came from.


At this time, it was a little shocking to hear that Kakashi had decided to gouge out Uchiha’s earthy eyes.

“It’s a long story.”

Kiki Kakashi explained the cause and effect of the incident to Tsunade in detail.

And then

Tsunade showed a clear look.

“If that’s the case, then I can give you a transplant now.”


Under the operation of the Tsunade hand,

Kakashi’s writing wheel eye was taken off.

Since there is no suitable eye,

So now Kakashi has really become a one-eyed dragon.

“Eye thing, go find the Great Snake Maru.”

“This kind of thing is still the most suitable for yourself.”

“He can clone your eyes there.”

“It just so happens that I also need to find the Great Snake Pill.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, both Tsunade and Kiki Kakashi all looked curious.

Clone your own eyes? Can this kind of thing really be done? thereupon

The two then followed Naruto Uzumaki to the experimental base of the Great Snake Maru.

“What kind of wind is it today that has blown you here?”

Looking at the three of them at Naruto, the Great Snake Maru smiled.

He is in a good mood every day now.


At Naruto Uzumaki’s gesture,

He had access to the most advanced medical equipment in the entire ninja world.


Don’t worry about funding at all.

Nor will anyone come to influence him,

He can concentrate on his experiments without worrying about anything else.

Other than that

Naruto Uzumaki helped him find an assistant.

Whether it’s Kabuto or the Scorpion of Red Sand,

They all have a great talent for researching this.


During this period of time,

A lot of research on the Great Snake Maru has made some new progress.

“Great Snake Maru, what did you study when I asked you to study?”

Seeing the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Uzumaki asked casually.

“Naruto-kun, what you’re asking me to study is something very curious.”

The Great Snake Maru explained.

The principle that the earth can obtain eternal life through the hearts of others, the power of the evil god in the mouth of the flying section………

These things,

None of them can be figured out overnight.

“Well… It doesn’t matter, I have the time gate! ”

“This time, I came here to let you help Kimu Kakashi clone one of his eyes.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Great Snake Maru nodded.

He had fully mastered the technology of cloning.

This kind of thing is not a problem at all.

“Naruto-kun, you shouldn’t have made a special trip for such a small thing, right?”

Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

He came this time,

The ultimate goal is really not this.

“Do you remember Belyuhu?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, both the Great Serpent Maru and Tsunade were stunned.


When they were still ninja school students, Beiliuhu had a good relationship with the Great Snake Maru, Tsunade and Shiraiya.

However, after graduating from ninja school,

The Great Snake Maru, Zi Laiya, and Tsunade became the disciples of the Ape Flying Sun.

In addition, the qualifications of Belyuhu are not good.


A few people are slowly not a world person.


In the end,

Beiliuhu also became a traitor to Konoha because of his human experiments.


None of this is the point.

The point is

How would Naruto know about this person?

Naruto Uzumaki suddenly brought up the beluga for what reason?

Looking at the confused expressions of the crowd, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth to explain.

“Beruhu studied a ninjutsu called the Oni Ya Luo Technique.”

“You can plunder the Blood Inheritance Limit of other ninjas for your own use.”

“Although this ninjutsu has some shortcomings, I am still very interested in this ninjutsu.”

“So, I want you to find him out for me.”

Naruto Uzumaki spoke his true purpose.

There are infinite possibilities for the Ghost Bud Luo Technique, as long as the Ghost Bud Luo Technique can be perfected.

Coupled with cloning technology,

Even if the ninjas of the entire ninja world are all one person and one pair of reincarnation eyes, one person has five or six blood inheritance boundaries,

None of this is a problem.

Combine the two,

It can definitely make the entire ninja world qualitatively sublimated.


The entire ninja world would be under his control.

The ninjas of the ninja world are stronger,

Only then can Naruto the vortex better explore the secrets of this universe.

Naruto Uzumaki does not believe that this universe,

There are only two civilizations, the Ninja Realm and the Ōtsuki clan.

“There is such a ninjutsu!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, everyone present couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air.

The news was simply too shocking.

Blood Inheritance Boundary,

Each one is very powerful,

It is also the power that every ninja aspires to.


The more powerful the force,

It is destined that only fewer people will have it.

This ninja world,

Only a very small number of people can possess the power of the Blood Inheritance Limit.

Right now

There was ninjutsu that could plunder the power of the rest of the ninja’s bloodline into their own bodies.

It’s horrible.

The ninjas present were all smart people, and for a moment,

They thought about the consequences of this ninjutsu.

Once it spreads,

That means,

All ninjas with blood inheritance boundaries,

They may become the target of hunting!

“I’ll leave this matter to me and the Great Snake Maru.”

“We will definitely find Belyuhu and bring him back to Konoha.”

Tsunade said solemnly.

“Well, then it’s up to you.”

“I’m going to Wuyin Village recently and may have to leave the village for a while.”

After explaining the matter, Naruto Uzumaki planned to go to Kirito Village.

Right now

Uchiha’s reincarnation eye is in his hand, which means,

Of the nine tailed beasts,

Only the three tails were not in his hands anymore.

It was also time for him to go to Kirisame Village to collect Mitsuo.


Just take this opportunity,

Take the Kirisame Village into your own hands.

With Naruto Uzumbuki’s current strength,

This kind of thing is not difficult to do.

“Well, you can rest assured.”

Tsunade didn’t say much after hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words.

As a mature woman,

There are some things that Naruto Uzumaki doesn’t say, and she won’t take the initiative to ask.

“Well, then I’ll go first.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and turned away.

Before leaving,

He wants to spend some time with Sakura and Hinata.

These two guys,

Still waiting for yourself at home.

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