Chapter 172 On the eve of the coup!!

Wave Country,

A very luxurious villa.

Naruto is sitting leisurely on a soft sofa.

He accompanies Hinata Konoha for a while, and after Sakura, Naruto Uzumaki chooses to come to the Wave Kingdom.


But he’s like never making a promise,

To break the blood mist system of the Misty Hidden Village.

Right now

It’s time.

“Lord Naruto, when are we leaving?”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, he asked without hesitation.

“Let’s go now.”

Naruto Uzumaki came this time just to take it with him again.

Nothing else.


After arranging everything without chopping,

Naruto Uzumaki rushed towards Kirito Village with no more chops.

“Lord Terumi, I don’t know why, Lord Water Shadow is becoming more and more isolated now.”

“Even the dark part responsible for protecting Lord Water Shadow has not been close to Lord Water Shadow for a long time.”

Listening to the report of his subordinates, Terumi’s brow frowned slightly.

Since the implementation of the Blood Mist Policy,

The fourth generation of Mizuki Shadow Goji Yakura began to become mysterious.

If he hadn’t given any important instructions, he wouldn’t have appeared in front of everyone.

As the shadow of a village,

This is not a good sign.

“Qing, I will lead you to see Lord Water Shadow later, you must clearly explain to Lord Water Shadow, the harm of the Blood Mist Policy can be done.”

Terumi said to Qing beside her.

“Got it.”

Hearing Terumi meditate’s words, Qing nodded.

And then

He walked with Terumi to the Water Shadow Building.


The two men then came to the Water Shadow Building.

“What do you say?”

“Lord Water Shadow refused our request?”

Looking at the shadow ninja in front of her, Terumi became more and more uneasy in her heart.

She always felt that

The four generations of eye water shadows seem to have something wrong.


Terumi looked at Qing,

The two tacitly controlled the dark ninja in front of them in an instant.

at all costs

They all had to see Goji Yakura today.

“Strange, Lord Ice Shadow is not in the Water Shadow Office.”

Terumi and Aoi arrive at the place where Goji Yakura usually works.


However, no figure of Goji Yakura was found.

This made both Terumi and Qing feel a little strange.

“Qing, look at it with white eyes.”

“Maybe Lord Shadow is in danger.”

Hearing Terumi meditate’s words, Qing opened her white eyes.

And then

He discovered a hidden passage in the office of the water shadow.


Under Qing’s leadership, the two of them walked towards the inside of the dark passage.


Halfway through,

Goji Yakura stopped in front of the two men.

“You two… What do you want to do? ”

Looking at Terumi and Ao, Goji Yakura spoke in an indifferent tone.

“We haven’t seen adults for too long, so we’re a little worried.”

“Worried about me?”

“Is there going to be something going on in my Misty Village?”

“Also, have you forgotten my strength?”

When Goji Yakura finished speaking, the momentum on his body exploded.

As a three-tailed pillar force, Goji Yakura’s strength is still very strong.

Even if Terumi has a two-blood inheritance limit,

But in front of Goji Yakura,

Still feeling the pressure.

“We were reckless.”

“Please forgive Lord Shui Ying.”

A cold sweat appeared on Terumi’s forehead, and she didn’t dare to mention the idea of the blood mist policy to Goji Yakura.

“Well, I’ll let you go this time.”

“The next time, without my permission, if you break into this place without permission, you will be dealt with as treason!”

When Goji Yakura finished speaking, he turned and plunged into the darkness.

And Terumi and Qing withdrew from the dark passage.

After staying away from the Water Shadow Building, Qing suddenly stopped Terumi.

“What’s wrong?”

Looking at Qing’s appearance, it was a little strange to look at the beauty of meditation.

“Lord Water Shadow…… Controlled by magic! ”

Qing whispered.


“Are you sure?”

Hearing Qing’s words, Terumi was shocked.

Lord Water Shadow,

Controlled by magic? How can it be!

“I see clearly.”

“Just now, I secretly opened my white eyes, originally wanted to observe the situation inside the dark passage, but unexpectedly found an abnormality in the brain of Lord Shui Ying.”

“I’m sure that Lord Water Shadow must have been controlled by magic.”

After listening to Qing’s words, Terumi fell silent.

Although this thing is unbelievable.


She still had a lot of trust in Qing.

“If that’s the case, then it makes sense that Lord Shui Ying has rarely appeared in all these years.”

“Damn, go and gather our men.”

Terumi meditated for a moment and decided that she couldn’t just sit back and wait.

Originally, she was a little dissatisfied with Goji Yakura.

It’s just that the other party is a water shadow, so she can only hold it all in her heart.

Right now

Now that he knows that the other party has been controlled by magic.

It was a good opportunity to launch a coup d’état and overthrow the Blood Mist policy.

“Got it.”

After hearing Terumi Mitsu’s words, he nodded.

Kirito Village is dissatisfied with the Blood Mist policy, and there are many ninjas who have opinions about Goji Yakura, as long as they tell you the news that Goji Yakura is controlled by magic.

I believe that if they launch a coup d’état, they will definitely respond to it! Qing didn’t say anything more,

Instead, he turned around and disappeared into the alley. A coup d’état must be pre-emptive.


Every minute and every second is precious.

Looking at Qing’s departing back, Terumi was also a little excited.

Unlike most ninjas in Kirisame Village,

Her heart,

It is a very gentle and enthusiastic character.


For the Blood Mist Policy,

Terumi had long wanted to overthrow it completely.

And now,

After so many years of forbearance,

She finally had a chance to overturn this damn blood mist policy!……

“Come on people!”

“Lord Water Shadow!”

“Send someone to keep an eye on Terumi and Qing, and tonight, solve them!”


Looking at the departing Dark Ninja, Goji Yakura snorted coldly.


He naturally knew about Qing’s use of white eyes.


Goji Yakura knew that his affairs had now been exposed.


Terumi’s strength was not much weaker than his.

Goji Yakura was also not sure that he would be able to solve the two of them.

Only two people can be temporarily let go.

Right now

He had ordered the Shadows to assemble.

When the evening comes,

He launched a surprise attack on Terumi and the others.

By that time quality,

Add his strength.

Illuminating the beauty of meditation and youth,

Absolutely will die at your own hands.

Killed such an individual, the whole village of Kirito Hide,

There was no one who could threaten him anymore.

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