Chapter 173 Desperate Situation!!

“Lord Terumi, what is the purpose of suddenly calling us over?”

“Do you mean that you want us to introduce you to handsome guys again?”

“Don’t mess around, Lord Terumi called us all over this time, there must be something wrong, right?”

“Yes, I saw that the face of Lord Qing before was very solemn.”

Wuyin Village,

In a secluded room,

Dozens of ninjas from Kirisame Village had all gathered together.

These people,

All of them are ninjas who are very dissatisfied with the blood mist policy of Kirisame Village.

They usually,

No less get together,

Discuss how to end this abominable blood fog policy.

“Let’s be quiet, this time let everyone come, there are important things to discuss with you.”

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Terumi walked over to everyone.

These ninjas,

It’s all at the level of patience.

It was also the most loyal subordinate she had cultivated in Wuyin Village for so many years.


Terumi then directly stated her purpose.

“In three days, I’m going to stage a coup!”

After Terumi finished speaking, the room, which was still a bit lively, suddenly fell into a dead silence.

It took a long time for the crowd to come back to God.

“Lord Terumi, are you going to launch a coup?” Did I hear you correctly? ”

“What happened?” Why the coup? ”

“Lord Terumi, although we are all dissatisfied with Lord Mercury’s blood mist policy, launching a coup d’état is a bit too chaotic, right?”

“Yes, Lord Shui Ying is a bit disappointing, but we can’t choose to betray the village!”

When they heard that Terumi was going to launch a coup, all the ninjas present were stunned.


They all want to overthrow the Blood Mist Policy of the Misty Village.


There was such a thing as a coup d’état, but no one ever thought of it.


Once the water shadow of the village is shot,

Then they will all become the traitors of the Misty Hidden Village.

The rest of the village will not let them go.

“Lord Water Shadow has been controlled by magic.”

“We are not going to take a shot at Lord Water Shadow, but to rescue Lord Water Shadow from the hands of the enemy.”

The reaction of the crowd had long been expected by Terumi Meditation.

Even if it’s her,

Before he knew that Goji Yakura was controlled by magic, he had never thought of launching a coup d’état.

“Lord Water Shadow was controlled by magic?”

“How is this possible? Lord Terumi, this is not a joke. ”

“In this ninja world, who can quietly use magic to control the Water Shadow Lord?” He’s a shadow-level strongman! ”

Most people are skeptical of Terumi meditation.


Shadow of a village,

It’s unbelievable that someone can magically control this kind of thing.

“I found it with my white eyes.”

In the face of everyone’s doubts, Qing walked to the front of the stage.

Everyone looked at Qing, and then looked at a serious face of Terumi meditation, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

They were originally loyal subordinates of Terumi Meditation.


At this moment, they all chose to accept this fact.

“If that’s the case, Lord Terumi Hades, I’m willing to support you in launching a coup!”

“Me too, the water shadow of our misty village can never be controlled by others.”

“Three days from now, huh?” I’ll contact my person now! ”

“Hmm, if everyone knows that Lord Water Shadow is under control, he will definitely choose to support us!”

After learning that Goji Yakura had been controlled by magic, everyone realized it.

This is a great opportunity to achieve their ideals.

Just be prepared,

Maybe it can really overturn the Blood Mist Policy in one fell swoop.

The most critical thing is,

With the excuse that Goji Yakura was controlled by magic, even if they staged a coup d’état,

Nor will they become traitors.


They will become heroes in the village.

“Well, let’s get ready when we get back today.”

“Remember, you must not leak the news in advance.”

“We must fight quickly and make a quick decision and end the battle in the shortest possible time!”

After listening to Terumi meditation’s words, everyone nodded.

The ninjas present,

All are elites who have experienced many battles.

These things,

Nature understands.

“Well, since that’s the case…”

“No, Lord Terumi Hades, we are surrounded by the Dark Ministry!”

Just as Terumi was about to disMadarad the crowd, a bloodied ninja burst in.


Hearing this news, Terumi’s heart sank.

She didn’t think of anything.

The other party would even do it before her.

“Everybody kill me out!”

“Overthrow the Blood Mist Policy and rescue Lord Shui Ying, just tonight!”

When Terumi finished speaking, everyone rushed outside together.

They all know.

Now that Goji Yakura had sent the Dark Ministry to besiege the place.

That means it was premeditated.


They must have been killed.

Therefore, all the people present also understood,

Only fight to the death,

to have a glimmer of life.


When everyone came outside, they knew their innocence.

In the surroundings,

It is hundreds of ninjas in the Dark Ministry.

Headed by,

It is the four generations of eye water shadow, Goji Yakura!

“Zhaomei, you are plotting to betray the village, and tonight I will catch you all!”

Looking at Terumi and the others who rushed out, Goji Yakura’s face showed a confident smile.


He had already laid the net of heaven and earth.

Terumi and others,

Can’t run away from any of them!

“Goji Yakura has been controlled by the enemy with magic.”

“That’s why we will implement the inhumane blood fog policy!”

“Don’t help the abuse!”

Qing said loudly.

Unfortunately, his words,

The ninjas of the Dark Side were simply indifferent.

“Qing, needless to say.”

“Mi pin one.”

Terumi patted Qing’s shoulder.

It is simply impossible to plot against the Dark Ministry.

“Hmm, don’t measure up.”

“Kill them, not a single living mouth will be allowed to stay!”

Goji Yakura gave his orders to the ninjas in the shadows.

And then

A group of ninjas in the dark side quickly launched an attack on Terumi and the others.

Under the attack of hundreds of shadow ninjas, Terumi and the others quickly fell into the ascendant.

Although they are at least at the level of upper tolerance. But the ninjas of the Dark Ministry are not bad in strength. The ninjas of the Blood Shadow Department cooperate with each other very tacitly.

It’s just a moment’s time.

There have been casualties on Terumi’s side.


Seeing this scene,

Terumi clenched her fists tightly.

These hundreds of ninjas in the Dark Ministry were already difficult enough to deal with. Coupled with Goji Yakura, a real shadow-level strongman.

Terumi couldn’t help but mutter.


Are you really going to die here?

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