Chapter 174 Die with a Beautiful Dream!!

Under the frenzied attack of the dark ninjas of the Kirisame Village,

Terumi and the others were instantly at a disadvantage.

Seeing this scene,

Terumi’s heart sank.


Are you really going to die here today? They can’t even solve these dark parts, let alone

There is also a three-tailed human pillar force next to it, Goji Yakura!

“The Art of Water Dragon Bullets!”

Terumi’s hands were quickly sealed, and then,

A huge water dragon formed in the air.

Followed by

Under the impact of the water dragon,

Terumi and his party temporarily opened up with the dark part of the Kirisame Village.

“Lord Terumi, what should we do now?”

“We’re here to cover you, and you and Lord Qing hurry up and get out of here.”

“Yes, as long as you live and pass on the news that the four generations of people have been controlled by magic, then we will not be sent to death in vain.”

It’s just a kung fu of incense,

Originally, there were only a dozen Shangnin left in the dozens.

These ninjas all understand,

With their strength,

Today I am afraid that there is no life or death.


They want to use their lives,

To create a way of life for Terumi meditation.

“Oh… You’re naïve. ”

“Since Goji Yakura chose to do it tonight, it means that he has laid down a net of heaven and earth.”

“Tonight, let’s fight one last time!”

Looking at the people around him, Terumi made up his mind.

Tonight, just fight to the death!

“The Art of Boiling and Fogging!”

Terumi rushed to the front, spitting out a boiling, strongly corrosive acid mist from her mouth.


A (large) piece of dark ninja was surrounded.


In acid mist,

There was a series of heart-rending shouts.

Even the Dark Ninja,

It is also impossible to bear the pain of being completely corroded by concentrated acid.

“You guys back off!”

Seeing that the dark side was suffering heavy casualties, Goji Yakura blocked in front of Terumi Meditation.

Terumi struggles to the death,

It will definitely cause the ninjas of the Dark Ministry to suffer heavy casualties.

These ninjas,

All of them were the forces he had painstakingly cultivated over the years.

It must not be wasted.


Goji Yakura decides to deal with Terumi Meditation himself.

“Once the typhoon passes!”

Goji Yakura’s hands were sealed, and a fierce wind instantly broke out from his mouth.

Followed by

The acid mist used by Terumi was blown away and disappeared.

“The Art of Dissolving Monsters!”

Seeing that his ninjutsu had been cracked, Terumi Mitsu sealed his hands again.

Followed by

A large amount of viscous and highly corrosive acid spat out from Terumi Mitsu’s mouth and attacked Goji Yakura.

This one trick is extremely ranged and more aggressive.

In the original book,

Even Uchiha Sasuke’s Susanoo was corroded.


Seeing this move, Goji Yakura snorted coldly.

Then a thick layer of chakra coat appeared all over the body.

Under the protection of the coat of Chakra,

Goji Yakura was not harmed in any way.


Seeing this scene, Terumi bit her silver teeth.


Her most powerful ninjutsu,

It was so easily blocked.

“The Art of Water Mirroring!”

Goji Yakura gulped in a low voice.

And then

A mirror made of condensed water appeared in front of him.

The next second,

Out of the mirror came out a doppelganger identical to Terumi Meditation.


Seeing the same body as himself, Terumi’s heart completely sank to the bottom.

This is the signature ninjutsu of the four generations of Memizu Shadow.

Through this water mirror,

Ability to duplicate a doppelgänger exactly like an enemy. This doppelgänger can use the same ninjutsu as the opponent.

And even the power,

It’s all the same.


As soon as this doppelgänger appeared, he quickly tangled with Terumi Meditation.

No matter how hard Terumi trys,

They can only fight with this doppelganger.

“The Art of Water Dragon Bullets!”

“The Art of Water Dragon Bullets!”

“The Art of Dissolving Monsters!”

“The Art of Dissolving Monsters!”

“The Art of Boiling and Fogging!”

“The Art of Boiling and Fogging!”


This doppelganger,

Even the Blood Inheritance Limit of Terumi Meditation can be perfectly replicated.

“Lord Terumi, we can’t hold on!”

“Run, be sure to live!”

“Damnable bastard, I fought with you!”

“For the future of the Misty Hidden Village, for the sake of the children, I will definitely not fall down so easily!”

While Terumi and the doppelgänger were fighting, the ninjas who followed Terumi could no longer hold on.

Although their strength is the worst is Shangnin.


In the face of so many dark ninjas who cooperate with tacit understanding and are powerful, they still can’t hold on.

Finally, even Qing fell into a pool of blood.


Looking at Qing, who had lost his breath, Terumi was devastated.

All the ninjas who follow her,

In just a few quarters of an hour, all the dead and injured were killed.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Terumi angrily rushed towards Goji Yakura.

Even if it is death,

She also wants to kill Goji Yakura.


Tonight the group is all dead in vain!

“Ahem, naïve!”

Seeing Terumi rush over, the corner of Goji Yakura’s mouth revealed a sneering smile.

Terumi wants to defeat him,

Still tender.


At the moment when Terumi rushed over, Goji Yakura completed the half-tailed beast, and then,

With one slap, he slapped Terumi and flew out.

After the half-tailed beast,

Goji Yakura’s body was no longer comparable to that of humans.


Just one hit,

Terumi spat out blood, and it was difficult to continue.

“If it weren’t for you, your men wouldn’t have died.”

Looking at Terumi who was lying on the ground, Goji Yakura slowly walked over to her.

He didn’t want to kill Terumi at first.

After all

As a subordinate, a strong person like Terumi Meditation,

It can still help him do a lot of things.


Who made Terumi’s curiosity too heavy.

Now that his secret has been discovered,

That can only be solved.


“The Misty Hidden Village will not let you run rampant like this.”

“Sooner or later, someone will end your blood fog policy!”

Looking at Goji Yakura, Terumi said fiercely.


A feeling of grief arose in my heart.

She is not afraid of death, but,

The reform of the misty village she was expecting has not yet been realized.

And so he died.

Terumi was very reluctant.


She is no longer willing,

I’m afraid I’ll die tonight.

“Dying in a dream is also a good way to die.”

Hearing Terumi Meditation’s words, Goji Yakura was not angry.

After the eradication of Terumi Meditation, the entire Kirisame Village,

There will be no more ninjas who can threaten him.

“Go and die!”

Goji Yakura’s eyes were cold, and then he was ready to end Terumi’s life.

At this moment,

An absurdly long knife slashed at Goji Yakura from a distance.


With a crisp sound,

The large knife was firmly inserted between Goji Yakura and Terumi.

A Madaradage on his face and a ninja with yellow hair appeared in front of everyone.

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