Chapter 175 Just now, what the hell happened?!!

Looking at the two ninjas who suddenly appeared, Goji Yakura was stunned.

The dark part of a foggy village,

He also quickly protected Goji Yakura in the middle.

“You are…”

“Momochi no longer chopped?!!!”

After thinking about it for a while, Goji Yakura finally remembered the ninja in front of him.

Momochi no longer beheaded, the successor of the beheading of the big knife, the S-class rebel of the Kirisame Village,

He was once assassinated for dissatisfaction with his rule.

After failure,

He fled into exile.


Will he suddenly appear here? And

By his side,

Who was that ninja?

“No more chopping?”

Seeing that he was no longer chopped, Terumi was also very surprised.

Because I am also dissatisfied with the blood fog policy,

Terumi’s relationship with the previous one is also good.


At that time, Terumi did not have the idea of launching a coup.

And no more chopping,

It is a complete radical.


After not being chopped into a renegade,

Terumi and he never had contact again.


Why did he suddenly appear here tonight?

Who was the handsome ninja next to him?

Since Wuyin Village has always implemented the policy of closing the village to the outside world, therefore,

The ninjas of Kirisame Village do not know the identity of Naruto Uzumaki.

“Lord Naruto, this is Terumi Meditation.”

Ignoring Terumi’s question, he introduced himself to Naruto Uzumaki.

On the way to Kirito Village, Naruto Uzumaki had already told him his plan

Since it was long ago recognized as a traitor in the Kirito Village.


No longer chopping is not suitable for Naruto to control the open side of the Kirisame Village

Terumi is the most suitable candidate.


Terumi is a talented ninja in Kirisame Village, with great strength,

It also possesses two kinds of Blood Inheritance Limits.

Such a person,

It will not be easily controlled by him.


Naruto Uzumaki and no longer chop did not come out to rescue Terumi at the first time.

But it waited until now.

All of Terumi’s men died tragically,

Even when she was about to die, Naruto Uzumaki chose to appear.

“Surrender to me, and I will make you the new water shadow of the misty village.”

Looking at Terumi Meditation, Naruto Uzumaki spoke softly.

“What the hell is going on?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Terumi was a little confused.

What’s going on here?

There are only two of you, and now you are unable to protect yourselves.

And what kind of things like surrender to you, let me become a water shadow, this kind of thing,

Little kids won’t believe it!

“Well… Now really isn’t the time to talk. ”

“I’ll solve the goji yakura first.”

Naruto Uzumaki saw Terumi and realized that he was in a bit of a hurry.

He just didn’t think about it.

In his eyes,

Goji Yakura is no different from a bug.


In the eyes of Terumi Meditation,

Goji Yakura is a real shadow-level strongman.

It is also a three-tailed human pillar force.

A stranger suddenly said something like that, and she could believe that there was a ghost.

“Looks like you’re not going to cut off this guy’s helper anymore, right?”

“But want to solve me…”

“Your tone is not small.”

Looking at Naruto, who was not very old, Goji Yakura sneered a few times.

In the village of Misty Hide,

Surrounded by so many dark parts, the other party actually wants to solve him? It’s a pipe dream!

“Just try it and you’ll see.”

Naruto Uzumaki turned around and looked at Goji Yakura with an indifferent gaze.

He and Goji Yakura didn’t have any animosity.

However, the other side got in his way.


Today Goji Yakura must die here.

“Hmm, just try it!”

“The Art of Water Mirroring!”

Goji Yakura sealed his hands together and quickly unleashed his signature ninjutsu.

This trick,

It is the most commonly used means by which he deals with ninjas who do not know the other side’s details.


Through the art of water mirroring,

Not only can he consume opponents,

You can also quickly grasp the opponent’s fighting style.

However, what did not occur to Goji Yakura was that

This time, after releasing the Water Mirror Technique,

He felt that the chakra in his body was instantly hollowed out.

Even if he had three tails sealed in his body.

They almost fainted on the Madara because the chakra was depleted.

The water mirror that consumed so much chakra also broke directly in the air.

“This… What’s going on?! ”

Goji Yakura opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

Even if he used the Water Mirror Technique against an opponent of a shadow-level strongman, he had never encountered such a situation.

But this time,

The Water Mirror Technique actually failed like this?!

“Is it weird?”

“Because with this low-level ninjutsu of yours, it is impossible to replicate the power I have.”

After Naruto finished speaking, his eyes became the Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation Eyes… The momentum of the whole body,

It was also released without reservation.

“This momentum…… So powerful!!! ”

“How is that possible? Why do you feel weak all over your body?! ”

“These eyes have never been seen before!!!”

Feeling Naruto’s momentum, all the Kirisame ninjas present were shocked.

That amazing sense of oppression,

They didn’t even have the courage to stand on their faces.

In their hearts,

All of them unconsciously wanted to kneel down against Naruto Uzumaki.

It seems that there is only that,

In order to make them feel better.

“This momentum…… And this terrifying pupil power! ”

“Who the hell is this guy?!!!”

Goji Yakura was the most shocked.

Since the strength reached the shadow level, it became the three-tailed human pillar force. He had never felt such oppression as he did now.

The other side just stood there.

Just make him feel as small as a bug.

“It must be some kind of strange blood inheritance limit.”

“In this ninja world, there can never be such a powerful ninja!”

Goji Yakura shook his head and suppressed the fear in his heart.

Shadow level strong,

It is already the ceiling of this ninja world.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to have the power to surpass the shadow level of the strong.

Come to think of it,

Goji Yakura quickly rushed towards Naruto Uzumaki.

He felt,

Naruto must have possessed some kind of strange Blood Inheritance Limit, which is why he was able to cause such a powerful sense of oppression.

Just fight, 5.4

You will definitely be able to show the flaws!

Looking at the wolfberry yakura rushing up, Naruto Uzumaki was expressionless.

With the strength of Goji Yakura,

It couldn’t even make any ripples rise in his heart.


Just a simple word,

Goji Yakura instantly seemed to have lost his soul, standing in front of Naruto Uzumaki in a daze.

And then

Naruto Uzumaki reached out and grabbed Goji Yakura’s body.

Mitsuo was instantly ripped out of Goji Yakura’s body by Naruto Uzumaki.


With Mitsuo gone, Goji Yakura also completely lost signs of life.

Just for a moment,

The fourth generation of the Kirisame Village’s Eye Water Shadow didn’t even have the slightest ability to resist, and he died at the hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

Seeing this scene,

Everyone was frozen in place,……

What the hell is going on?!!!

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