Chapter 181 Five Shadows Conference!!

After placing Shouzuru and the Nine Lamas in place, Naruto came to his own courtyard.

All kinds of laughter and laughter came from the courtyard.

Hinata Hinata, Sakura Haruno, Tsunade Tsunade, Konan,

Even the black earth that has long been the shadow of the four generations of eyes is there.

At this point,

The women sat together, talking and laughing.

They all seem to be in a very good mood.

“Yo, so lively?”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t help but smile.


But it was all his women.

Come to the world of Naruto,

He no longer had any relatives.


When you are alone at night,

Naruto Uzumaki can’t help but miss the old days.


Okay now, in this strange world,

He also had his own home.



“The host!”

Hearing the voice, the women looked up.

After seeing that the person who came was Naruto Uzumaki,

Surprise smiles appeared on everyone’s faces.

One by one, they all rushed towards Naruto in the whirlpool.

Only Tsunade couldn’t wipe his face and walked slowly to the end.

“Naruto, you’re finally back, and I’ve been waiting for you here for days.”

“Yeah, yeah, Naruto, Sakura and I have improved a lot in our strength now, and everyone has praised us.”

Sakura and Hinata took Naruto Uzumaki by the hand and said excitedly.

In this group,

The two of them were the youngest.


The two of them are also the two most favored among the people.

“Is it?”

“Then I’ll have to check it out today.”

Looking at Hinata and Sakura, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

All the women blushed.

“Naruto, are things done?”

After everyone had said hello again, Tsunade asked.

“Well, I’ve become a ten-tailed human pillar force.”

All the people present are their own people,

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t have anything to hide either.

“Ten tails pillar force?!”

“Lord Tsunade, aren’t there only nine tailed beasts?”

“Yes, Naruto, what the hell is Ten Tails?” I’ve never heard of it. ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, a look of doubt appeared on everyone’s faces in their cognition,

There were only nine tailed beasts in total.

Naruto the Uzumaki said that he had become the Ten Tails Pillar Force.

Are ten-tailed beasts also tailed?

Why have you never heard of it?

“Yes, the ten-tailed beast is also a tailed beast.”

“In the beginning, there were only ten tails.”

“It’s just that the power of the Ten Tails is too strong, so the Six Immortals split the Ten Tails into nine tailed beasts.”

“It’s the tailed beast that everyone knows now.”

Naruto Uzumaki did not hesitate to go to the crowd.

“Six Immortals?”

“Isn’t that a legendary character?”

“Is he real?”

There are many legends about the Six Immortals in the ninja world.


Most are passed down by word of mouth.

By now,

Most people see these stories as myths.

“That’s right, the Six Immortals are real.”

“He used to be a ten-tailed man pillar force too.”

Naruto Uzumaki patiently explained to the crowd.

“Huh? The Six Immortals are also the Ten Tails Pillar Force?! ”

“So, Naruto, don’t you have the same power as the Six Immortals?”

“Really? It doesn’t feel any different than it used to be. ”

Hearing the words of the crowd, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

And then

He casually condensed a Daoist jade.

See the Seeker Jade,

The crowd opened their mouths in shock again.

Although I couldn’t feel any power from the black ball in front of me.


Just by looking at it, the crowd felt frightened.

That black orb,

It seems to be able to tear everything apart.

“This thing is called Qiudao Jade, and it can be transformed into various shapes.”

“Moreover, it can resist all attacks.”

“If an ordinary person touches it, the touched part will disappear in an instant.”

“It’s a real cleanup.”

“Even ninjas who are reborn in the dirt can be killed!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, everyone was stunned.

Is this inconspicuous black orb so powerful?! Killed by it,

Will even the soul be erased?!

Looking at the sluggish look of the crowd, Naruto Uzumaki waved his hand again.

Followed by

A crack in the pitch-black space appeared beside him.

“This is my latest space ninjutsu.”

“Through it, I was able to appear anywhere in the ninja world in an instant.”

“In the future, if you want to go somewhere, tell me that it only takes one second to take you to the place you want to go.”

Naruto said casually.

In fact

The Yellow Spring is more powerful than Ryosaka’s use.

The Ōtsuki clan relied on this ninjutsu to explore the universe.

“Naruto-kun…… Tonight everyone said they were going to take a shower together. ”

“You can’t peek at it with this ninjutsu.”

What Naruto didn’t expect was that,

After he said that Huangquan was stronger than Ryosaka,

Hinata actually said such a thing with a red face. This made Naruto Uzumaki almost choke on his own saliva.


Co-author You think I’m going to do something like that with this ninjutsu? Am I that kind of person?

I feel it directly with Kagura’s eyes!

“By the way, Black Earth, why are you here?”

After showing off a few of his abilities to the crowd, Naruto Uzumaki asked Kuroten.

According to the reasoning,

Black earth is the earth shadow of Iwakuma Village, and it should not appear in wooden leaves.

“Naruto, this time the ninja world held the Five Shadows Conference, and the place is in Konoha.”

“So 217, I came a few days ago.”

After listening to Kuroto’s words, Naruto Uzumaki set his sights on Tsunade Tsubasa’s body.

This thing,

He really didn’t know yet.

“Ever since Iwakuma Village and Yunyin Village were attacked by the AkatsukiOrganization, the entire ninja world has been in a panic.”

“Therefore, I took the lead in organizing this Five Shadows Conference.”

“I want to unify the entire ninja world through this conference!”

Tsunade looked at Naruto Uzumaki and said.

She knew that Naruto Uzumaki was aiming to unify the entire ninja world.

The time is ripe.

She also wanted to do something for Naruto Uzumaki.

The character of the Tsunade,

It was destined that she did not want to be just a vase.

“Well done, worthy of my woman.”

Looking at Tsunade Tsubasa, Naruto Uzumaki nodded with satisfaction.

Right now

He already possessed six levels of power.

Then this ninja world,

It’s also time to complete unification.

With the help of this Five Shadows Conference, he was able to gather the rulers of various villages.

As long as five large ninja villages are solved,

The rest of the small villages are not to be worried.

“Let’s not talk about that, I’m a little tired, or take a shower and go to bed early.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and deliberately stretched out.

And then

He was the first to enter the room.


Doomed to be another sleepless night.

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