Chapter 182 Accept the Reality, Times Have Changed!!

Konoha Village,

Naruto Building, inside Naruto’s office.

At this point,

Inside Naruto’s office, which was not too big, a huge round table had been placed.

Around the round table,

There were five ninjas with different looks.

Behind these five ninjas,

There were also two personal guards standing on each side.

These five ninjas,

It is the current five-bit shadow of the new generation of ninja world! They are:

Naruto Tsunade Hand, Water Shadow Illuminating the Meditation, Earth Shadow Black Earth, Wind Shadow Hand Bow……… and Ray Shadow Mabuyi.

“Gang Hand, what is the purpose of your sudden convening of the Five Shadows Conference?”

Mabuyi took the lead in asking questions to Tsunade Hand.

As a result of the heavy casualties in the last battle in which Naruto Uzumaki disguised himself as Mima to attack Un Hidden Village.

Basically all ninjas of the upper ninja level have been killed and wounded.


Although Mabuyi did not master the Leifu Chakra mode of Yunyin Village, he was only able to serve as the fifth generation of Eye Thunder Shadow when Mabuyi came.

After all

Ma Buyi had always been the secret art of the fourth generation of Lei Yingai before, and he was very familiar with all the affairs of the village.

Mabuyi is also a kind of think-tank-like existence.


The burden of the thunder shadow,

Nature fell on Mabuyi’s head.

“Lei Ying, don’t be so anxious, after the meeting starts, Naruto will naturally say her purpose.”

Hearing Ma Buyi’s words, the black earth opened his mouth faintly.

Due to Naruto Uzumaki’s relationship,

She’s a good sister to Tsubasa now.

“That is, Yunyin Village doesn’t have the strength to speak on such an occasion now, right?”

Terumi followed suit, and taunted Abu Yi by the way.

Now the forces of the entire ninja world,

In addition to the village of Konoha,

It is the strongest strength of the misty hidden village.


Terumi didn’t have a good look for Azabui either.

As for Temari,

He didn’t participate in this war of words, but just looked in the direction of the doorway and didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Well, if that’s the case, let’s start this meeting, and let’s raise our hands and let everyone be quiet.”

Then, he said it straight to the point.

“This time I held the Five Shadows Conference just to be clear.”

“Now the ninja world is under threat from the AkatsukiOrganization, and even some villages are almost directly destroyed by the AkatsukiOrganization.”

“Therefore, for the sake of stability in the ninja world, I think Konohashould take the initiative to stand up and protect the safety of various villages!”

What Tsunade said has a word. It also seems very just.

It seems like

It was really for the benefit of the entire ninja world.


Both Mabui and Temari’s hearts sank at the same time.

They know,

Tsunade will never suddenly be kind.

Since the other party has this plan,

Then there must be certain requirements.


Seeing the silence of the crowd, Tsunade paused for a moment and then spoke again.

“However, there is also a reason to protect the safety of the ninja world.”

“Otherwise, our Konoha ninjas are afraid that they will drive me out of the stage as Naruto…”

“Naruto, you better just say what your purpose is.”

Mabuyi somewhat disliked the roundabout way of speaking.


Interrupted by Ma Buyi, Tsunade was not angry.

Instead, he smiled.

He continued, “The ninja world has been divided for too long. ”

“Splitting up will make each ninja village fight for the benefit of its own village.”

“The first three ninja wars are lessons.”

“So, we decided to unify the entire ninja world!”

When Tsunade finished speaking, Temari and Mabui all opened their mouths in shock.

They had thought that the Gang Hand might make some excessive demands when the Konoha family was dominant.

But I never thought about it.

Tsunade would have come up with the idea of unifying the ninja world.

It’s crazy.

“Naruto, are you going to start a war?”

Mabuyi’s eyes were cold and he spoke slowly.


“No, no, no… You misunderstood, I don’t mean that. ”

“It’s just that unifying the ninja world is the trend of the times.”

Tsunade looked at Ma Buyi, and a trace of coldness appeared on his face.

“Hmm, we in Yunyin Village would never agree to such a purpose.”

Mabuyi snorted coldly, then stood up and tried to turn away.

She also wondered how she could recreate the glory of Yunyin Village, how could she possibly agree to such a request!

“Lei Ying, you must understand that this is just a notice, and I am not asking for your opinion.”

“If you leave this room now, you can think clearly about the consequences.”

Hearing Tsunade threatening words, Azabu was stunned.


Now Yunyin Village is out of the weakest period.

If Konoha launches a war against Yunyin Village,

That Yunyin Village will definitely be directly exterminated!

“What about you?”

“Would you agree with that?”

Mabuyi looked at the rest of the people present.

If everyone disagrees,

That wooden leaf should not easily start a war against everyone, right? pity

Mabuyi did not know that among the five shadows present,

Three have already united the front.


After hearing Mabuyi’s question,

Terumi and Kuroto waved their hands at the same time.

“This kind of thing is good for everyone, how can we oppose it?”

“We agree with Naruto!”

Hearing Terumi and Kuroto’s words, Mabui almost spat out a mouthful of blood on the Madara.

You two have no problem with your brains, right?

How could he agree with Tsunade in this way? At least you should think about it before answering well!

“Wind Shadow, what about you?”

Mabui took a deep breath, then looked at the handbow that had not been speaking, “Me? ”

“I… I have no opinion. ”

As an ally of the wooden leaves,

The village of Shayin knew the news of the wooden leaf very well.


Temari naturally knows,

How strong is Konoha’s strength now.

If she objected,

Nashayin Village is afraid that it will also encounter encounters like Yunyin Village and Yanyin Village.


Temari has always been in love with Naruto Uzumaki.


Naturally, she would not object to Tsunade Tsubasa’s statement.

“You guys…”

Seeing that the shadows of the other villages had agreed so easily, Ma Buyi didn’t know what to say for a while.


Unifying the ninja world has become such an easy task? You know,

During the first three ninja wars,

There are so many ninjas killed and injured in various villages,

Isn’t it still the same that doesn’t change anything? How did it become like this now?

Just when Mabui was very puzzled, the door of Naruto’s office was suddenly pushed open.

Followed by

Naruto walked in.

“Lei Ying, accept the reality.”

“Times have changed.”

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