Chapter 183 Ninja Realm Unification!!

“Lei Ying, accept the reality.”

“Times have changed.”

Naruto walked in.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki, Temari’s eyes instantly glowed.

After waiting for so long,

Finally saw Naruto Uzumaki again.

“Why do you say that times have changed?”

Looking at Naruto in the whirlpool, Abu sat with the last resistance.

She was not willing to give in.

Once she agreed with Konoha’s idea.

That Yunyin Village was equivalent to being destroyed in her hands.

Such a thing,

She couldn’t accept it.

“By what?”

“By my strength!”

Hearing Abui’s words, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

And then

His eyes instantly turned into the Nine Hook Jade Samsara Eyes.


A cloak with a jade seal also appeared.

Behind Naruto Uzumaki,

It was condensed into nine inky black Seeking Jade.

The power of the six levels was instantly exposed.

“This guy, really, is it necessary to do this?”

“Hmm, I’ll be handsome!”

Seeing Naruto’s appearance, Tsunade looked at his mouth.

This kind of scene,

There was no need for him to come in person.

He also showed his full strength, which was really a cattle knife to kill chickens.

“Naruto is still so handsome!”

Unlike Tsunade Tsunade

The two people, Temari and Kuroto, had eyes full of admiration.

In their eyes,

Naruto Uzumaki was simply getting more and more perfect.

“I didn’t expect that the strength of adults would be so much stronger.”

Terumi meditation is also a condensation of the eyes.

The strength that Naruto Uzumaki now shows,

It was far more powerful than when he was in the Misty Hidden Village.

“This power……”

Feeling the power of Naruto in the whirlpool, Azabuyi’s legs went soft and he actually fell to his knees.

The strength of the six levels is not a joke.

Although Mabuyi is a thunder shadow,

But her own strength is just ordinary Shangnin.

Now facing Naruto Uzumaki,

She couldn’t even resist.


The body involuntarily knelt on the ground, and Ma Buyi’s face was very ugly.

As Thunder Shadow,

She actually knelt in front of the others. It was worse for her than killing her.


Her current body was not under her control at all.

Even if it is the strength of the whole body of Ma Buyi,

Unable to get up from the ground again.

“Lei Ying, now in (5) Great Ninja Village, there are already three ninja villages under my control.”

“Shayin Village has also shown its attitude of submission.”

“Now, I’ll give you an ultimatum.”

“Surrender to me, or, along with Yunyin Village, disappear from this ninja world.”

Naruto looked at Azabu and said coldly.

With Naruto Uzumbuki’s current strength,

Wanting to make Yun Yin Village disappear into this ninja world is only a matter of minutes.

“I see.”

“We, Yunyin Village, will choose to surrender to Konoha.”

Ma Buyi was silent for a while, but finally chose to give in.


The strength that Naruto Uzumaki was showing now was too strong.

Powerful enough to make her despair.

If she continues to be stubborn,

I am afraid that it will make the entire Yunyin Village bury her willfulness.

“Well, if that’s the case, let’s sit down and discuss the details.”

Seeing that Abui chose to surrender, Naruto Uzumaki did not continue to be aggressive,

Instead, he gathered his momentum and sat silently on the sidelines.

After Naruto sat down, Abu finally regained control of her body and silently returned to her position.

“Okay, now the meeting continues.”

With the opening of the Tsunade Hand, the Five Shadows Conference continued.

Say it’s a meeting,

But more like a notice would.

The Tsunade just said all the details that had been drawn up in advance.

And then

Let the other ninja villages do it.

The rest of the people,

There is also no right to rebuttal.

For these things, Naruto did not want to get involved.

If the facts are all hands-on,

Then he had to die of exhaustion.

In this way, all things are entrusted to the Tsunade to do, and the Tsunade will also be happy from the heart.

“Well, that’s the end of today’s meeting.”


After an afternoon, the Five Shadows Conference officially ended.

And this, too, officially marks that since the appearance of ninjas,

For the first time, the ninja world has been unified! This epoch-making change,

Only Naruto Uzumaki can do it!

“Naruto-kun, can we take a walk together?”

After the meeting, Temari took the initiative to come to Naruto Uzumaki’s side.

Looking at the handbow, Naruto Uzumaki moved slightly in his heart.

After not seeing it for such a long time, the temari became beautiful again.


Temari has a very good temperament,

Now wearing the clothes of the wind and shadow, it looks even more beautiful and moving.

“No problem.”

Watching Naruto Uzumaki nod, Temari felt a joy in his heart.

And then

He took the initiative to go outside.

Naruto Uzumaki silently followed.

“Naruto, this is my hand-knitted sweater, I hope you like it.”

Walking on the road,

Temari suddenly took out a sweater from his arms.

“Very good value for money”

“Thank you.”

Naruto took the sweater, took a look at it, and found it very good.


The opponent bowed and looked high.

He didn’t think about it.

Temari even had this skill.

“Hey hey.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s thanks, Temari blushed slightly and lowered his head and smiled silently.

She was already very happy to be praised by Naruto Uzumaki.

Then, the two fell silent for a while.

Looking at the hand bow that has been trying to find a topic, but can’t open his mouth,

Naruto Uzumaki took the initiative to pull up the small hand of the hand.

This time,

Directly let Temari’s brain shut down.

“Naruto-kun…… He……… He actually took my hand!!! ”


Temari’s mind was completely devoid of any ability to think.

Just the same sentence repeated.

Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki was dumbfounded.

Isn’t it just holding hands? Is it necessary to look like this? Even if it is Hinata who is held by himself for the first time,

Aren’t shy to look like this? Seeing the appearance of the handbow,

Naruto Uzumaki suddenly had some bad thoughts in his heart.

Such a woman,

What would it look like if you got to bed? Come to think of it,

Naruto Uzumaki hurried these thoughts out of his mind.


How can you think of such a thing! If you want to,

You’ll have to wait until the evening!

“Temari, I’ll take you to eat something delicious.”

“When the evening comes, let’s go back and rest.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Temari nodded mechanically.

She now,

The ability to think has been completely lost. What Naruto Uzumaki said, she couldn’t understand at all.

Seeing Temari like this, Naruto Uzumaki sighed,

How do you go to dinner like this? Just go home.


Naruto then launched the Yellow Spring Hirasaka and appeared directly in his home.

He was never a decent man.

Now that you have crossed it,

What he likes,

Naturally, you have to experience it all.

Casually launch the arranged enchantment,

Once again, the room fell silent.

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