Chapter 184 It’s Time to Get Back My Other Eye!!

Konoha Village,

The streets are bustling with people,

There are merchants and ninjas from all over the ninja world.

Since the last five film conference has passed half a year, in this half a year,

The ninja world has truly completed its unification.

First of all

It is led by Konoha Hidden Village, Iwakuma Village, Shayin Village, Yunyin Village, and Wuyin Village Five (Big) Ninja Village.

As the five most powerful ninja villages in the ninja world, it was announced almost at the same time,

Later ninja world,

All ninja villages should be headed by KonohaHidden Village.


They are willing to volunteer to become a subordinate ninja village of Konoha.

Once this news is sent,

In an instant, terrifying waves were set off throughout the ninja world.

The reason is not him,

It was so sudden.

Especially those little ninja villages,

I haven’t figured out what’s going on.

It has already been found by the ninjas of the major ninja villages.


The entire ninja world is headed by Konoha.

Konohacontrols the remaining four (big) ninja villages, including Iwakuma Village and Kirisame Village.

And these four ninja villages,

They each controlled the various small ninja villages around the territory.

That’s it

In just half a year, the ninja world had been unified.

And the wood leaves,

It also deservedly became the capital of the ninja world.

“Oh, the village is really bustling now, I don’t know how many times stronger than before!”

“Yeah, it’s all thanks to Lord Naruto Uzumaki, if it weren’t for him, our Konoha would have been destroyed a long time ago.”

“I didn’t expect that old man, I would be so lucky to see the unification of the ninja world one day.”

“Lord Naruto is really the chosen son of heaven who will appear for the benefit of the entire ninja world.” After the reunification of the ninja world, there will be no more wars. ”

“I really want to see Lord Naruto Uzumaki with my own eyes, such a great ninja, it’s a pity not to be able to see it with my own eyes.”

“It’s no secret that I came to Konoha this time to specifically witness the honor of Naruto.”

Wooden leaf on the street,

People can be heard everywhere.

Everybody knows,

The ninja world was able to change so much, and it was all because of that man, Naruto Uzumaki!

And in the square in the middle of the wooden leaves,

A statue soaring into the sky stands quietly in the middle of the square.

This is a full-body statue of Naruto Uzumaki.

This square,

It is also named Naruto Square.

“Naruto, it seems that everyone is very satisfied with the status quo.”

Standing in front of the window of Naruto’s office, Tsunade silently watched the pedestrians on the street.

On everyone’s face,

All with happy and happy smiles.

This pomp and circumstance,

Even when her grandfather Thousand Hands Pillar was still alive, he had never reached it.

If you can see the scene in front of you with your own eyes, Grandpa will definitely be happy from the heart, right?

“The ninja world is unified, and neither businessmen nor ninjas have to worry about their lives and property being threatened as before.”

“This kind of pomp and circumstance is to be expected.”

Naruto smiled slightly.

As a well-educated traverser,

Naruto Uzumaki was very advanced in his understanding of some things.


He is not complacent about what he has achieved so far.

In Naruto’s mind,

Now the ninja world,

There was still a certain gap between him and the ninja world in his mind.


These things are not urgent.

It’s already nice to be able to do this in half a year.

The rest,

Just take your time.

“By the way, the daimyōs of various countries seem to have a lot of opinions about this.”

“I’ve heard that the daimyōs of various villages have gathered together lately, ready to discuss the matter of restricting the ninja village.”

“What are you going to do?”

It was as if Tsunade suddenly remembered something.

His face looked solemnly at Naruto Uzumaki.

Different from the shadows of the villages,

The country of thunder, the country of wind, the country of earth, the country of water… Or even the Land of Fire,

The daimyō of the five countries was furious at the sudden announcement of the submission of Konohaby the ninja village of his own country.


Some daimyo have spoken,

He threatened to cut off all financial support from the village.

This is also the thing that Tsunade is most worried about at the moment.

Without the support of the daimyō,

Whether the whole ninja village can function normally is a problem.

“Now the ninja world is almost unified.”

“Daimyo or something, I’ll handle it naturally.”

“Don’t worry.”

Looking at Tsunade Hand, Naruto Uzumaki snorted softly.

Even if he had been in the Naruto World for such a long time, he had never figured it out.

Why are ninjas in the ninja world so pedantic.

Obviously, ninjas are the strongest people who have mastered absolute force, and they can be constrained by ordinary people.

This is a really strange thing.

In Naruto Uzumhirley’s view,

The daimyō of each country is just a money-making tool to fund Oshimura.

There was essentially no difference from the power of the Cardo he had received before.

Since these daimyōs have an opinion on him,

Then he will change to a batch of big names that have no opinion.

just right

Since this group of daimyo spontaneously got together, it also helped him save a lot of effort.

This time

Let’s get rid of this group of people.

“Well, since you have a way, then I’m relieved.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade nodded.

For Naruto Uzumaki,

The program is unconditionally trusted.

As long as Naruto Uzumaki says things can be solved, it must be able to be solved.

“You inform the village to send a hundred secret ministers to each village”…

“This time, I want to completely subvert the pattern of this ninja world.”

After the explanation was completed, Tsunade did what Naruto Uzumaki told him to do.

Naruto Uzumaki stood silent in front of the window.

Right away

He is going to truly become the only ruler of Zhigao in this world.

Rain Country,

In a dark and obscure cave,

Uchiha took Tu Zheng looking at the cave entrance with a gloomy face.

Ever since the last time he was killed by Naruto Uzumaki,

He hadn’t been active in the ninja world for a long time.

Naruto Uzumaki that guy,

Engraving the Flying Thunder God Seal on his body, Uchiha took the soil worried,

Once too close to Naruto in the vortex, it will be detected for the first time.

At this moment,

Slowly he stretched out half of his body from the ground.

“How’s it going?”

Seeing the absolute, Uchiha asked with the earth.

“The ninja world has basically completed its unification.”

“Naruto Uzumaki has also become the strongest ruler of the ninja world.”

“It’s probably not so easy to take back the Eye of Samsara from his hands.”

I will tell you in detail about the information that has recently been discovered.

Too many things have happened in the ninja world lately, even monsters like him who have lived for thousands of years,

Some of them can’t accept it.

This chaotic ninja realm had actually been unified in the hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

This made Hei Jie feel very resentful in his heart.

It took thousands of years and constantly provoked all the forces in the ninja world to form the current situation.

Only when the villages fight each other can it find an opportunity to resurrect its mother,

Big Barrel Wood Night.


Now the ninja world has been unified.

And its mother-saving plan,

Isn’t it going to be completely ruined? maybe

Only by reclaiming the Eye of Samsara and resurrecting Uchiha Madara once again can we solve the current dilemma.

Of course

If Kuroki knew that the current Vortex Naruto had become a ten-tailed human pillar force, after the strength reached the six-way level,

Whether it will continue to have this kind of thinking, it is uncertain.

Uchiha listened to the information and was silent for a while,

Then he stood up and walked toward the outside of the cave.

“Where are you going?”

Seeing Uchiha leading the earth outside, Kuroji asked.

“I’m going to get my other eye back.”

Uchiha said without turning back.

With his current strength,

Trying to regain the Samsara Eye from Naruto Uzumaki was almost impossible.

Only by snatching his other eye back, maybe he can still have the power to fight.


He was now going to find Kimu Kakashi, a former friend.

Own kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes,

It’s also time to come back.

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