Chapter 185 Daimyo Conference, Naruto Uzumaki has arrived!!

The Land of Fire,

Inside the Daimyo Province.

Several fat men were sitting inside the luxurious palace discussing something.

“Guys, you should have all heard about the changes that are happening in the ninja world at present, right?” The daimyo of the Land of Thunder spoke first. ”

This time, they came together,

It was to discuss the sudden unification of the various ninja villages.

The reason is none other than him.

If the ninja village is unified.

So what are these big names?

Originally, they were the supreme rulers of each country.


Once the ninja village is unified,

Are they about to become inferior beings?

This group of daimyo who are accustomed to being on top of the world are somewhat difficult to accept.

“Well, of course I heard, didn’t we get together this time just for this thing?”

The daimyo of the Wind Country snorted coldly.

After the unification of the ninja world,

There is no so-called competition between the various ninja villages.

If this sense of crisis disappears,

Then their daimyō’s control over the ninja village would inevitably be affected.

“Speaking of which, this time it was the daimyo of the Fire Nation who took the lead, which was really a bit unexpected.”

“Yes, no matter what, the Fire Nation should also be the beneficiary country, and I didn’t expect that the Fire Country daimyo would be the first to oppose this matter.”

The daimyo of the Land of Water and the Land of Earth looked at the Daimyo of the Land of Fire and teased.

Unity of the ninja world,

It is headed by the village of Konoha Hidden Village.


If nothing else,

In the future, each country should also be respected by the country of fire.


I didn’t expect that the Daimyo of the Fire Nation would take the lead in opposing this matter.

This really surprised everyone.

“Well, that’s the end of the small talk.”

“I’m not interested in discussing anything else with you.”

Hearing the ridicule of the other daimyōs, the daimyo of the Fire Nation snorted softly.


The daimyō of the Land of Fire,

He is likely to be the biggest beneficiary of this matter.


This time Konohacompleted the unification of the ninja world, and he didn’t even get any news.


Konoha didn’t send anyone to tell him about it either.

In the view of the daimyo of the Fire Nation,

This does not bode well.

In the many years since the establishment of the Oshikai-one-country-one-village system, the control of the daimyōs of each country over the ninja village has been decreasing.

This is not what the daimyo want to see.

In their eyes,

Ninjas are just a bunch of tools.

And the tools,

Nature must be completely in your own hands to be able to use.


The Daimyo of the Fire Nation instead became the leader of the meeting.

He wants to pass this meeting,

Regain his prestige in the Land of Fire, in the village of Konoha.

“It’s a simple thing, as long as you reduce the financial support for each ninja village, then they will naturally realize who is the boss!”

“That’s right, without the money we provide, the ninja’s village would even have a problem functioning.”

“I think that’s all right, as long as the five of us put pressure together, those ninjas will definitely make concessions.”

Several big names talked about it, and it seemed that Ping could solve this matter with just a few words.

“But what if those ninjas don’t listen to us?”

“Even worse, once they use force against us, we are afraid that we will be in danger.”

The daimyo of the Fire Nation looked at the confident look of the people, and without knowing why, a wave of worry suddenly arose.


The crowd only smiled contemptuously when they heard his words.

“What are you afraid of, this kind of thing has long been thought of by the ancestors in the past.”

“So, ninjas are taught from childhood that they are just tools.”

“If a ninja strikes at an ordinary person, he will be attacked by all the crowd!”

After the end of the Warring States,

The ninja world established a system of one country and one village.

In order to prevent the balance between ninjas and ordinary people from being disrupted, so,

Various countries have taken a number of corresponding measures.

One of them,

It’s that they teach ninjas from an early age, they are just a tool.

Under such brainwashing education,

The ninja mentally placed himself in an inferior position.

It’s like an ape flying and preaching the will of fire.

It’s all about being able to better control the forces under you.

And these measures,

It has indeed achieved very good results.

In the ninja world,

Daimyo gradually became the supreme ruler of the shadow above the villages.

“Also, if that’s the case, let’s discuss it and find a time when we’ll make a statement against the unification of the ninja world!”

Hearing the words of the people, the Daimyo of the Fire Kingdom also suppressed the uneasiness in his heart

Hearing the words of the Daimyo of the Fire Kingdom, the rest of the Daimyo did not have any objections.


The unification of the ninja world will definitely have an impact on their current position.


Once the various ninja villages have no sense of crisis of mutual defense, their interests will also be lost…


This group of daimyo is concerned about opposing the unification of the ninja world,

It was a dedication.

They have never been united as they are today because of one thing.

Just when the crowd was discussing fiercely, suddenly,

A dark crack in space appeared above their heads.

Followed by

In the shocked eyes of everyone,

The figure of Naruto in the vortex slowly emerged from the crack in space.

And he just floated in the air.

Quietly look at the few daimyo in front of them who are in a daze.

“This… What is this ninjutsu? ”

“Have ninjas mastered this power?”

“How dare you, if you dare to appear here, are you not afraid that we will execute you?”

“Hey, which village are you a ninja?”

“Guard! Bodyguard! ”

After being stunned for half a moment, the group of daimyo looked at the whirlpool in mid-air before they came back to their senses.

And then

He quickly hid behind the guards he had brought.

That’s all,

to give them some sense of security.


No one knows,

What exactly is this sudden ninja trying to do.


Looking at the daimyo and the guards in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki skimmed his lips disdainfully.

There was not even the desire to answer them.

This lineup,

Even a squad of three elite ninjas can solve them all.

This group of guys is still delusional to rule him? It’s a dream!

I really don’t know where their courage came from.

“Come out.”

Naruto Uzumaki waved it casually.

Launch of Huangquan Birasaka,

A space portal opens in each of the four directions.

The next second,

A hundred masked dark ninjas from Konoha Hidden Village, Iwakuma Village, Yunyin Village, Shayin Village, and Kirisame Village appeared inside the spacious palace through the portal.


The original spacious hall,

At this time, it seemed to be a little crowded.

“See Lord Naruto Uzumaki!”

After the formation is listed,

The five hundred Shadow Elite Ninjas of each village knelt down on one knee towards Naruto Uzumaki.

This scene,

Directly made the daimyo present dumbfounded.


What exactly is the situation?!!!

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