Chapter 186 Shock the whole audience, and the disobedient die!!

Looking at the five hundred dark ninjas in the main hall, the daimyo were all dumbfounded.

What’s going on here?

Why are there so many ninjas all of a sudden? And

This group of ninjas is very powerful.

Even if it’s a glance,

This group of daimyo felt a shock in their hearts.

So many ninjas,

Did you hear about the content of their meeting today, so,

Want to assassinate them?

If it really came to assassinate them, I’m afraid,

Today they all have to die here.

“Who the hell are you?”

Daimyo had the audacity to ask Naruto Uzumaki.

At this moment,

A Fire Nation Shadow Ninja turned back in an instant.

“How dare you dare to be disrespectful to Lord Naruto Uzumaki!”

With a loud sigh,

It almost scared all the daimyo present to wet their pants.

“My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I’m a ninja from KonohaVillage.”

Looking at the daimyo in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki spoke.

“What do you want to do?”

After hearing that Naruto Uzumaki was a ninja from Konoha Village, the group of daimyo felt a little relieved.

At least

This group of ninjas is not a wandering ninja, and they should not easily take a shot at themselves and others.

“I just want to inform you that the ninja world has been unified under my leadership.”

“So, you’d better not mess with me in the dark.”

“Faithful to me, you can continue to be your name.”

“If you rebel against me, then I don’t mind letting you disappear from this world.”

“Of course, the appointment of the daimyo will be decided by the shadow of the ninja village in the future.”

Looking at the group of fat daimyo in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki skimmed his lips with some disdain.

With his strength,

Naturally, there is no need to worry about this group of people.

As long as they are obedient,

It is also a good choice to keep the status quo now.

“How dare you!”

“Ninjas are just tools to protect national security.”

“Even your shadows don’t dare to speak to me like this when they see me.”

“How dare you threaten me?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s threat, the daimyo of the Fire Kingdom instantly became irritable

Originally, he felt that his control over Konoha Village was weakening.

That’s why this meeting was held.

Right now

Naruto’s lofty attitude completely annoyed him.

Since becoming a daimyō,

He hasn’t suffered such a grievance yet!

“It seems that someone has already made a choice…”

Looking at the furious Daimyo of the Fire Kingdom, Naruto Uzumaki didn’t have any waves in his eyes.

Instead, raise your hand directly, and just shake it like this.

Under the pull of strong gravity and repulsion,

The head of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation was instantly separated from his body.


Blood gushed out,

The entire floor of the main hall was dyed blood red.

Seeing this scene,

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The Daimyo of the Fire Nation was actually killed like this? He’s a big name!

“Now it’s time for you to choose.”

Naruto Uzumaki ignored the Fire Kingdom daimyo who had fallen to the ground, and set his sights on the rest of the daimyō.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the daimyo present finally returned from shock.

When he looked at Naruto Uzumaki again, his eyes were filled with fear.

As a ninja of Konoba,

Even the daimyo of the Fire Nation was killed like this.

And what about them?

“Oh huh… We can discuss this. ”

“Since the ninja world has been unified, we naturally will not get in the way.”

“However, the rule of the ninja world has always been that Daimyo is the supreme ruler of the entire country.”

“Ninjas, after all, are in the service of Daimyo.”

“Besides, without Daimyo, Shinobi’s funding would be a big problem.”

“We don’t ask for much, as long as we ensure that the status of our daimyo will not be affected…”

Before the Daimyo of the Wind Country could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a huge force in his body.

One pulled his body forward and the other pulled his head back.

The next second,

He repeated the mistakes of the Great Name of the Fire Kingdom.

“I think you may not have figured it out, but this time, I am only giving you the next notice, not to discuss with you.”

Naruto’s words made the rest of the daimyo fall to the bottom of the valley before,

No matter which village the shadow is,

After meeting the daimyō, they all have to give up three points.

However, someone like Naruto Uzumaki who kills people without a word is the first time they have seen it.

Standing at the peak of the ninja world’s power,

For the first time, I experienced the feeling of man-made knives tricking me for fish.

“I agree!”

“Me too, agree!”



All the daimyo chose to agree to Naruto’s request.

They have understood in their hearts,

The trend of one’s own is gone.

At this moment, they found out,

How naïve it was to think what I had just thought.

It is a vain attempt to make such a guy make concessions through economic sanctions.

It’s ridiculous.

This group of daimyo finally figured it out,

Without force, even the rights are only given to them by ninjas, and once the other party wants to take back these rights,

They didn’t even have the strength to resist.

“Very well, you made the right decision.”

“The ninja of the dark side listens well.”

“In the future, you will serve as the guards stationed in the Daimyo Mansion to protect the safety of the Daimyōs.”

“The Daimyo’s every move must be recorded in detail and reported to the village regularly.”

“If anything goes wrong, shoot and kill.”

“Got it?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, all five hundred 340 ninjas of the Dark Ministry gave a cry in unison.

And then

They each walked behind the daimyo of their respective villages.

Seeing this scene,

The remaining three daimyo smiled bitterly.

Where these ninjas were protecting their personal safety, it was only Naruto Uzumaki who had sent them to monitor them! seemingly

Their days will be difficult in the future.

I’m afraid every move,

It was all done under the watchful eye of others.

I’m afraid even after they die,

The successors of the daimyo cannot be decided by themselves.

Although this made Daimyo very angry.


In the face of Naruto’s mighty strength,

They simply do not have any ability to resist.

“Well, since the daimyo of the Fire Nation and the Wind Country is dead, let’s find a suitable person to inherit the Dark Ministry that remains.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and then he launched Huangquan Hirasaka to leave.

The ninjas who left the shadows in place were excited.

Since becoming a ninja,

They’ve always considered themselves tools.


Even he could one day rise above the daimyō.

This also made all the ninjas more convinced of Naruto Uzumaki.

After all

Naruto Uzumaki represents the interests of ninjas.

Just as Naruto Uzumaki was dealing with this group of daimyo affairs, Uchiha took the soil,

He had also quietly infiltrated Konoha Village through Shenwei.

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