Chapter 187 Kakashi, long time no see!!

“Kakashi-sensei, it seems that there hasn’t been any task lately.”

“Naruto, that guy, is really able to toss and turn, and even the Ninja Realm can unify this kind of thing.”

“Hmm, after that, the ninja world will usher in real peace, right?”

In one of the training grounds of Konoha,

Sasuke Uchiha lay flat on the grass and looked at the sky,

There was a look of longing on his face.

The crane tail with which he once grew up. It’s become a bit of a stretch now.

After experiencing so many things,

Whether it’s in terms of strength or doing things.

Sasuke Uchiha was convinced of Naruto Uzumaki.

“Yeah, even I, the teacher, have been left far behind Naruto’s guy long ago.”

Kiki Kakashi also sighed.

It’s been a long time since the five ninja villages announced the unification of the ninja world, but,

Until now,

Every time I think of this thing, it is done by a teenager who is only a teenager.

Kiki Kakashi felt that something was not very real.

“But it’s because of that guy that we can have so much leisure time now.”

Sasuke Uchiha chuckled.

Since the unification of the ninja world,

The killing among the ninjas was almost gone.

This was before,

Absolutely unimaginable.

Hearing Uchiha Sasuke’s words, Kiki Kakashi nodded.

Just want to continue to say something,


Kimu Kakashi’s gaze caught a glimpse of a man wearing a vortex mask.

Just for a moment,

The man disappeared again before his eyes.


“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Kiki Kakashi’s appearance, Sasuke Uchiha asked.

“Didn’t… It’s nothing. ”

“I suddenly remembered that the gas in my home had forgotten to turn it off.”

“I’ll go first, Sasuke.”

Hearing Kiki Kakashi’s words, Uchiha Sasuke spat his mouth in disdain.

Kakashi really is,

Every time I can find such a strange reason.


Now Kiki Kakashi didn’t have the heart to care about Uchiha Sasuke’s inner thoughts, and he was very excited now.

Just that masked man,

It was exactly the same as Naruto Uchiha that he had depicted as Uchiha Obito Earth! Uchiha suddenly appeared in the wooden leaves,

For what?

Is it to attack the wooden leaf again, or to say,

This time I came to him on purpose? With such doubts,

Kimu Kakashi came to a dense forest far away from Konoha Village.

He knows

Uchiha must have followed him somewhere he couldn’t see.

As long as you get to the place where the other party thinks it is safe,

He will definitely show up.


After Kiki Kakashi stopped and waited for a while, a spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared in front of him.

Followed by

A man with a swirl mask appeared in front of his eyes.

“With soil…… Is that you? ~”! ”

Seeing the man in front of him, Kiki Kakashi asked in a somewhat hoarse voice.

“Kakashi, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

Deep voice, familiar words.

At this moment,

Kiki Kakashi felt his heart twitch violently.


It really was Uchiha with soil!

The best companion he ever had!!

“With soil, why did you become like this?”

After a moment of silence, Kiki Kakashi asked.

In his world,

Uchiha brought the soil before being crushed to death by the boulder,

Or a hot-blooded teenager who dreams of becoming Naruto.


Why is it happening again,

What about the guy who attacked the village and killed the Watergate teacher and his wife? In between,

What exactly happened?

It will make Uchiha Obito soil become what it is now.

“There is no need to say these things anymore.”

“I’m not here to reminisce with you.”

Hearing Kiki Kakashi’s words, Uchiha was also silent for a long time.

In the face of this former companion,

His mood still fluctuated a bit.


Soon this emotion was forcibly suppressed by Uchiha with the soil.

The world is decayed.

As long as he achieves his purpose.

In that world, there will also be a flag Mu Kakashi.

This is in front of you,

Just a puppet who gets in the way of his plans.

Uchiha took Tu in his heart and comforted himself so much.

“Then what are you for?”

“If you want to attack the village, I’m definitely not going to let you succeed Kiki Kakashi has calmed his emotions.”

If Uchiha wants to be bad for the village.

He will never be soft-hearted.

“Kakashi, you’re still the same.”

“Do you think that with your strength, you can stop me now?”

Uchiha sneered a few times.

A wave of anger also rose in my heart.


Did this guy still think he was the one who used to be the crane tail that could only follow his ass?

Stop him? It’s a fantasy.

“Then you can try it and you’ll see.”

Kiki Kakashi also snorted coldly.


A feeling of not accepting defeat also arose.

It’s like,

Back to when I was at the ninja school.

He was once the first day of Konoha!

“The Art of the Fire Ball!”

Uchiha didn’t say anything more, but attacked Kiki Kakashi directly.


Kimu Kakashi also made a quick seal with both hands.

“Tu Shu · Tu Liu Wall!”

An earthen wall with a dog’s head carved into it rose from the ground and blocked in front of Kakashi!

The huge fireball technique slammed into the earthen wall.

Followed by

He enveloped Kiki Kakashi in it.

Take it to the flames and disperse,

There was only a pile of burned earth in place. Kiki Kakashi was gone.

At this moment,

Uchiha suddenly turned around,

Then he pulled out the bitter unblocked attack from Kimu Kakashi.


Followed by

The two men engaged in close hand-to-hand combat.

It seems that he wants to prove his strength,

Uchiha did not choose to launch Shenwei. Instead, he has been confronting Kimu Kakashi.

Both are very strong.

In the struggle, the figure is extremely fast.

“With the soil, if you are still obsessed with it now, you can only go to the death flag Mu Kakashi and fight and say Kake.”

Naruto’s strength, he knew.

If Uchiha continues to fight Naruto with Tu, I’m afraid that there will only be a dead end in the end.

“These words will be said until you survive from my hands.”

Uchiha Daigo didn’t pay any attention to Kiki Kakashi’s words.

Now he just wants to get his other eye back,

Then go find Naruto Uzumaki for a fight!

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