Chapter 190 Naruto, are you bullying Tsunade Sensei?!!

Konoha Village,

In a luxurious courtyard,

Naruto Uzumaki was sitting and eating with Tsunade and the others.


The atmosphere is a little strange that cannot be said.

Sitting next to Naruto Uzumaki, his face flushed and his head bowed,

Without a word, he ate what was in his bowl.

Sitting opposite her and Naruto Uzumaki Hyuta and Sakura Haruno were also silently eating the meal in front of them.


There was an unspeakable meaning in his eyes.

Instead, AkatsukiNan, who was sitting on his knees and serving on the side, gently covered his mouth.

It was like holding back a smile.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing the look of the crowd, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth vividly.

No way

If he doesn’t take the initiative to speak,

These guys don’t know how long to be silent.

“Naruto…… That one……… Did you bully Tsubasa? ”

After hearing Naruto Uzumaki speak, Sakura Haruno was silent for a moment and spoke slowly.


Hearing Sakura’s words, Naruto Uzumaki’s expression was a little confused.


When did he bully the gangsters?

“Mm-hmm… Naruto, although we all like you, you can’t bully Lord Tsunade. ”

“Otherwise, otherwise…”

Hinata also followed up on Sakura Haruno’s words.

This also made Naruto Uzumaki even stranger.

What are these guys talking about?

“I don’t understand, I didn’t bully the gangster.”

Naruto Uzumaki shook his head, how could he possibly bully his own woman.

“We all heard it, Naruto.”

“Last night, Lord Tsunade cried miserably.”

“So, you don’t admit that we know too.”

Hearing Hyuga’s words, Naruto Uzumaki finally reacted.


It turned out to be these things.


Think about it,

It seems that there is no problem with it.


Naruto Uzumaki set his eyes on Tsunade Tsubasa’s body.


At this point,

Tsunade was directly annoyed and angry.

“See what I do? Not a good thing you’re doing! ”

“Explain it to them yourself, I… I still have things to do, go first. ”

After Tsunade finished speaking, he put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand and fled away. Watching Tsunade leave, Naruto Uzumaki smiled helplessly.

What does that make him say?

“Cough… Akatsukinan, you can take Hatta and Sakura out to play. ”

“By the way, explain this to them.”

“Yes, master.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki with some embarrassment, AkatsukiNan secretly smiled.

And then

He dragged Hinata and Sakura, who were still confused, away.

When everyone is gone,

Naruto Uzumaki quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which,

Sakura and Hinata are also about old enough.

It’s also time to learn something to know.

“Oh, it seems that some will suffer later.”

Naruto took a triumphant sip of tea.

Men’s happiness,

Sometimes it’s that simple.

It was also at this time that

Naruto Uzumaki suddenly had a thought, and then,

The whole person disappeared into the room in an instant…….

“Is this Naruto’s house?”

“It’s really luxurious.”

Uchiha looked at Naruto’s luxurious courtyard in front of him, and couldn’t help but let out a sigh in his mouth.

In the ninja world,

Most ninjas have no idea of pursuing a material life.

Even if he inherits the legacy of Uchiha Madara,

Ordinary life is also very simple.


Naruto Uzumaki would enjoy it so much. I saw a different side of him.


After taking a few looks, Uchiha withdrew his gaze.

He has not forgotten the purpose of his presence today.

That is to find your other writing wheel eye.

Only by gathering the two kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes could he have a chance to seize the reincarnation eye of Uchiha from Naruto Uzumhir.

Thinking of this, Uchiha took the earth and unleashed his divine power and entered Naruto’s house without hindrance.

Since Naruto’s home is so large, Uchiha can only find one room after another.


After searching for half a day, he did not find his other writing wheel eye.

“Damn, where the hell is it?!”

Uchiha clenched his fists in a fit of rage.

Right now

He was risking his life to find out, and could be discovered by Naruto at any time.


It is also inevitable that there will be some impatience.

“What are you looking for?”

Behind me, suddenly a nice voice came…

But this voice,

In Uchiha’s heart, there was no difference between him and the devil.

Looking back,

Sure enough, he saw Naruto Uzumaki looking at him with a smile.


Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha was shocked.

When did the other party find him?

When did he appear behind him? He didn’t even notice it!

“I wanted to go to you after a while, but I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to deliver it.”

“Just right, let’s settle the new hatred and old grudge today.”

Naruto Uzumaki said, and his eyes became cold.

Let’s not talk about the feud between the predecessor and Uchiha Obito Soil.

That’s him

It is impossible to allow Uchiha to continue to live in this world.


Uchiha has been fighting against him all along.

Treat the enemy,

Naruto Uzumaki wouldn’t have any mercy.


In past lives,

Naruto Uzumaki also prefers the character Uchiha with Earth.

But when it all comes to life,

He didn’t have a good feeling for Uchiha with the soil.

“Hmm, it’s up to you?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha snorted disdainfully.

He admitted,

If it was hard power, he was not Naruto’s opponent.


If Naruto Uzumaki wants to kill him,

But it is also an absolutely impossible thing.

“It seems that Izana has given you a lot of courage.”

Looking at Uchiha’s arrogant look, Naruto Uzumaki sneered a few times.

If it was before,

He really couldn’t kill Uchiha with the soil.

After all, the other party has divine power and does not know how many writing wheel eyes there are.


It’s different now.

His strength has reached the peak level of the six realms,

It was still very easy to kill Uchiha Obito Earth, who only possessed shadow-level strength.

This gap in hard power is no longer something else that can be bridged.

No matter how strong Izanami is, after being destroyed by the Seekudo Jade, he cannot be resurrected again! I don’t know why,

Looking at the playful expression on Naruto’s face,

A great uneasiness suddenly arose in the heart of Uchiha Daito, who was originally full of confidence.


What did Naruto find to deal with him?

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