Chapter 191 All this was originally planned by me!!

I don’t know why,

Looking at Naruto in front of him,

Uchiha felt a very uneasy feeling arise in his heart.

It’s like,

Death had quietly descended and was staring at him as well.

“What’s wrong?”

“Keep laughing.”

Keen to perceive the change in Uchiha’s Obito, Naruto Uzumaki whispered, “Hmm, pretend to be a ghost!” ”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha snorted softly.

And then

He unleashed his divine might. He trusts his instincts.

Keep going,

Maybe something unexpected will happen.

“Always watch out for me.”

“Maybe one day I’ll attack the people around you on a whim.”

Just like this gray slippery run away, Uchiha with the soil feels that he is very faceless after all,

He has always considered himself the big boss behind the scenes.


Uchiha felt that

It is still necessary to put a wave of harsh words better.


He didn’t know, his words,

It directly made Naruto’s eyes completely cold.

Looking into Naruto’s eyes,

Feeling the killing intent of Naruto in the whirlpool, Uchiha took the earth god power to launch,


He also came to this alien space that belonged only to him.


Looking at the familiar environment around him, Uchiha quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart

Naruto had just been terrifying.

Even he,

They couldn’t help but feel a pang of fear.


He has divine might,

As long as you come to this space,

No one can do anything to him.

Looking at Kiki Kakashi, who was still unconscious on the ground, Uchiha snorted softly.


The plan needs to be changed.

Uchiha has never been a good person.

Woe to the family,

This sentence does not bring any constraints to him.

Since he couldn’t snatch the Samsara Eye and his own Writing Wheel Eye from Naruto Uzumaki’s hand, he would arrest all the people around him.

And then

Forcing Naruto to give these things to himself.

Uchiha didn’t believe it yet,

Naruto Uzumaki was able to stay by these people’s side all the time.

When Naruto Uzumaki was born,

This is how he forced the four generations of Naruto Wave Feng Shui Men to make a choice.

“Hmm, there are times when you regret it!”

Uchiha snorted coldly, and a plan slowly took shape in his mind.

“I’m afraid you won’t see that day.”


Behind Uchiha with the earth a creepy voice sounded that made him creepy.

Hear the sound,

Uchiha turned his body in disbelief.

And then

Then I saw Naruto Uzumaki’s figure.

“This… How is this possible?! ”

“You… You……… Why are you here?! ”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha opened his mouth wide in shock.

This is his exclusive alien space.

Only through his divine power can he come here.

Even if it’s the Flying Thor,

It was also absolutely impossible to teleport from the real world into his otherworld.


Why is Naruto here in the whirlpool?!

“Do you really think that with just a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, you can escape from my hands?”

Naruto Uzumaki stared at Uchiha with a cold opening.

Now he,

The strength has already reached the level of the six peaks.

I also mastered space ninjutsu,

Huangquan Biryozaka.


Uchiha took the earth directly in front of him to exert divine power, which was equivalent to leaving a spatial mark in the same place.

As long as the Yellow Spring is launched by Ryozaka,

It’s easy to get to the Kamui space of Uchiha’s Obito soil.

“Hmm, even if you can get here?”

“You can’t kill me!”

Uchiha said loudly.

As it seems,

Can bring him some sense of security as well.

“Is it?”

“Then let you see my strength.”

After Naruto finished speaking, his eyes instantly turned into nine samsaric eyes.


Nine inky black Seeking Jades were also condensed.

The momentum of the six peaks was exposed.

Uchiha dared to threaten him with the people around him.

This time, he wants Uchiha to die in utter despair.

“This… How is this possible? ”

“This strength, this pair of eyes…”

“Isn’t it……”

“You became the Ten-Tailed Man Pillar Force?!!!”

Looking at Naruto in front of him, Uchiha was completely stunned.

Naruto’s power was simply too strong.


The other person also has the reincarnation eye.


All of them made Uchiha think of a terrible fact.

That is,

Naruto Uzumaki has successfully sealed the Ten Tails and become the Ten Tails Pillar Force!


“How can a little devil like you know these things?!”

Hearing Uchiha’s murmur with earth, Naruto Uzumaki smiled disdainfully.

“You wouldn’t be stupid enough not to notice, would you?”

“Becoming a ten-tailed pillar force was my original goal.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha was stunned.

In his mind, he began to sink into crazy memories.

Harvest the Great Snake Pill to transplant intercolumnar cells.

(Note: Naruto Uzumaki uses Kizuku without knowing that the system exists, so Uchiha takes the soil to think that Naruto Uzumaki transplanted intercolumn cells through the Great Snake Maru)

Join the Akatsukiorganization and collect the tailed beasts while destroying all the remaining ninja village strongmen.

Defeat Nagato and snatch the Eye of Samsara! At last

Become the Ten Tails Pillar Force and unify the entire ninja world.

Take everything in this world into your own hands.

All of this — 880 cuts,

It seems that there is indeed a figure of Naruto Uzumaki behind him.

After connecting all the things,

Uchiha took a breath of cool air.

He didn’t know how Naruto had gotten so much information.


It’s just this trick,

He felt an unprecedented wave of fear in his heart.

“Finally scared?”

“However, you have no chance to repent.”

Seeing Uchiha’s earthy appearance, Naruto Uzumaki slowly opened his mouth.

Uchiha Obito soil,

Today he must die at his hands.

“Damn, you bastard!”

“Obviously, I am the one who is behind the scenes, and you are all my pawns!”

“Why? Why did it turn out to be like this?! ”

“Obviously, I should become the Pillar Force of the Ten Tails and reach the realm of the Six Immortals.”

“I want to create a world where Lynn exists!”

“All this has been ruined by you!”

Uchiha stared angrily at Naruto Uzumaki.

If it weren’t for Naruto Uzumaki,

It should be him who becomes the ten-tailed human pillar force.

But now,

All plans were ruined by Naruto Uzumaki! That dream world,

He could never have it again!

“I’m going to kill you!”

Uchiha roared angrily with the earth, and then took the initiative to attack Naruto Uzumaki!

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