Chapter 196 In comparison, the previous life was simply worse than a pig or a dog!!

After Naruto Uzumaki left, Beryuhu began to wander around inside the experimental base.

He is about to start his research career here.


It is still necessary to understand it.

“Beiliuhu, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Just as Beiliuhu had just left the room, the Great Snake Maru came over to him. Seeing the Great Snake Pill, Beiliuhu’s face revealed a complicated look.


At Ninja School,

He and the Great Snake Maru were still very good friends.


Later, the Great Snake Maru was taken in as an apprentice by the ape Fei Ri.


The two have no intersection.

For this case,

Beiliuhu was very jealous in his heart.


He would continue to study various forbidden arts in order to enhance his talents.

This is also the reason why the art of the Ghost Bud Luo was able to be invented.


The study of forbidden arts requires continuous human experiments.


He was discovered by the shadows,

Then he became the rebel of Konoha.

“I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Great Snake Maru.”

Beiliuhu calmed his emotions and spoke slowly.

“Let me show you around.”

“The experimental base is huge.”

“It’s a waste of time to wander around without a goal.”

The Great Snake Maru smiled and opened his mouth.

Right now

He has fulfilled his dream of eternal life.


Every day, you can use the most cutting-edge equipment to study anything you want to study.

All the forces of the ninja world,

They all served him with the acquiescence of Naruto Uzumaki.


The Great Snake Pill can now be described as proud of life, and there is no longer the gloomy appearance of the past.

“You’ve changed a lot.”

Seeing that the Great Snake Pill actually took the initiative to introduce himself to the experimental base, Beiliuhu’s heart was very surprised.

In the past,

The Great Snake Pill is not such a character.

“Come on.”

To Beiliuhu’s words, the Great Snake Maru just smiled slightly.


It’s all going to change.

If a person does not change until one death, it can only explain one thing.

He was dead before he could change.


Under the leadership of the Great Snake Maru, Beiliuhu had a certain understanding of the entire experimental base.

This also made Beiliuhu completely dumbfounded. He didn’t think about it at all.

This experimental base,

How luxurious it would have been built! I’m afraid the whole ninja world,

Nowhere can it be compared.

“You… That’s where you do your research? ”

Because he was too shocked, Beiliuhu was a little incoherent in his speech.

So comfortable environment, so complete materials.

There are also devices that have never been seen before.

All of this,

It made Beiliuhu feel like he was dreaming.

Over here

It’s simply a paradise for research lovers!

“Yes, this environment is not bad, right?”

Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, Beiliuhu almost burst out of his mouth.

Not bad?

It’s just perfect!

If he had known that there was such a luxurious experimental base here, he would have come to Naruto in the vortex long ago!

Think about yourself before,

Not only to avoid the pursuit from the dark part of the wooden leaf, but also to solve their own experimental materials.


He didn’t even have a decent laboratory.

You can only work hard in one dark cave after another.

Thinking of the hard days he had lived before, Beiliuhu almost cried on the Madara.

Compared with the Great Snake Maru,

I was worse off than a pig or dog before.

At this moment,

Beryuhu worshipped Naruto more of a whirlpool.


Even if it is death,

He’s going to mess with Naruto Uzumaki too!

“Okay, I’ve got things to do next.”

“Make your own arrangements.”

The Great Snake Pill didn’t say much either.

In the beginning,

He was almost as shocked as Belyuhu.

He understood too well how Beiliuhu was feeling now.

Looking at Beiliuhu, who was still in a sluggish state, the Great Snake Pill was in a good mood.


Dumbfounded, right?

Fortunately, the brother was witty at the time, and decisively chose to follow Naruto Jun, otherwise,

Where is there such a good day now?

A long time after the Great Snake Pill left, Beiliuhu returned to God.

“It seems that I have to perfect the Ghost Budding Luo Technique as soon as possible.”

Beryuhu knew that the reason why he had the opportunity to come here,

It was entirely because Naruto Uzumaki had taken a fancy to his own Oni Ya Luo Technique.


Then he must maximize his value.


Beiliuhu did not hesitate,

Directly entered the working mode and began the study of the art of ghost budding!

A month later, inside the experimental base.

Naruto Uzumaki called Beruhu and the Great Serpent Maru in front of him.

“Beiliuhu, I went back to see your Ghost Budding Technique.”

“This ninjutsu is very risky.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, cold sweat instantly flowed from Naruto’s forehead and Naruto was right, there was indeed a great flaw in the Oni Bud Luo Technique.

That’s what he’s been worried about.

“Lord Naruto, this… I’ve also been researching how to improve this ninjutsu lately. ”

“Please give me a little more time, and I’ll be able to solve these problems.”

Belyuhu knelt on the ground and said.

Unlike at the beginning,

After living inside the experimental base for a month, Belyuhu fell in love with it completely.

He now,

I don’t want to go back to the life I used to live anymore.

“Well, you don’t have to panic so much.”

“Rest assured, as long as you are loyal to me, I will not unload the donkey.”

Seeing that Beiliu was frightened into such a look, Naruto Uzumaki comforted him.

“Rest assured, even if I die, I will never betray him!”

Although Beiliuhu felt that Naruto’s metaphor was somewhat inappropriate.


But I was still relieved.

Just don’t drive him away.

“I’m not here to urge you.”

“After a month, I have perfected your Ghost Bud Luo Technique.”

“This is my improved version, take a look.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and then took a scroll from his arms and threw it at Belyuhu,

Nature is a record of the Ghost Buddy Luo Technique that the system rewards him.

“Okay, it’s really hard Naruto.”

Beiliuhu took the scroll in Naruto’s hand, but in his heart he didn’t care about the art of the ghost bud,

He has been studying for an unknown number of years.

Over the years,

He exhausted all means,

This ninjutsu still has huge flaws.

Even the ninjutsu that even he, the creator, could not improve, Naruto Uzumaki perfected in just one month? No kidding.

Beljue sighed,

It was more like Naruto Uzumaki trying to establish an image in front of him.

Young people always want to be sought after.

Beryuhu acknowledged that Naruto Uzumaki was very powerful.


In the field of research, it is not so simple.

That’s it

As he pondered how to praise Naruto Uzumaki, he opened the scroll in his hand.

What Beiliuhu did not expect was that.

Just took a look,

He was shocked by the contents of the scroll and completely opened his mouth.

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