Chapter 197 The Feats That Changed the Entire Ninja Realm!!

After taking the scroll from Naruto Uzumhir’s hand,

Just took a look,

I was instantly shocked by the contents inside.

Above the reels,

The cultivation method of the Ghost Bud Luo Technique is recorded in detail.

A lot of things he couldn’t think of before, at this time,

It’s all been solved.

More importantly,

As the inventor of the art of the Ghost Bud.

Beryuhu is very clear,

The Ghost Budding Technique recorded on this scroll is so perfect.

This was simply the Ghost Bud Luo Technique of his dreams!

“This… This……”

Looking at the scroll in his hand, he looked up at Naruto Whirlpool again.

Beiliu couldn’t say anything.

He didn’t think about it.

Naruto Uzumaki had actually perfected the Oni Budding Technique.

Perfected to such perfection.

“What’s wrong?”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

Seeing the look of Beiliuhu, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly in his heart.


Now you know how good I am, right? Own the system,

It’s just so unreasonable.

“No… No problem at all. ”

“Lord Naruto, you are such a genius!”

“Oh… No, it’s God, it’s God who knows and is all-powerful! ”

Beiliuhu looked at Naruto with admiration in his eyes.

The problem that has plagued him for so many years,

It was actually solved by Naruto Uzumaki in this way.

It’s incredible.

After all, studying this aspect,

Even if he had the talent in this area, it would take a long time of knowledge accumulation to make Naruto the vortex so young and so powerful.


There is simply no opportunity to access these studies.


Naruto Uzumaki easily did what even he couldn’t do.

This allowed Beryuhu to only treat Naruto Uzumaki as a god-like figure.

Seeing the look of Beiliuhu, the big snake pill beside him showed a smile.


He was also struck by Naruto Uzumaki.

In front of Naruto Uzumaki,

It seems that there is nothing that the other party cannot do.


Because of Naruto Uzumaki,

The Great Snake Maru also fell into self-doubt for a time.

Right now

Seeing that this former friend of Beiliuhu was shocked into such a look, the Great Snake Maru did not know why,

I actually felt an inexplicable sense of pride in my heart.

“Since there is no problem, then we must verify it.”

“Great Snake Maru, how is the cloning technology progressing?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Great Snake Maru nodded.

“There’s no problem with cloning anymore.”

“Now I can clone an identical body out of a cell.”

Under the introduction of the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Uzumaki also has a certain understanding of cloning.

It’s a little different from past lives.

After adding the unique power of the Naruto world such as Chakra, cloning technology,

The body of the cloned object can be copied perfectly one-to-one.

“Well, if that’s the case, let’s find some ninjas that we can use as targets for experiments.”

“Keep and clone their cells as sacrifices to the art of the Ghost Bud.”

Now that he had the cloning technology, Naruto Uzumaki didn’t intend to use the living Blood Inheritance Limit Ninja as experimental material.

That would not only cause some trouble.

It is also completely insufficient for future consumption.

“Steel shield, swift escape, dark escape, Lan escape…”

“Let’s find the ninjas with these four bloodline boundaries first.”

After Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, the Great Snake Maru and Beiliu Huo’s eyes lit up.


It won’t take long,

You can really know how powerful the Ghost Bud Luo Technique really is.

“I see.”

The Great Snake Maru looked at Bei Liuhu and turned away.

Naruto and Naruto began to wait quietly in the room…….

The efficiency of the Great Snake Maru is very high.

It only took less than a day to find all the ninjas with the four Blood Inheritance Limits.

The four ninjas looked at Naruto in front of them with some excitement.

After the unification of the ninja world, all ninjas regarded Naruto Uzumaki as their idol.

It is because of Naruto Uzumaki,

Only then did this ninja world usher in true peace.

Plus the mighty power of Naruto Uzumaki.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for Naruto Uzumaki to say that he is now a god in the ninja world.

“Let’s each show what you’re capable of.”

Looking at the four ninjas in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki spoke softly.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words,

The four men each showed their abilities.

After seeing the abilities of the four people, Beiliuhu was very excited in his heart.

If the abilities of these four people are all given to one person through the Technique of Ghost Bud Luo,

Wouldn’t that be invincible to the ninja world?

“Big Snake Maru, take them down to get ready.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, the Great Snake Maru nodded.


It was time to clone the bodies of these four ninjas.

After the Great Snake Maru left,

Naruto Uzumaki also closed his eyes.

After the cloning was completed, he could experiment with the Ghost Budding Technique.

If through this ninjutsu can really make people have a very powerful power, then in the future, it is completely possible to cultivate his forces into talents in all aspects.

White eyes, writing wheel eyes, these blood inheritance limits, is not impossible to popularize.

In the face of cloning technology, these are not problems.

“My lord, I’ll go see if there’s anything I can do to help.”

Hearing Belyuhu’s words, Naruto Uzumaki nodded in agreement.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki agree, Beryuhu’s face showed a look of delight.

In fact

He didn’t really want to help.


Years of hard work finally have the opportunity to come true.

He couldn’t contain his excitement.

Come out of the room,

Beiliuhu quickly caught up with the Great Snake Maru.

“Lord Great Snake Maru, what is Lord Naruto looking for us to do this time?”

on the road

A ninja asked curiously.

“Don’t ask what you shouldn’t have.”

“Remember, today’s events must not be revealed like anyone!”

The Great Snake Pill’s voice was cold and warned several people.

Although Naruto Uzumaki is now the first person in the ninja world to deserve it.


This kind of thing still has to be kept secret.


If you want to follow his previous character, these four ninjas today,

There will never be a chance to live.

“Got it.”

Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, several people closed their mouths with interest.

And then young,

Obediently let the Great Snake Pill collect his own cells.

“Okay, you can go.”

After the Great Snake Maru finished speaking, several Shadows took the four ninjas away.

And the Great Snake Maru and Belyuhu,

The cloning of the cells immediately began.

They all had a premonition,


This event can be a feat that will change the entire ninja world!

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