Chapter 198 Fusion of the Power of the Four Blood Inheritance Limits!!

Konoha Village,

A hidden jungle.

Naruto Uzumaki and the Great Snake Maru stood in front of them, looking at Beiliuhu with interest.

It’s been more than a month since the last time four Blood Bound ninjas were found to clone them.

After this month, the clone bodies of the four ninjas were finally completed, therefore,

Today, Naruto Uzumaki was ready to experiment with the Oni Bud Luo Technique.

“Beliuhu, are you ready?”

Looking at the Beryuhu in front of him, Naruto Uzumaki asked.

“Ready, Lord Naruto.”

“You can start anytime.”

Beiliuhu’s mood at this time was very excited.

At his strong request.

Naruto Uzumaki agreed to his request to be the first to use the Oni Buddy Technique.


This means that he will be the first experimenter.

If there is any accident when performing the Ghost Budding Luo Technique to merge, it will be trouble.


Beiliuhu was confident in Naruto’s improved Oni Ya Luo Technique.


He offered to become the first user of the Oni Ya Luo Technique.

If ninjutsu succeeds,

Then his strength will change dramatically.

By that time,

He no longer had to feel inferior to himself for his mediocre talents.

“Well, let’s get started.”

Looking at the eager look on Beiruhu’s face, Naruto Uzumaki nodded at the Great Snake Maru.

Indications can begin.


The Great Snake Maru then took out the clones that had been prepared long ago and placed them around the Beiliuhu.

In the case of Beiliuhu, the hands began to slowly seal.


With the completion of the Beiliuhu Knot Seal, the Ghost Bud Luo cultivated in his body also broke out of his body in an instant.

Four powerful tentacles grew from Beliuhu’s body.

And then

The four clones on the ground were completely covered.

One, two, three…


The four ninjas were completely absorbed into their bodies by Belyuhu.

And Belyuhu,

Now it has also completely become a monster.

“Is this the art of Ghost Bud?”

“It’s scary to watch.”

Seeing the look of Beiliuhu, the Great Snake Maru couldn’t help but shake his head.

This is also an improved Ghost Bud Luo technique.

If it is the original,

I’m afraid I don’t know what it will be like.

He had originally thought that his immortal rebirth technique and soft body transformation were perverted enough.


The Ghost Bud Luo Technique invented by Beiliuhu was even more than that.

Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, the vortex Naruto nodded slightly, as if the same slightly.

If it is placed at night,

Beliuhu is like this,

It must be able to scare a lot of timid guys to death.

At this time, the belugree,

Even if it is said to be an evil ghost in hell, it is not too much.


After the initial stages of integration,

Belyuhu’s body also began to slowly become smaller.


Some human characteristics have also been restored.


After ten minutes have passed,

Belyuhu was restored to its original appearance again.


“Is this what it feels like to have power?”

“It’s so wonderful!”

As soon as he recovered, Beiliuhu looked up at the sky and laughed a few times.

He could feel it now,

Own body,

With endless power.

“Was it successful?”

Looking at the look of Beiliuhu, the Great Snake Maru’s eyes froze.

Now Belyuhu,

Do you really have four Blood Inheritance Limits?

“My lord, I succeeded!”

After the excitement, Belyuhu knelt down on one knee in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

Even he didn’t think of it.

The improved Ghost Bud Luo Technique could be so perfect.

In the process of integration,

He was not hindered in any way.

Not only is there no feeling of pain in the body.


Spiritually there was also no impact at all.

At the moment when the fusion is completed,

He had already fully mastered the four blood inheritance boundaries of the body, “Not bad.” ”

Looking at Belyuhu, Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

Although the other side now has a strong strength.


But he still respected him.

This made Naruto Uzumaki very satisfied.

“How are you feeling now?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Beryuhu felt his body carefully again.


He came to a conclusion.

That is,

The Art of Ghost Bud Luo,

There are no side effects at all.

His current body,

Didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary.

“Lord Naruto Uzumaki, I want to show you my current strength.”

After Beiliuhu finished speaking, he looked at the Great Snake Maru standing nearby.

When he first studied the Technique of Ghost Bud Luo, it was to catch up with the Great Snake Pill and others.


Now the first time he gained his strength, he hit the idea on the body of the Great Snake Maru.

“Is it?”

“Great Snake Maru, what do you think?”

Naruto Uzumaki naturally understood the intentions of Belyuhu.

Therefore, he also set his sights on the body of the Great Snake Maru.

If the Great Snake Maru accepts it,

There should be a good drama to watch.

“If that’s the case, let me see the results of this technique.”

“It just so happens that I haven’t been active in the land for a long time now.”

Feeling Beiliuhu’s battle will, the Great Snake Maru also showed a smile on his face.

The challenge from his former friend made his mood swell a little.

“The venue is right here.”

“Even if you fight with all your might, you don’t have to worry about destroying anything.”

After Naruto finished speaking, Naruto voluntarily withdrew for hundreds of meters.

On the face,

It’s all about watching the hilarity.

“Great Snake Maru, today my ninjutsu is finally complete.”

“Finally, I can fight you head-on!”

Looking at the Great Snake Maru, a smile of excitement appeared on Beiliuhu’s face.

“Then you’ll have to work harder.”

“If I were defeated all at once, I’m so sorry for the effort I’ve put into these days.”

The Great Snake Maru said confidently and calmly.

His strength,

It’s not that simple.

“Then be careful, I’m going to get ready to attack.”

Beiliuhu heard the words of the Great Snake Maru, and his mouth hummed softly.

Now he,

It possesses the four Blood Inheritance Boundaries of Swift Escape, Steel Shield, Dark Escape, and Lan Escape.

Even in the face of a shadow-level strong person like the Great Snake Maru, he was not vain.

“Come on, let me see how strong you are now.”

The Great Snake Pill still had a light cloud on his face.

Before that, Beiliuhu was just an ordinary ninja strength.

Even if it becomes stronger, how strong can it be?

Seeing that the Great Snake Pill was ready, Beiliu Huye no longer hesitated.

Directly launched an attack on the Great Snake Maru.

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