Chapter 199 Incredible Power!!

After seeing that the Great Snake Pill was ready, Beiliuhu instantly launched an attack on the Great Snake Maru.

“Shadow Multi-Snake Hand!”

Watching Beiliuhu rush towards him, the Great Snake Pill was also the first to shoot.


The Great Snake Maru’s right arm turned into several stout poisonous snakes and rushed towards Beiliuhu.

“Pavilion, both away!”

Looking at the attack of the Great Snake Maru, Beiliu snorted softly. Then the Swift Escape was launched.

Followed by

His speed was increased to the extreme.

It was easy to dodge the attack of the Great Snake Maru.


With the blessing of Xun Shuo, Beiliuhu smoothly approached the Great Snake Maru.

Then he launched a rainstorm-like attack on the Great Snake Maru.

“So fast!”

Feeling the attack of Beiliuhu, the Great Snake Maru was secretly shocked.

Now Belyuhu

In terms of speed, you can even go to the Chakra mode.

Even he couldn’t catch the figure of Beiliuhu.

“Haha, ha!”

Beiliuhu launched an uninterrupted attack on the Great Snake Maru.

On the scene, the Great Snake Maru completely fell into the downwind.

Broken! Finally, under the rapid attack of Beiliuhu, the Great Snake Maru was hit by a blow and flew out.

Although due to the special modification of the body

Therefore, the Great Snake Pill did not suffer any substantial damage.

But such a gap

It made the Great Snake Maru feel very faceless.

“The Array of Ten Thousand Serpents!”

Taking advantage of this gap, the Great Snake Maru double-pressed up the beat.

Instantly pass through the psychic array

Countless poisonous snakes rushed out.

These venomous snakes are densely packed

If there is a dense phobia, I am afraid that I will faint on the Madara.


At the suggestion of the Great Snake Maru, countless poisonous snakes rushed towards Beiliuhu.

Leave it to you as fast as you can.

As long as the number is enough, it depends on how you respond!


Looking at the countless poisonous snakes, Beiliu snorted coldly.

“Lan Shu Thunder Cloud Cavity Wave!”

With a low sigh, a thick dark cumulonimbus cloud instantly appeared around Beiliuhu.

And then

Countless lightning bolts were released from the clouds.

The venomous snake summoned by the Great Snake Pill bombarded the past.


Under lightning strikes

Beiliuhu stood still and did not move.

And around him

It was the carcasses of the snakes that had been charred.

“The Great Breakthrough!”

Seeing that the Ten Thousand Snake Array could not work, the Great Snake Pill instantly switched the attack side.

“It’s useless.”

“Suck the hole!”

Looking at the ninjutsu unleashed by the Great Snake Maru, Beiliuhu opened his arms.

Then he absorbed the Wind Ninjutsu cleanly.

“Hell Evil Self-Destruction Fight!”

After absorbing the ninjutsu of the Great Snake Maru, Beiliuhu once again released the ninjutsu of the Great Snake Maru against the Great Snake Maru through the Dark Escape.

“It’s a tough opponent.”

Dodging the attack of Beiliuhu, the Great Snake Maru shook his head in his heart.

Even he didn’t think about it

Possessing the Four Blood Inheritance Limits, Beliuhu is possessed

Now it is possible to have such a powerful power.

“It seems that small fights and small troubles are no longer possible!”

“The Art of Yagi!”

The Great Snake Pill drank loudly, and the whole person’s body changed instantly.

The next second a huge white snake with eight heads appeared in front of everyone.

“Terrible ninjutsu.”

Seeing the white snake that the Great Snake Pill had turned into, Beiliu Hu couldn’t help but take a breath of cool from the body of the Great Snake of Yagi, and he felt a very convincing breath.

This is a very unbelievable thing in the eyes of Belyuhu.

Because he knew the Great Snake Pill very well.

Although the Great Snake Pill possessed a very powerful talent, he himself did not have any Blood Inheritance Limit power.

Therefore, the Great Snake Pill was able to get to this point

It’s really surprising.

“But I won’t be defeated so easily!”

“Steel shield tempering!”

Beiliu let out a low sigh, and his whole body instantly became metalized.

Then Belyuhu cast another quick escape.

With great speed and a tough body, Beiliuhu once again rushed towards the Great Snake Maru.


Rumble! Rumble!

A loud roar sounded.

Beiliuhu and the Great Snake Maru fought together.

Both are very difficult guys.


No one can help anyone.

The Great Snake Maru was unable to inflict damage on Belyuhu, who possessed the Swift and Steel Shield. The same Beiliuhu couldn’t cause any trouble to the Great Serpent Maru’s Eight Great Serpents.

You come and go

The two fought for half a day.

Even the earth is about to be destroyed.

The two did not distinguish between the winners and losers.

“Well, that’s the end of today’s battle.”

Naruto Uzumaki was a little impatient.

By the time the battle had reached this point, there was no need to continue.


Naruto raised his hand slightly. Immediately after that, Beiliuhu and the Great Snake Maru felt that their bodies were under great pressure.

Under this tremendous pressure

The two couldn’t move in an instant.

“Such a terrible power, is this the true strength of Naruto?”

“It was so easy to suppress me and the Great Snake Maru.”

“It seems that not being overwhelmed by power is indeed a correct decision.”

Suppressed by Naruto Uzumaki, Beiliu was shocked. He now possessed the strength of the shadow level.

And in the shadow level of the strong

He is also a general being.

Didn’t expect it to be just a trick

It was easily suppressed by Naruto Uzumaki.

That mighty force

Make his body completely immobile.

Now Belyuhu is very happy.

Just now he didn’t have any disrespect for Naruto Uzumaki because of his strength.

“Well, I probably already know the power of the Ghost Budding Technique.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and revoked the force that had been applied to the Great Serpent Maru and Beruhu.

And then

Only then did the two regain their freedom.

It was just used by Naruto Uzumaki

It’s really just another use of gravity and repulsion.

Applying a strong gravitational force to the bodies of the Great Snake Maru and Beiliuhu, the two would naturally be crushed and unable to move.

With his current strength of the Six Dao Dai Feng, it was still very simple to do this.

“Beiliuhu, the Ghost Bud Luo Technique is really good.”

After regaining his freedom, the Great Snake Maru looked at Beiliu and sighed in admiration.

He didn’t think about it

Originally, it was just a humble call of ordinary ninja strength

After fusing the power of the four Blood Inheritance Limits, it seems that it can become so powerful,

In the future, he also needed to consider whether he should use the Ghost Budding Luo Technique to prepare several blood inheritance boundaries for himself.

“Well, even if you said that, I wouldn’t be happy.”


Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, Beiliu laughed a few times.

To be able to get the praise of the Great Snake Maru, his heart was very excited. Then the two walked over to Naruto Uzumaki.


Or listen to Naruto’s instructions.

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