Chapter 203 The Mighty Uchiha Madara!!

“Little devil, do you know my identity?”

Seeing Beiliuhu’s shocked look, Uchiha was very impressed.


He had no longer been mixed up in the ninja world for so long, and the ninja world even spread his legend,

This greatly satisfies Uchiha’s vanity.

“Do you still want to do it?”

“Fight with such a guy, if you are not careful, you will die.”

Ignoring Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki spoke to Beryuhu.

“I… I’m okay! ”

Beiliuhu slowly calmed his mood.

He practiced day and night,

Invented this perverted ninjutsu of Oni Yara.


Isn’t it to fight against the strong people who didn’t dare to think of before? The purpose of becoming stronger,

Isn’t that what it is for? If you back off now,

Then he may not be able to make any progress in his lifetime.

The heart of a strong man who is not afraid of anything,

Absolutely can not be aMadaradoned!

“Then I’ll leave it to you.”

Hearing Beiliuhu’s words, Naruto Uzumaki didn’t say anything more.

Instead, he directly chose a place with a relatively wide view and sat down.

“What an arrogant little ghost.”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki’s appearance, Uchiha couldn’t help but snort softly.

Dare to pretend in front of his Uchiha Madara,

Naruto Uzumaki was still the first one.

“Uchiha Madara, your opponent is me!”

Seeing that Uchiha’s gaze had been on Naruto Uzumaki’s body, Beryuhu felt that he was being slighted.


“Do you want to dance?”

Hearing Beiliuhu’s words, Uchiha smiled disdainfully.

“Hmm, less nonsense!”

Seeing Uchiha’s eyes, Beiliu exhaled anger and attacked his heart.

It’s that look again!

From childhood to adulthood, because of the problem of talent,

Belyuhu has always been despised.

That’s one of the reasons he wants to be stronger.

And now,

He already had great power, and Uchiha was still looking down on himself so much.

I must make him pay the price!


“Steel Shield!”

Although he was very angry, Beiliuhu was not careless.

Instead, it directly launched the Swift and Steel Shield.

Take your speed and defense to the extreme.

“Do you actually have two bloodline boundaries?”

“It should be a little fun to play.”

Seeing the performance of Beiliuhu, Uchiha raised an eyebrow.

Ninjas with double blood inheritance boundaries are rare.

Beiliuhu did not pay attention to Uchiha Madara, but directly launched the teleportation technique, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the attack of Beiliuhu, Uchiha Madara did not intend to dodge.

Instead, he started a melee fight directly with Belyuhu.

He wants to defeat the enemy in what he does best.

This is the pride of his Uchiha Madara!

Madarag! Madarag! Madarag! soon

The two engaged in a fierce confrontation.

“Hahahahaha……… Joyfully! ”

Uchiha laughed wildly as he fought.

The speed and steel shield of Beiliuhu gave him a lot of pressure.

It gave him a little bit of fun from fighting.

“Damn, this guy…”

Unlike Uchiha Madara, Beiliuhu is more and more frightened the more he fights.

He originally thought,

Even if Uchiha Madara is strong, but,

In terms of physical combat, it is certainly inferior to his.

After all

He possesses Quickness and Steel Shield.

Whether it is speed, strength or defense, it is impeccable.


He possesses these two bloodline boundaries,

It can even be crushed into the downwind in close combat.

In front of Uchiha Madara’s powerful pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, all his movements,

It was all clear.

“No, there is no doubt that if it continues like this, there will be no doubt.”

Beiliuhu found an opportunity and took the initiative to distance himself from Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha is a dirt rebirth.

If you continue to spend like this, he must lose in the end!

“Do you want to compete in ninjutsu?”

Seeing that Beiliuhu and himself pulled away, Uchiha Madara did not take the initiative to pursue no matter what means the other party had,

He wouldn’t care.

“Don’t talk, just as you are the default.”

“Fire escape, fire extinguished!”

Uchiha saw that Beiliuhu did not speak, so he directly sealed his hands.

Followed by

A huge cloud of flames formed a sea of fire and swept towards Belyuhu.

“This… This power… How can it be?! ”

Seeing the fire ninjutsu released by Uchiha Madara, Beiliuhu was instantly dumbfounded.


Will the ninjutsu power unleashed by Uchiha be so powerful? Obviously, it’s just an ordinary B-grade ninjutsu.

Now it’s comparable to S-class ninjutsu.

“Meditation Hole Sucking Hole!”

Beiruhu used the Nether Retreat to absorb the ninjutsu released by Uchiha Madara.


Since the power of the Fire Ninjutsu unleashed by Uchiha Madara is really too powerful, so,

Belyuhu was still somewhat injured.

“Do you even have other Blood Inheritance Limits?”

“You’re really surprising me more and more.”

“Well, try this!”

“Fire Escape, Fire Extinguished!”

As Uchiha’s voice fell, a huge fireball appeared in front of Belyuhu.

Feeling the scorching heat of the fireball, a cold sweat broke out of Belyuhu’s body.

No way

This powerful ninjutsu cannot be absorbed!

Although it is possible to absorb ninjutsu, however,

That’s also limitless.

Now the ninjutsu power unleashed by Uchiha Madara was so powerful that Beiliuhu couldn’t absorb it at all.


With a loud roar.

The fireball burned everything within a few thousand meters of the surrounding area.

After the fireball has dissipated,

The figure of Beiliuhu appeared in the sight of everyone again.

At this time, the belugree,

It was pitch black.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Dark Retreat had absorbed a part of the power of the Fire Escape, plus the defense of his own steel shield.


He was already dead with that blow.

But even so,

He was no longer able to fight.

“Is this the end?”

“It’s really boring.”

Looking at the Beiliuhu who fell to the ground, Uchiha snorted coldly.

In order to be able to play a little longer,

He deliberately did not use the eternal kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye to perform magic.


The other side still lost so easily.

“Next, it’s your turn.”

Ignoring the Uzumaki who had fallen to the ground, Uchiha set his eyes on Naruto Uzumaki.

Although Naruto did not show his strength.


Uchiha’s instincts told him that the other side,

Must be an outrageously powerful guy.

“Can you still move?”

Naruto walked over to Beryuhu and spoke softly.

“Yes, let the adults down.”

Belyuhu stood up with difficulty.

He was now very frustrated.

Originally, he thought that by using the Ghost Budding Luo Technique to fuse the four Blood Inheritance Limits, his strength was already one of the best in the Ninja Realm.

I didn’t expect that in the face of the real strong, it would be so vulnerable.

“Things to expect.”

“Stay away.”

Naruto had anticipated this.

Although Uchiha Madara is not in its heyday,


The strength has also reached the supershadow level,

It was definitely not something that Beljuhu could deal with.

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