Chapter 204 Samsara Eye VS Samsara Eye!!

“What, do you want to dance too?”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki standing in front of him, Uchiha clasped his hands around his chest.

A look of arrogance.

The battle he had just fought with Belyuhu made Uchiha seem to return to when he was alive.

Looking at everything, no one is his opponent.

“I dance your uncle!”

Hearing Uchiha’s words, Naruto Uzumaki scolded.

People of the Uchiha clan,

Is there some pit in the head? Uchiha Madara this guy, when he sees people, he will dance,

The title of King of Konoha Dance is really worthy of the name.

“Little devil, you should be Naruto Uzumaki, right?”

The teenager in front of me,

It’s exactly the same as Black Jedi’s description.


The look of Naruto Uzumaki,

It still surprised Uchiha Madara.

The other party could be so young.

Even when he and the Thousand Hands Pillar were young,

It also definitely did not reach Naruto Uzumaki’s current achievements.

“It seems that you still have some eyesight.”

Hearing Uchiha’s words, Naruto Uzumaki said something as if in praise.

Aren’t you crazy with Uchiha Madara?

I’m crazier than you!

“Little devil, your attitude makes me a little angry.”

Looking at the arrogant Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha frowned, and his expression was a little displeased.

In addition to the Thousand Hands Pillar,

He does not allow anyone to pretend to be in front of him.

“Is it?”

“The inferiority complex of the weak always makes them inexplicably angry.”

“A strong person doesn’t care about an ant that can be crushed to death with his bare hands.”

Naruto Uzumaki looked at Uchiha and snorted softly.

“Very well, you managed to make me angry.”

“Get ready for my wrath!”

Naruto’s words made Otachiha completely angry.

Wouldn’t the strong care about an ant that can be crushed to death? This kind of words,

It was always only his share of what he said to others.

Dare to say such harsh words to him, it is almost death!

Uchiha decided to close his mouth.

Fighting with this sharp-toothed little ghost in front of you obviously can’t take advantage of anything.

“Fire escape, fire extinguished!”


Uchiha blinked his hands and drank in a low voice.

Followed by

A sea of flames swept towards Naruto in the whirlpool.


Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki snorted coldly.

The body did not make any movements, just gently tire his right hand.

“Seal the seal!”

Drink lightly.

The overwhelming and unstoppable sea of fire was like a deflated ball.

In just a few breaths, it was all absorbed.

“This ability…”

“Is it the same Blood Inheritance Limit as the ninja just now?”

Seeing this scene, Uchiha’s pupils shrunk.

Can it be said,

Naruto also possesses several Blood Inheritance Limits? merely

When Uchiha saw Naruto’s eyes, he dismissed the thought in his mind.

In Naruto’s eye socket,

A pair of jade reincarnation eyes,

It is emitting terrifying pupil power all the time!

“Samsara Eye!!!”

“Have you transplanted my eyes into your own body?”

“No, those gobblers…”

Looking at the whirlpool Naruto’s nine-legged jade reincarnation eyes, Uchiha Madara was surprised.

He first thought that Naruto had transplanted his reincarnation eye into his body.

But soon,

Uchiha rejects this idea.

After all

His reincarnation eye,

But there was no such thing as the existence of those nine jades.


Now the terrifying pupil power emanating from Naruto’s eyes was far more powerful than his own reincarnation eye.

“I didn’t expect that there were people in this world besides me who could gather the power of everything and awaken the reincarnation eye.”

Uchiha sighed in admiration.

And then

The eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes also changed instantaneously.

It turned into a pair of reincarnation eyes that radiated a lilac glow!

“Little devil, I admit that you are qualified to fight with me.”

Uchiha said conceitedly.

He didn’t originally intend to use his reincarnation eye.

Because he didn’t think it was necessary.

Samsara Eye,

It was he who was going to use it against the Thousand Hands Pillar.


After seeing Naruto’s reincarnation eyes, Uchiha changed his mind because,

As a ninja with reincarnation eyes,

Only then will you know how powerful the Samsara Eye really is!

“Let me see your true strength!”

Uchiha finished speaking and rushed towards Naruto Uzumaki.

Seeing this scene,

A sneer rose from the corner of Naruto’s mouth.

And then

The whole person disappeared in an instant.

By the time Naruto Uzumaki reappeared, he had already come to Uchiha’s side.

Rumble! A loud Madarag.

Uchiha was kicked out by Naruto Uzumaki and flew out.

The body that is reborn in the dirt,

It’s all gone terribly broken.

“So fast, so terrifying power…”

“Even between the pillars of the past, the body is less than one-tenth of this person’s.”

Standing in the distance,

Uchiha stared solemnly at Naruto Uzumaki……… just

If he had not been a body reborn in the dirt, he would already be a dead man by now.

This also let Uchiha Madara know,

How unwise it would be to compete with Naruto Uzumaki.

“Mu Shu Shu Jie has come!”

Since you can’t beat the physical skills, then use ninjutsu!

Uchiha Madara instantly used the wooden escape between the Thousand Hand Pillars.

For Mu Shuo,

Uchiha Madara is very confident.


He didn’t know how many times he had lost at the hands of this difficult wooden retreat.

“Mu Shu Shu Jie has come!”


What shocked Uchiha Madara was,

Naruto Uzumaki turned out to be the same two-handed seal.

Followed by

Huge trees broke through the ground between the two.


Countless stout vines intertwined and collided with each other.

Under the joint action of Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha Madara, the originally flat land was destroyed in an instant.

“It’s terrible, is this the power of Uchiha Madara?”

“When you fight me, the other side doesn’t take it seriously at all!”

“But even such a monster will be suppressed all the time when it faces Lord Naruto.”

After watching the battle from a distance, after seeing the battle between Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha Madara,

Only then do you know how small your power is.

Just the battle,

Uchiha was just teasing him.


Uchiha was still crushed by Naruto Uzumaki.

That vortex Naruto’s strength,

How powerful is it?

“Damn, I didn’t expect this little shame to use Mu Shuo as well!”

Uchiha scolded darkly.

In the previous confrontation between Mu Shuo, he had already used all his strength.

However, he was quickly overwhelmed by Naruto Uzumaki.

This made Uchiha feel very unhappy.

He who has the eye of reincarnation,

How can there be any opponents in this world?!

“Little devil, I admit you’re strong.”

“But that’s it.”

“I’m going to show you the power of the Uchiha clan gods!”

Although he has always fallen into the disadvantage in the battle, Uchiha Madara is still inexplicably confident.

As long as the display is Susanoo,

Naruto Uzumaki was definitely not his opponent.

“Is it?”

“Then let me see.”

“Just right, I’m ready to get serious.”

Hearing Uchiha’s words, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

Uchiha dared to pretend in front of him,

That wouldn’t allow him to have a good memory.

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