Chapter 208 Living, Sometimes It’s More Terrible Than Being Dead!!

After hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s story, Kuroji finally understood.

Today it came here

It’s a self-casting net.

Naruto Uzumaki,

All its secrets have long been known.

“Well, now it’s time to end this farce.”

Looking at the black Jedi nailed to the ground by the Quest Jade, Naruto Vortex smiled slightly. What kind of thing was the black absolute, even he couldn’t understand it.

Change to someone else

The body that had been pierced into the body by the Seeker Dao Jade was already dead.


Black Jedi is still alive and kicking.

And in the original book

Black Jedi also possesses the ability to pierce the heart of six buckets with one blow.

Be aware

Even after Matkay opened the eighth door

The strongest blow did not cause the six Madaras to lose control of their physical strength.


Black is definitely just a hit

The power of the Six Madaras was plundered by the Great Barrel Mu Hui Night.

This ability made Naruto Uzumaki have to be on guard.


Naruto Uzumaki intends to use the sealing technique to seal the Black Jedi.

And then

Take advantage of Huangquan Hirasaka and Kamui

Exile the Black Jedi into a no-man’s land.

Only in this way can we never have any troubles.

“Hmm, you’ll never kill me!”

“Even if it seals me.”

“Sooner or later, one day, I will definitely come to the ninja world again!”

Seeming to see through Naruto’s thoughts, Kuroji sneered a few times.

Although it is now controlled by the Quest Jade and cannot move.


Naruto Uzumaki wanted to kill it, but it was impossible.

It survived for several dry years.

Black never mind waiting for thousands of years.

As long as it doesn’t die

One day it will achieve its goals.


For Kuroji’s words, Naruto Uzumaki ignored them.

Instead, he mobilized Huangquan Hirasaka and brought Kishu Kakashi with him.

“Kakashi, you now transplant Uchiha’s eyes with soil.”

While Kiki Kakashi was still looking sorry, Naruto Uzumaki handed Uchiha a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes to him.

“I see.”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Kiki Kakashi didn’t ask too much.

Instead, he did as Naruto Uzumaki said.

Under Naruto’s manipulation, the eye transplant ended quickly.

“Next, I will open a space barrier for you, and you can use Shenwei to see if you can find an endless space.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, pressing his hands on Kiki Kakashi’s back.

He was going to pass some chakra to Kimu Kakashi.


Take the amount of Chakra of Kakashi

Using Shenwei to open the space barrier is a thing that will probably die in an instant.

“I see.”

Feeling the chakra filling up in his body, Kimu Kakashi was in a somewhat surging mood.

Since becoming a ninja

He had never fought such a rich battle!

Seeing that Kiki Kakashi was ready, Naruto Uzumaki launched the Yellow Spring Hirasaka.

Followed by

A crack in the pitch-black space appeared in front of everyone.


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kiki Kakashi also instantly unleashed his divine power. The next second, a circular hole appeared in the originally inky black space crack.

On the other side of the cave entrance

It is an endless desert.

“Very well, Kakashi, keep it up.”

Seeing the desert opposite the cave entrance, Naruto smiled with satisfaction.

In situ left a doppelganger to provide Kimu Kakashi with a steady stream of chakra.

Naruto Uzumaki entered the desert with Black Jedi.

“What do you want to do?!”

Coming to this space, Black Jedi panicked instantly.

Because it was found

After coming here

The connection between it and the Great Jane Muhui in its body disappeared if there was none.

That is to say here

It’s not the world where the ninja world is located anymore!

“Isn’t that arrogant just now?”

“Keep laughing.”

Seeing Kuro’s panicked look, Naruto Uzumaki sneered a few times.

Now know to be afraid?

It’s late!

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and his eyes closed.

Powerful perceptions instantly spread out towards the surroundings.

“I’ll explore the world for you.”

After leaving a mark in place, Naruto Uzumaki launched the Yellow Spring Hirasaka.

Start wandering around the world constantly.


This world full of yellow sand was also fully displayed in front of Naruto Uzumaki

This world is not big, and it is half the size of the ninja world.

Everything is yellow sand.

Under Naruto Uzumaki’s perception, no signs of life were found.

After the exploration was complete, Naruto returned to the original place with satisfaction.

“Black, this world is very good.”

“You’ll stay here from now on.”

After Naruto finished speaking, he condensed several black rods, completely fixing the black rod in place.

In this way, Black Jedi is completely unable to move.

Naruto then disappeared into place.

Over here

It was the tomb he specially chose for the black Jedi…


Being alive is often more terrifying than being dead.

“Don’t come back!”

“You give me back!”

“Don’t leave me here!”



“Ah Naruto Uzumaki!”

“Someday I’ll kill you!”


There came the hysterical cries of the Black Jedi.


No matter how much it eats wheezing, it will not be able to stop the door of space from closing. As the last dot disappears, the gates of space close completely. Looking at the silent and desolate world in front of him, Black Jedi was completely desperate.

Naruto must have inspected it just now.

This world

There will never be any life.

And rely on its power

Nor could he break free of the shackles left by Naruto in the whirlpool.

It was even more impossible to return to the original ninja world again in this heavy space.

Being sealed black can still wait.

But now it is thrown in such a place

Black Jedi was utterly desperate.

It could no longer feel the connection with the Great Barrel Wood Night.

A strong sense of loneliness

The moment filled the heart of the black absolute.

This almost caused Hei Ji to have a nervous breakdown on the Madara.

Now Kuroji finally knew why Naruto Uzumaki sometimes lived

More terrible than death.

“Naruto, that thing is taken care of?”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki return, Kisuke Kakashi asked.

“Rest assured, it will be tortured there.”

Naruto Uzumaki sneered a few times.

It was a world without any life or power. Black Jedi couldn’t break through the seal he had left behind no matter what. It is even more impossible to come to the ninja world again through space teleportation. Thinking of this, Naruto stopped transporting Chakra to Kimu Kakashi’s body.

This made Kiki Kakashi’s body weak.

“You this body.”

“In the future, we must be self-disciplined!”

Looking at Kiki Kakashi, Naruto Uzumaki said in a serious tone.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Kiki Kakashi’s old face turned red.

“I see.”

Kiki Kakashi finished speaking and fled the scene quickly.

Being teased so much by his own students, Kakashi felt that he was going to lose his face.

“Remember to go to the Great Snake Pill and transplant the eye back.”

Seeing Kiki Kakashi’s back, Naruto Uzumaki smiled.

Now the black Jedi has been solved.

Then everything is officially on the right track.

The next step is to find a way to improve his strength and improve Fan.

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