Chapter 209 Looking for the Dragon Vein!!

After solving the black extinction, Naruto Uzumaki returned to KonohaVillage.

Right now

Most of the enemies had been solved by Naruto Uzumaki.

The rest,

Only the enemies of the Great Barrel Wood Clan could pose a threat to him.


Naruto Uzumaki decided,

You still have to find a way to improve your strength.

The strength of the six peaks is not strong.

At least

It is also necessary to have the power of the Blood Snare level.

“Naruto, I don’t want to be Naruto anymore.”

“Dealing with some messy things every day, it’s troublesome.”

“I don’t have time to go to the casino.”

In the courtyard,

Tsunade lay in Naruto’s arms and said whirlly. Now the situation in the ninja world has been completely stabilized.

Wood leaves,

It was also completely in the hands of Naruto Uzumaki.

In this case,

She deserves this Naruto,

It didn’t have much of an impact anymore.

“Then who are you going to let be Naruto?”

Looking at Tsunade in his arms, Naruto Uzumaki asked with a smile.


“Kakashi, Uchiha Mustela, Shiraiya…”

“They can all be.”

Tsunade said indifferently.

“Well, you don’t know them, you have no interest in Naruto at all.”

“Well, in a few years, I’ll find someone to replace you.”

Naruto Uzumaki touched Tsunade Hand’s head.

If Tsunade resigns from Naruto’s position in the current Konoha ninja,

There really isn’t a particularly suitable replacement.

“I see.”

“What’s next for you?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade could only nod reluctantly.

Although she did not want to continue to be Naruto,

But it will not be casually handed over such an important position to some unreliable guys.

“I’m going to the Land of the Winds recently.”

“The Land of Winds?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Tsunade had a puzzled expression.

“Well, you, so many sisters in the family can’t keep you, right?!”

After thinking about it for a while,

Tsunade thought of only one possibility.

That is,

Naruto Uzumaki went to the Land of the Wind to meet the woman from Temaru.

“Then tell me, are you my opponent?”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled evilly and looked into his arms.

“The amount… You can go where you want, just save our sisters all day. ”

Seeing Naruto’s gaze, Tsunade thought of something.


His face turned blushing.

Although there are many sisters in the family, but,

I really can’t help Naruto’s tossing and turning.

“Isn’t that right?”

“Besides, I have something serious to do this time.”

“What’s the right thing?”

Seeing Tsunade Tsunade’s puzzled gaze, Naruto Uzumaki repeated his purpose.

He went to the Land of the Wind this time,

Of course, it’s not just about finding Temari.


It is to find the ruins of the ancient country of Loulan.

Naruto knew that in the underground of Lou Lan, there was a dragon vein sleeping.

That’s an extremely powerful force.


It’s no worse than a tailed beast.

Now Naruto’s strength had reached a bottleneck.

Pure cultivation could not increase his strength.


Naruto had to go through other ways to enhance his power in the Dragon Vein of the Loulan Kingdom,

It was one of Naruto’s goals.

“Therefore, in order to increase my strength and better protect the future of the ninja world, I must go to the Land of Winds.”

“That’s the way it is…”

After listening to Naruto Uzumaki’s description, Tsunade felt a little guilty.

Compared to Naruto Uzumaki,

Her thoughts,

There are really some women who are too small.


Before I could react,

A pair of hands began to become restless.

“You… Why? ”

Tsunade glanced at Naruto Uzumaki.

“I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“Tonight, none of you can run.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and carried Tsunade into the room.


Shayin Village.

Inside the Wind Shadow Building.

Naruto Uzumaki was sitting leisurely in a position exclusive to Wind Shadow.

And as the wind shadow of the hand bow,

He sat silently on his knees,

Concentrate on pounding his legs for Naruto Uzumaki.

“Naruto, are you comfortable?”

Temari’s eyes were filled with love.

Although you are a wind shadow,

However, Temari didn’t mind her relationship with Naruto Uzumaki at all.

In her heart,

As long as she can become a woman of Naruto Uzumaki, that is enough.

“Okay, so let’s take a break.”

Naruto looked at the well-behaved handbow and said.

“I’m not tired.”

“I’m happy to be able to do something for you.”

Hearing Temaru’s words, Naruto Uzumaki stopped persuading.

Instead, I closed my eyes and began to enjoy the service of raising the hand bow……… meantime

Naruto Uzumaki also had some pride in his heart.


Women are used to conquer. As the eldest princess of Shayin Village, Temari’s temper is not small.

Now it has become a wind shadow,

In Shayin Village, it is a strong woman who is not the same.


That’s the kind of woman.

In the face of Naruto Uzumaki,

But he was still well-behaved like a kitten.

This greatly satisfies Naruto’s inner desire to conquer as a man.

“Naruto, did you have any instructions for suddenly coming to Sakura Village this time?”

Hearing Temaru’s words, Naruto Uzumaki did not choose to hide.

Instead, he said the purpose of his search for the ruins of Loulan Kingdom.

In the Land of the Wind,

A large part of the area is desert. Lou Languo has also been buried by the desert.

Even Naruto Uzumaki,

It also takes some effort to find the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom.


Naruto would deliberately come to the village of Sakura first to see if Temari could help.

Temari really didn’t disappoint Naruto Uzumaki.

After listening to Naruto Uzumaki, he found a map on the Madara.

“This is a map from a long time ago.”

“Lou Languo is here.”

Temari pointed at the map.

Although the country of Loulan has become a ruin in the war, the entire country has been buried by yellow sand.


The location doesn’t change.

As long as there is a map, it will not be particularly difficult to find.

“It was good.”

Seeing the map, Naruto Uzumaki nodded with satisfaction.

With a specific location,

He was able to reduce a lot of trouble.

“Naruto, do you want me to go with you?”

Temari asked.

Everywhere in the desert is unclear.

She was afraid that Naruto Uzumaki might not be able to find the ruins of the Loulan Kingdom with the map.

“Hmm… Of course. ”

“If you can get out of bed tomorrow.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking,

Before Temari could react, he held it in his arms.

“Singing… Naruto……”

“This is the Wind Shadow Office…”

Suddenly attacked by Naruto Uzumaki, Temari was a little overwhelmed.

“I know.”

“That’s more exciting, isn’t it?”

Naruto Uzumaki smiled evilly.

Then he casually launched the Enchantment.

Wind Shadow Building,

It also became silent again…

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