Chapter 211 Time and Space Travel, the Power of the Dragon Vein!!

There is a way!

Looking at the hundred feet with a fake smile on his face, Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes lit up.

Dragon vein though grumpy.


But someone can command the Dragon Vein.

Although I don’t know what the reason behind it is.


The founder of the country of Loulan, the queen of Loulan.

They will be able to make the dragon vein obedient.

As long as you can find them,

Let them help themselves tame the dragon vein. Then the dragon vein can be used for its own use.


Because of the war, the Loulan Kingdom had already been destroyed.

Queen Lou Lan is also an ordinary person who does not have a chakra.

Even if you can survive the war, I am afraid that the inheritance has long been broken.

To want to subdue the dragon vein,

It is necessary to cross to the time when the Loulan Kingdom has not yet collapsed.


Naruto Uzumaki struck the idea on Hyakuzu’s body.

Although he had now reached the level of the Six Peaks.

Space ninjutsu is even more handy.


There is absolutely nothing that can be done about traveling through time and space.

Hundred feet are not the same,

Although the strength of the other party is very small.


In the original work, the dragon vein was used by chance to open a time and space tunnel.

Naruto Uzumaki wanted Hyakuzu to give it a try.

If successful,

His plan can be implemented smoothly.

If it fails,

That wouldn’t cause any damage to Naruto in the whirlpool.

【Ding! 】

[Mission Released: Take Control of Dragon Vein.] 】

【Mission Reward: Time Travel Ability!】 】

In my mind,

The system prompt sounded.

This also made Naruto Uzumaki happy.

This time, the reward given by the system is really too anti-heavenly.

Time and space!

What an anti-heavenly power! Originally, Naruto was still worried.

If those people of the Ōtsuki clan descend on the Ninja Realm.

Although he has the confidence to defeat the other side.


If the other person plays yin, it will be trouble.

After all, in the original book,

In order to achieve his own goals, the Ōtsuki Kiura style used the time travel technology to reach a time period when Naruto had not yet grown up.

If in reality,

The big barrel Mokpo-style really used the ability to travel through time and space to the stage where he had not yet grown,

Then he’ll be in trouble.

Right now

If he can master the ability to travel through time and space, he will not have to fear this ability of the other party at all.

Come to think of it,

Naruto Uzumaki set his eyes on Hyakuzu’s body.

“The sealing technique here is too difficult to crack.”

“If you can help me crack this spell, I’ll thank you.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Hyakuto’s face immediately showed a look of excitement.

“Understood, understood!”

“Just give it to me, adults.”

“Although my strength is not very good, I have a lot of research on sealing techniques.”

A smile on his face.

He originally thought,

In front of such a powerful person as Naruto Uzumaki, the Dragon Vein had no connection with him.


Whether you can save your life or not is not certain.

But I didn’t expect that,

Naruto Uzumaki was actually stumped by the sealing technique.

Also offered to ask him for help.

“God help me!”

Hundred feet in the heart of the secret passage.

If only he could access the sealing style. Then he would be able to devour the sealing style together.

In this case,

The entire Dragon Vein was under his control.

At that time,

He would no longer be afraid of the bastard in front of him.

The whole ninja world,

It will also become the situation he wants.

No one can disobey him! Of course

If Hyakuzu knew that Naruto Payne, Uchiha with Earth, Uchiha Madara, and Kuroji these guys were all pit bodies.

I don’t know if there will be such an idea.

“Then come on.”

“When it’s done, I’ll give you enough benefits.”

Naruto Uzumaki naturally knew Hyakuto’s mind.


He doesn’t puncture either.

Instead, he took the initiative to walk to the side.


It’s like a hairy kid who has just entered society.

“Rest assured, sir.”

“I will do my best to help you unlock the seal.”

Hyakyu continued to smile at Naruto Uzumaki.


But he sneered at Naruto Uzumaki.

He knew in his heart,

Naruto Uzumaki simply wanted to use him to lift the seal.

After the seal is lifted,

Naruto Uzumaki was afraid that he would kill him in the first place.


How could he not be using Naruto in the vortex?

As long as he controls the Dragon Vein,

Who kills who is not certain! thereupon

With each side thinking with their own cares, Baizu finally came to the face of the seal.

After Naruto gave way to the position,

Bai Zu then tightly grasped the Flying Thunder God Ku Wu left behind by the Bo Feng Shui Gate with both hands.

Followed by

The Hundred Feet shouted, and the Chakra of the whole body was mobilized.

After a moment,

The sealing technique left by the Bo Feng Shui Men was actually transferred to the body of the Hundred Feet.


It’s like being swallowed up by a hundred feet.

The seal is broken,

A powerful energy also began to leak out.

The dragon vein that has been sealed for many years has finally awakened again!


“The Dragon Vein is mine!”

“Little devil, you’re still too naïve!”

“With the dragon vein, I am invincible!”

Hundred Feet said excitedly.

He could feel that, at this moment,

His whole body was already full of strength.

With such power,

Hyakuzu even felt that he had the ability to destroy the entire ninja world!

“Wait for me, I’ll find you and kill you.”

Looking at the hundred feet laughing triumphantly, Naruto Uzumaki opened his mouth expressionlessly.

The look in Naruto’s eyes made Hyakuzu unconsciously swallow his saliva.

He felt, being stared at by Naruto Uzumaki,

It was as if he had been targeted by death.

Even though he was full of strength now.


But I still felt a palpitation.

It has nothing to do with reason,

This is the most primitive fear that comes from the bottom of my heart.

After a moment,

The Hundred Feet finally came back to life.

He suppressed his fear and shook his head.

He now has control of the Dragon Vein.

The whole ninja world,

No one could beat him anymore.

From today onwards,

He will not fear anyone! After comforting yourself,

Hundred Feet laughed wildly again.

“Little devil, I think you’re scared silly, right?”

“Lao Tzu is in front of you, and you still want to…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was engulfed by an extremely strong blue pillar of light.

Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki was overjoyed.

He knows

Under the mistaken hit of the hundred feet, the space-time channel has been opened.

Now the hundred feet,

I’m afraid it’s been a few decades ago.

After the centenary disappears,

The blue pillar of light continued to expand, and soon approached Naruto the vortex.

See this blue pillar of light,

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t have any resistance either.

Although such time and space travel has certain risks.


In order to gain more ability, Naruto Uzumaki was willing to give it a try.

So the punishment,

The huge blue pillar of light soon engulfed Naruto in the vortex as well…

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