Chapter 212 The First Sight of the Wave Feng Shui Gate!!


“Did the crossing succeed?”

Naruto Wagwayne woke up slowly and quickly regained consciousness.


With his six-pinnacle-level strength, in this crossing,

He would still be unconscious.

At this moment,

Not far away, there was a sudden burst of pleasant singing.

“The light rising from the height of Loulan, the mixed feelings.”

“The Dragon Vein that must be guarded…”

A beautiful and sad song came into Naruto’s ears.

Naruto stood up and looked in the direction where the song was coming from.

A red-haired, sweet-looking girl was sitting on a rock, leaning her head back and whispering softly with tears.

“Is this Sarah?”


Princess of Lou Languo,

The woman who is about to become the queen of the country of Loulan.

Looking at the girl in front of you,

Naruto didn’t make a sound at the first time.

Instead, he listened quietly.

Sarah’s singing voice is wonderful.

There is a feeling that can heal people’s hearts.


The song is finished,

Sarah closed her eyes tightly.


I miss something in my heart.

“Sounds good.”

After Sarah finished singing, Naruto Uzumaki clapped his hands.

Hearing Naruto’s voice, Sarah suddenly opened her eyes.

The moment he saw Naruto in the whirlpool, the whole person rushed out like a frightened rabbit.

Seeing this scene, Naruto Uzumaki did not choose to catch up.


Everything that is happening now,

It’s all the same as the 140 in the original book.


Now Sarah,

It should still be a little girl who has been brainwashed by hundreds of feet.

Want to implement your own plan,

He had to look for the right moment.


After Naruto was deliberately released underwater, Sarah managed to escape to the exit.

Followed by

The two warrior golems rushed towards Naruto in the vortex.

“Spiral Pill!”

Naruto Uzumaki casually used the Spiral Pill to easily solve the two warrior golems.

And Sarah,

Also taking advantage of this moment’s effort, it disappeared.

“Sure enough, it was exactly what I thought.”

“Hundred feet…… Oh no, it should be An Lushan, he should have completely controlled the entire Loulan Kingdom by now. ”

Naruto Uzumaki said to himself.

After Baizu crossed to Loulan Country, he changed his name to An Lushan.

Naruto slowly lifted into the air.

And then

He rushed from the ground to the ground.

After coming to the ground,

The first thing that catches your eye is the countless tall buildings.

Those buildings,

Each building has a height of hundreds of meters.

Layer upon layer.


It gives Naruto the feeling of being back in the modern city.

“It’s a nice city.”

Naruto Uzumaki sighed.

And then

Three golems flew into the air.

“It seems that An Lushan has found me.”

Seeing the puppet flying towards him, the corner of Naruto’s mouth slightly cocked.


The three golems came to Naruto Uzumaki’s side.

The next second,

They then attacked Naruto at the vortex at the same time.

Only to see that the puppet’s body emitted countless shurikens at the same time, heading towards Naruto Uzumbo’s key point.

And Naruto Uzumaki only raised his arm slightly.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

As soon as it fell, countless shurikens quickly flew backwards.

Seeing that the attack had no effect, the puppet’s hands turned into three sharp long knives.

The body attacked Naruto in the vortex.


Their speed, in the eyes of Naruto Uzumaki,

Much slower than a snail! Madarag!

Madarag! Rumble!

With two loud noises, two of the three golems instantly split apart under Naruto’s fist.

The last one,

He was also trampled under Naruto Uzumaki’s feet.

“For my promise, I came.”

“Are you ready to die?”

Naruto looked down at the golem at his feet.

He knows

An Lushan must be able to hear what he said through the puppet.

After saying that, Naruto Uzumaki stepped on it.


The puppet’s head was stomped to pieces.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Beside him, there were several applauses.

Naruto looked sideways.

Several masked ninjas slowly walked over to Naruto Uzumaki.

“The battle just now was really beautiful!”

“I didn’t expect that you were young and had such a strong strength.”

A yellow-haired masked man at the head said.

Looking at the three people in front of you,

Naruto understood instantaneously.

These three ninjas,

It should be the Bo Feng Shui Men who came to Lou Lan Guo to carry out the mission, the Autumn Road Ding Seat and the Oil Girl Zhiwei.

“You’re Konoba’s ninja, right?”

“We are also Konoha ninjas.”

“This time here, there is a dangerous task to perform.”

“It’s dangerous here now.”

“So, if nothing happens, take this opportunity to get out of here.”

Looking at the Konoha ninja shield that Naruto was carrying around Naruto’s waist, Wave Feng Shui Men also showed off his ninja shield.

“I’ve come here for my purpose.”

Hearing the words of the wave wind and water gate, Naruto Uzumaki spoke softly.

I don’t know if it’s because of the original body.

Naruto has a natural affinity for the Wave Wind and Water Gate.

“Is it?”

“Then you have to be careful.”

“If there is anything that needs help, you can activate this kungku.”

“Wherever you are, I can get there in no time.”

Looking at Naruto Uzumaki’s determined gaze, Naruto took out a special Flying Thunder God Ku Wu from his arms and handed it to Naruto Uzumaki.

“That… We left first. ”

After Bo Feng Shui Men finished speaking, he led Qiu Dao Ding Seat and the Oil Girl Shio to launch the Instantaneous Technique and disappeared in place.

“What a rotten guy.”

Looking at the Flying Thunder God in his hand, Naruto did not know what to say for a moment.

If it were not for this kind of character, Bo Feng Shui Men probably wouldn’t have died so early.

There are all kinds of people in this world, and everyone has their own personality.

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t have much to say either.

excessive interference,

If there are any serious consequences, it will not be good.

After putting away the bitterness, Naruto Uzumaki left.

What he’s going to do now,

It is quietly waiting for An Lushan to launch an attack on Princess Sarah, and then the hero saves the United States.


She was able to gain Sarah’s trust in herself….

“Watergate, is that guy really our Konoha ninja?”

“Obviously, we have such a strong strength, but we have never heard of it.”

After leaving Naruto Uzumaki, Akimichi and Shio couldn’t help but ask.

The strength that Naruto had just shown was at least the strength of the elite Shangnin.

Such a strong person,

There weren’t many leaves in the whole of the wood.


Naruto Uzumaki was still so young.

If it was really Konoha ninjas, there was no reason why they didn’t know each other.

“Well, don’t ask more questions about things that you don’t want to do with the task.”

“The other party may be the elite secretly cultivated by our wooden leaves.”

“So, let’s do the next task with peace of mind.”

Hearing the two men’s questions, Bo Feng Shui Men spoke.

Thinking of the origin of An Lushan,

He now had some speculation about Naruto’s identity.


These words are not good to say to the other two teammates.

“Got it.”

Both Akido Dingza and the oil girl Shio resolutely closed their mouths.

Although they are the minority patriarchs of the two ethnic groups.


For Bo Feng Shui Men is very admirable. Bo Feng Shui Men is right.

As a ninja,

There are some things that don’t need to be known too much.

Completing your task is the most important thing…

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