Chapter 213 Queen Sarah of Lou Lan!!

Lou Languo,

The streets of the city are crowded. There was laughter everywhere.

On everyone’s face,

All are full of happy and joyful smiles.

As they raised their hands and waved them vigorously, they shouted loudly in their mouths: Your Majesty the Queen!

Your Majesty the Queen! Madarazai! Madarazai!

In a gorgeous high-rise building, a sweet-looking girl is kneeling on the ground ~ looking up,

The look was a little sad.

“Lord Sarah, what are you doing?”

“The people are looking forward to praising your great achievements.”

“In praise of this beautiful country created by you and your mother…”

“Stand in front of your people and show your smile.”

Hearing the voice, Sarah looked up.

It wasn’t anyone else who came.

It was Lou Languo’s minister, An Lushan.

Seeing An Lushan, Sarah finally showed a smile on her face.

Six years ago.

It was he who suddenly appeared.

Only then did the Loulan country build into the bustling appearance it is now.

For An Lu Shan,

Sarah’s heart is very respectful.

“I see, An Lushan.”

Sarah nodded in response and slowly stood up.

She didn’t see it.

Behind her back,

The sneer at the corner of An Lushan’s mouth flashed away.

Six years!

Exactly six years! The time is finally ripe.

Right now

The Dragon Vein was completely under his control.

Just kill Sarah,

Then he could become the unique ruler of the entire ninja world.

That’s it

In the company of An Lushan,

Sarah came to a platform on a tall building.

“Long live the Queen!”


It is a people who cheer.

Look at the bustling scenery in front of you and listen to the cheers of your people.

Sarah also raised her arm and waved.


There was also a happy smile on his face.

This event,

Is that what my mother wanted to see before she died? Just when Sarah was out of her mind,


A powerful force pushed on her back.

Followed by

Unsuspecting, Sarah rushed out of the balcony.

Quickly drop down from high in the air.

——— Sarah shouted loudly.

At this height, falling down will undoubtedly die.

Just as Sarah closed her eyes in despair, suddenly,

She felt a light at her waist.

Followed by

She was picked up by the waist and entered a warm embrace.

Before Sarah could react.

She had already landed firmly on the ground.

“Are you…?”

Looking at the handsome man in front of her, Sarah froze for a moment.

Good half a day,

None of them came back to God.

“My name is Naruto Uzumaki.”

“My name is Sarah.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sarah’s face blushed a little.

She remembered.

In that chamber where the dragon vein could not be affected, she had seen the man in front of her.

“Thank you… Saved me. ”

Sarah bowed her head in thanks.

“Just a show of hands.”

“How did you suddenly fall from above?”

Naruto asked knowingly.

“You… You let me down first……”

Sarah didn’t answer Naruto’s question at the first time.

Right now

She was still held in Naruto Uzumaki’s arms.

As the new queen of Lou Lan country,

She had never experienced anything like this before.

“Oh, patronizing and talking, not paying attention.”

Hearing Naruto’s words, Sarah spat out her tongue.

Not paying attention?

Ghosts believe!

When I’m an idiot? But

Strangely, Sarah didn’t have much antipathy to Naruto’s actions.


It is the reason why the other party has just saved his life.

Sarah comforted herself in her heart.

“I just seemed to be pushed…”

After being put down by Naruto in the whirlpool, Sarah remembered.


She obviously felt that someone had pushed her and she would fall from the sky, “Is it? ”

“Could it be that someone is trying to murder you?”

Following Sarah’s words, Naruto Uzumaki said.

“No… No way! ”

“An Lushan would never do this.”

Sarah shook her head.

“But you just said someone pushed you…”

“I may have misremembered.”

Sarah interrupted Naruto Uzumaki from speaking.

Just on the tower,

It was just her and An Lushan.

She absolutely did not believe that An Lushan would murder her life.

At this moment,

Bo Feng Shui Gate, Qiu Dao Ding Seat, and the oil girl Shio suddenly appeared in front of the two people.

“Meet again.”

Wave Feng Shui Men said hello to Naruto Whirlpool.

“Who are you?”

Sarah looked at the three people who suddenly appeared and asked.

“We are Konoha ninjas.”

“This time, I came to solve a guy named Hundred Feet”…

“He is using the Dragon Vein in a vain attempt to develop a puppet weapon to unify the ninja world.”

For Sarah, Bo Feng Shui Men did not hide his mission.

As the queen of Loulan Kingdom,

The other person has a right to know these things.

“Well, I’m here to deal with that guy too.”

“Based on my observations during this time, I should have traveled from the future.”

“If I’m not mistaken, An Lushan should be a hundred feet, but he crossed six years ahead of me.”

Naruto Uzumaki said something selectively.


Only then can Sarah, who has been brainwashed from childhood, suspect An Lushan’s head.

“The future?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Naruto and the others all opened their mouths in surprise.

“Don’t say more about the future.”

“If you say it, it can have a big impact.”

“Let’s first discuss how to solve the hundred feet.”

Bo Feng Shui Men has long had some speculation about this.


He was also the first to return to God from shock.

“You nonsense, An Lushan is definitely not the hundred feet you say.”

“He has been working hard for Lou Languo.”

“You guys look more suspicious compared to that!”

“Moreover, maybe An Lushan and Baizu are two completely different people.”

“I’ll have to find out for myself!”

When Sarah had finished speaking, she turned and ran out.

Naruto Uzumaki and the others didn’t stop either.

A little girl who has been brainwashed since childhood, if she can believe their words so easily, then there is a ghost.

“In that case, I’m going to keep Sarah safe.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished talking and quietly followed Sarah.

It is necessary for Sarah to recognize the true face of An Lushan so that she can use it for herself.

On the other side,

Looking at Sarah, who had been rescued by Naruto Uzumaki, An Lushan fell into a rage.

It’s this bastard again.

Every time it was he who came to sabotage his own good deeds.

Right now

He had fully mastered the power of the Dragon Vein.

You must kill that guy!

For six years,

An Lushan is worried about life every day.

Every time you close your eyes,

Naruto’s indifferent face and those cold words would come to mind.

“Wait, I’ll find you and kill you!”

That’s what it says.

He spent a full six years worrying.

Right now

He finally mastered the power of the Dragon Vein.


He must kill Naruto Uzumaki with his own hands!

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