Chapter 214 The Truth!!

“I wouldn’t believe it.”

“An Lushan would never do such a thing to me.”

Walking inside the tower, Sarah whispered to herself.


But a trace of doubt still arose in my heart.

Konoha ninja

Shouldn’t you say that for no reason?

Especially the whirlpool Naruto who claims to be from the future.

He saved his life.

Sarah still has a good feeling for Naruto in her heart.


Even if she didn’t believe the other party’s statement in her heart, she would personally go to An Lushan to confront her personally.

That’s when it happened

A masked man in black suddenly burst out of the room next to the corridor.

Reaching out, he pulled Sarah into the room.

“What are you?”

Entering the room, Sarah was startled.


It was dozens of masked men dressed in the same outfit.

Are these people just guys who want to take my life? Come to think of it

Sarah felt a panic in her heart.

“Are you the real Lord Sarah?”


“I’m Queen Sarah, if you want to take my life, come with dignity!”

Sarah looked at the crowd in front of her and said.

As queen, she would never be timid with these guys.

“Give it back to us!”

The masked man did not take a shot at Sarah, and there was some pleading in his tone.


“What do you mean?”

Sarah was a little sorry.

This group of people,

Want her to give them back something?

“Don’t pretend, we can’t guarantee anything this way!”

Seeing Sarah pretending to be stupid, the masked man said viciously.

Immediately after that, a dozen masked men behind him raised their weapons.

“Hey, you guys, don’t be rude.”

That’s when it happened

Naruto walked in slowly.

“It’s you!”

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki, Sarah hid behind Naruto Uzumaki.

Don’t know why

In front of Naruto

Sarah had an unspeakable sense of security in her heart.

“Nope. Don’t kill us!” ”

“We are all good people.”

Seeing the bitterness in Naruto’s hands, the man in black panicked instantly.

Then one by one, they all took off their face towels.

“My name is Sasa and her name is Masako, and we don’t mean to take a shot at Lord Sarah.”

“Just trying to save our loved ones.”

A fat man named Sakai said.

“What the hell is going on?”

Hearing Sakai’s words, Sarah became more and more confused.

Their loved ones?

What does it have to do with yourself?

“Our loved ones were taken away in the early morning of one day.”

“I heard that they were all building weapons of war somewhere.”

Masako spoke.

“How can that be?”

“I’ve never given such an order!”

Hearing Masako’s words, Sarah retorted in shock.

“That’s why everyone calls you a zombie queen.”

When Sakai heard Sarah’s words, he muttered softly.

“The Queen of Shame?”

Hearing Sakai’s words, Sarah was even more shocked.

No, she obviously saw countless people cheering for her.

How could these people, who seemed to like their own people so much, say that about her behind their backs?

“Come with me.”

Seeing this, Naruto Uzumaki knew he should strike.


He led Sarah and the others to the outside of the tower.

“Long live Queen Sarah!”


Outside the tower, the deafening shouts at the head of the street reached everyone’s ears.

It’s night now, though

But the streets are still crowded.

Everyone was cheering enthusiastically.

“Look, everyone likes me so much.”

Seeing the crowds on the street, Sarah was happy again.

These people,

But they all cheered for her to become the new generation queen of Lou Lan Kingdom. But no one echoed her words.

Just when Sarah was wondering

Naruto walked up the street and waved his hand

Several people who were cheering fell to the ground in an instant.

Naruto picked up one of them and threw it in front of Sarah.


“These are shames.”

“The people in your eyes who cheer for you are all puppets.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sarah looked at the ground in shock and froze.

Immediately after that, under the control of Naruto Uzumaki

The chakra line, which was originally invisible to the naked eye, was displayed in front of everyone’s eyes.

These chakra lines pass through pipes on the towers and control the impostors in front of them.

“That’s the power source of the town, the power of the dragon vein!”

Seeing these chakra lines, Sarah said in shock.

Just then, the cheers in the streets suddenly became louder… The crowd looked up

I saw a puppet dressed in the queen’s costume come out of the tower that originally belonged to the queen’s residence.

It stands on the balcony of the tower, waving to the “people” below.

“This is?”

Seeing the grimness on the tower, Sarah was completely stunned.

“It seems that An Lushan intends to turn you into a zombie too.”

Naruto looked at Sara and said.


“Why is that?”

“Obviously, An Lushan spoke like a mother and wanted to use the power of the dragon vein to benefit the people.”

“That’s why Loulan has developed into such a prosperous person today.”

“After his mother’s death, An Lushan has also been working hard for the prosperity of Lou Lan.”

Although Sarah already knew the truth of the matter in her heart, it was difficult to accept it for a while.

“Lord Sarah, please rescue our loved ones.”

Sakai and Masako and the others bowed down to Sarah.

their loved ones,

At this moment, I don’t know what kind of inhuman torture I am suffering.

“Rest assured, I will definitely rescue them.”

Seeing the crowd, Sarah hurriedly said.

Then he set his eyes on Naruto Uzumaki.

“Naruto, can you help me?”

“I want to find the source of the dragon vein first.”

Hearing Sarah’s request, Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

Right now

Sarah already knew the truth of the matter.


It is to solve An Lushan.

“Naruto, thank you!”

Seeing Naruto agree, Sara’s eyes filled with gratitude.

If Naruto Uzumaki refused her request.

She really didn’t know what to do.

“The power of the Dragon Vein is too strong.”

“Even if An Lushan is solved, it will attract the covetousness of others.”

“So, after this matter is over, you must give me the power of the Dragon Vein.”

Naruto took the opportunity to speak.

He’s not a good man.


Naturally, we must first clarify the remuneration.

“I see.”

Sarah hesitated and nodded in agreement.

She vaguely remembered her mother’s will.

The Dragon Vein is nothing more than a tool for the benefit of the people.

What really matters

They are the people of the country of Loulan.

So for Naruto’s request, Sarah hesitated for a moment and agreed.

In her heart

The happiness of the people is far greater than the power of the dragon vein…

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