Chapter 215: Can You Take Your Hand Off a Little?!!

“Then come with me.”

Seeing that Sarah agreed, Naruto took Sarah in his arms.

Sarah is just an ordinary person.

Follow her, too much trouble.

It is not as convenient as holding her.


“You… What do you want to do…”

Suddenly picked up by Naruto Uzumaki, Sarah screamed in horror.


Also a little overwhelmed.

“Now the country of Lou Lan is under the control of An Lushan, which is very dangerous.”

“I’m holding you and can keep you safe.”

Naruto Uzumaki spoke.

“Oh, I see.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sarah was very touched in her heart.


It also tightly hooked Naruto’s neck around Uzumaki.

From small to large,

In addition to his own mother,

No one had ever cared about her so much.

“Hurry up, here we go.”

Seeing Sarah’s shy look, Naruto took a deep breath.

Worthy of being the Queen of Loulan,

Even the body is fragrant.

After Sarah buried her head deep into Naruto’s arms, Naruto took her and began to rush towards the location of the dragon vein.


The two of them came to an underground fortress with a lot of energy.

Inside the fortress,

It’s a machine that’s in action.

Next to the machine,

It is a group of people of Lou Lan who are working as coolies.

A group of puppets oversee the work nearby.

The slightest relaxation of a person will be whipped on his body.

“I didn’t expect that An Lushan would actually do such a thing.”

See the puppet soldier who is constantly being produced,

Sarah truly recognized the true face of An Lushan.

He was not here to help the people of Lou Lan Guo.

He just wanted to use the power of the Dragon Vein to reach his own secret that he couldn’t tell anyone.

“We have to stop him.”

Sarah said.

She absolutely did not allow the people of Lou Languo to be used by An Lushan in this way.


She closed her eyes and began to feel it.

As the Queen of Loulan Kingdom,

She could feel the source of the dragon vein.

But soon,

Sarah opened her eyes flushed.

“You… Can you take your hand away first……”

“I can’t concentrate like this…”

Sarah hung her head and whispered.

There was also a hint of pleading in the tone.

“Oh, okay.”

“I was just so nervous that you didn’t say I didn’t notice.”

Hearing Sarah’s words, Naruto Uzumaki blushed and removed his hand from Sarah’s ass.


It’s really quite flexible.

“It’s weird to believe you!”

Sarah silently complained in her heart.

Just now in Naruto’s arms, she didn’t hear any fluctuations in Naruto’s heartbeat.


Now is not the time to dwell on this.

Sarah closed her eyes again, this time,

She quickly locked on to the source of the dragon vein.

“Please take me to that place.”

“If I were there, I would be able to cut off the power of the Dragon Vein.”

Sarah points in one direction.

“Okay, then you have to hurry up.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and hugged Princess Sara again.

“This guy… Sure enough, it was intentional! ”

Feeling Naruto’s hands, Sarah’s face turned red again.

She’s pretty sure now.

Naruto Uzumaki was definitely deliberately taking advantage of her.


There was nothing she could do about Naruto’s behavior.

“Got it.”

Naruto Uzumaki said a word, and then jumped from a high place with Sarah.


The two men went to the Madara where Sarah had said.

Surrounded by a square pattern, in the middle is a huge thing that looks like an eye.

That eye was constantly emitting a steady stream of dragon chakras.

Sarah walked over to her eyes and knelt down on the ground.

“Order you in the name of the Queen.”

“Ru, cut off the torrent of the dragon vein and suppress the power of Ru!”

“Hurry as a law!”

When Sarah finished, she closed her eyes.

Followed by

The dragon vein that had originally been rioting had actually subsided under Sarah’s orders

The arsenal that had been relying on dragon vein energy to keep running was also instantly stagnant

Seeing this scene,

A hint of curiosity also appeared on Naruto’s face.

Hurry as the law,

This is a Chinese Taoist mantra.

But these things do not exist in this world.

“Sure enough, the power of this world is far from simple.”

Naruto frowned and thought.

Everything in front of you,

All are telling Naruto Uzumaki, this world,

Has a lot of power unlike chakra.


Somewhere in the universe,

There are also certain beings beyond his understanding.


This is not something he can consider now.

“The dragon vein has been cut off by me.”

“Let’s go first.”

Just as Naruto was whirlpool, Sarah had already stood up.

“Your Majesty, what are you doing here?”

An Lushan’s voice suddenly sounded.

Followed by

A bearded man appeared in front of the two.

“I have stopped the flow of the dragon vein.”

“I don’t allow you to use this power for the sake of war.”

“Now, in my capacity as queen, I order you to stop the development of puppet weapons and immediately release your people who are serving hard labor!”

Sarah looked at An Lushan and said.

Being betrayed by the person she trusted most made her heart very painful.

“Well, you already know so many things.”

“That won’t keep you alive.”

An Lushan looked at Sara, and a sneering smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Only now did I find out,

It’s too late.

He no longer needed to control the Dragon Vein through Sarah.

It took six years,

Dragon vein,

It was already under his control.

“An Lushan, meet again.”

“You should remember what I said, right?”

“Now, I’m going to take your life.”

Looking at An Lu Mountain, Naruto Uzumaki spoke softly.

Even if you have mastered the power of the Dragon Vein.

Hundred Feet could never be his opponent.

“Hmm, arrogant little shame.”

“Today is your day to die!”

“Kill you, and I’ll make the entire ninja world submit to my feet.”

Looking at Naruto in the whirlpool, An Lushan’s face showed a trace of anger.

It’s been six years since I traveled into this world.

Every day of these six years he was worried.

Close your eyes

The image of Naruto Uzumaki comes to mind.

Right now

He finally mastered the power of the Dragon Vein.

He was going to end his nightmare with his own hands and kill Naruto and Sarah together.

“See my new power!”

When An Lushan finished speaking, a kind of puppet soldier came out from behind him.

“What to do?”

Seeing so many puppets, Sarah panicked.

Although you are the queen of Lou Lan Kingdom.


She was more like a young girl who had never been deeply involved in the world.

Seeing this kind of scene, my heart will naturally have fear.

“Leave it to me.”

Naruto reached out and held Sarah in his arms.

An Lu Shan this kind of goods, the whirlpool Naruto does not put in the eyes…

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