Chapter 216 Did You Win?!!

“Am I going to influence you?”

Wrapped in Naruto Uzumaki’s arms, Sarah asked with her head bowed.

An Lushan’s painstakingly created soldiers were definitely very powerful in being able to use the power of the Dragon Vein.

Will Naruto be affected by his own drag bottle?


“It’s just gravel, less than half my share.”

Hearing Sarah’s words, Naruto Uzumaki snorted softly.

He really didn’t take An Lushan in his eyes.

Looking at the domineering vortex Naruto, Sarah’s heartbeat suddenly quickened.

Since the death of his mother

Sarah has always been worried about her future.

She didn’t know if she could inherit her mother’s will and carry forward the Lou Lan Kingdom.

I don’t know if I will be supported by the people like my mother.

But now in Naruto’s arms

Sarah felt a sense of security that she had never felt before.

As if there were only Naruto vortexes

Then there is nothing in this world that can bother her.

“Give it to me!”

An Lushan gave an order.

Then the power of the dragon vein, which had been sealed by Sarah, reawakened again.

Countless zombie soldiers, under the power of the Dragon Vein, simultaneously launched an attack on Naruto Uzumaki.

“Naruto, leave me alone, run!”

Looking at the zombie soldiers in all directions, Sarah was very panicked.

In her cognition.

One person’s strength is even stronger

In the face of so many enemies attacking at the same time, there must be only one dead end.

“I said, in front of me, An Lushan is just an ant.”

Naruto Uzumaki’s words were full of confidence.

This confidence

It also instantly infected Sarah’s heart.

She nodded vigorously, then silently hugged Naruto Uzumaki.

Naruto him

You will definitely be able to defeat An Lushan!

That’s when it happened

The Zombie Soldiers had also come to Naruto and Sarah. A long sharp knife protruded from the arm of each soldier in shame.

Qi Qi stabbed at Naruto in the vortex.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Just as the dry hook fired, Naruto’s eyes turned into the Nine Hook Jade Samsara Eyes

A low drink

A terrifying repulsive force scattered in all directions.


With a loud Madarag

Hundreds of soldiers in shame

It turned out that all of them had become business fans under this force.

“It’s awesome!”

Seeing this, Sarah opened her mouth wide in shock.

Naruto’s power was already beyond her imagination.

“It’s useless, I who control the power of the Dragon Vein, I can’t be defeated.”

The soldiers were easily destroyed, and An Lushan’s expression did not panic in the slightest

As soon as he saw his mind move, the powerful Dragon Vein Chakra once again emanated

The zombie soldier who had just been shattered by Naruto Uzumaki had once again recovered under this force.



“This is the power of my Lord An Lushan!”

“My power is infinite, and it is impossible for mankind to defeat me!”

“So, you should still obediently be killed by me.”

“Just like Sarah your mother.”

An Lushan laughed loudly.

Now he is full of confidence.

The power of the Dragon Vein is endless, and his guilt can be constantly revived

This consumes it

He must have survived in the end!

“What do you say?”


Hearing Ahn Lushan’s words, Sarah looked up in shock.

“Your mother is different from you, she is a very smart woman.”

“She quickly saw through my purpose and refused to work with me.”

“So, I killed her.”

“You’re different, you’re like a good marionette.”

“But it’s almost time to swap it out with real shame.”

An Lushan’s words made Sarah’s heart sink to the bottom.

She originally thought that An Lushan would only become what he is now after the death of his mother.

Unexpectedly, it was the other party who killed her mother!

“It’s this kind of look, hollow, desperate.”

“It’s just as good as the shame I’ve made.”


An Lushan let out a loud laugh, and Naruto had stopped it.

In some ways

The more Sallah is hit, the more dependent she is likely to be.

“Naruto, help me kill him.”

“I’m willing to give everything I have!”

Sarah bowed her head and said slowly.

At this moment, it doesn’t matter what kind of Lou Lan country or what kind of people it is.

She just wanted to avenge her mother.

“Willing to serve.”

Naruto saw Sarah’s look and nodded.

It’s all done.

It’s also time to get to know this annoying guy in front of you.

“Kill me?”

“It seems that you two little devils still don’t recognize the reality.”

An Lushan was very dissatisfied with Naruto’s calmness.


Shouldn’t it be filled with fear? That being the case

Then let me show you my true strength!

An Lushan sneered a few times, and then he ripped off the cloak on his body.

Immediately after that, An Lushan’s body underwent a huge change.

A huge zombie like a spider with eight legs appeared in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

“See, this is my ultimate drive.”


“Buried here with Sarah!”

Looking at the small swirling Naruto and Sara in front of him, An Lushan’s tone was very good

This power

Even if it is to destroy the entire ninja world, it is more than enough.

“You remind me of a person.”

“But you’re much uglier than the guilt he made.”

Seeing An Lushan’s stiff body, Naruto shook his head slightly.

The level of shame created by the other party was simply too much worse than that of the Red Sand Exhaustion.

“Abominable little devil, give me the law to die!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, An Lushan became angry.

As a shame master

He absolutely did not allow others to insult his guilt.

Although Naruto Uzumaki was not wrong in what he said.

“Hmm, Great Jade Spiral Pill!”

Looking at the attacking An Lu Mountain, Naruto Uzumaki stood still and did not move.

Directly raised his arm and rubbed a huge ball, and covered it towards An Lushan.


With a loud Madarag

The Great Jade Spiral Pill instantly collided with An Lushan.

The thick smoke rose instantly, drowning everything around it.

After a long time

The smoke slowly cleared.

Naruto and Sarah stood where they were, their clothes covered with a hint of dust.

And in front of them

It’s a bunch of zombie parts that have become fragmented.


See this scene

Sarah opened her mouth wide in disbelief.

An Lushan Shuai was solved in this way?

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