Chapter 217 Wooing Sister in Front of the Wave Feng Shui Gate!!

“Win…… Won? ”

Looking at the fragments of the puppet in front of her, Sarah muttered to herself.

The An Lu Shan who wants to rule the entire ninja world,

Just killed?

Just as Sarah was wondering, the golem fragments on the ground were once again combined.

But in just a few seconds,

Once again, it was restored to its original form.

“As I said, you can’t kill me!”

An Lushan stared angrily at Naruto Uzumaki.

He didn’t think about it.

Even after mastering the power of the Dragon Vein,

He was still so vulnerable in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

the strength of the other party,

It’s as if there’s never an upper limit.

No matter how strong he is,

The other side can kill with one click.

“Annoying bugs.”

Seeing An Lu Shan appear in front of him again, Naruto Uzumaki frowned.

He originally thought,

As long as you destroy fast enough,

Even with the power of the dragon vein, the other party could not be resurrected.


He was wrong.

“Hmm, even if you are strong, what can you do?”

“You can’t stay here for the rest of your life, can you?”

“As long as you go, I’ll slaughter everything here!”

An Lushan looked at Naruto Uzumaki and said fiercely.

His current strength,

How to say that it is also the strength of a shadow-level strongman.

It is still very simple to kill this group of unarmed villagers.

At this moment,

The wave wind and water gate squad fell from the sky.

“You have to cut off the connection between the other party and the dragon vein.”

“Naruto, you are protecting Sara from doing this.”

“I’ll leave it to us.”

Wave Feng Shui Men said to Naruto Uzumaki.

Their squad had actually been ambushed for a long time in advance.


Naruto had just defeated An Lushan in battle they had also seen.

Bo Feng Shui Men knows,

If they could not cut off the connection between the Dragon Vein and An Lushan, they would not be able to win.

“No, just back off.”

Naruto Uzumaki didn’t listen to Wave Feng Shui Gate’s words.


It’s just that his idea is a little wrong.

Right now

He wanted to correct it.


Seeing Naruto Uzumaki step forward, Akimichi Dingza and Yume Shio were a little dissatisfied.


Haven’t you figured out the gravity of the matter?

An Lushan, who possessed the Dragon Vein, could never be killed.

Drag it on like this,

Sooner or later they will all be killed.

“Now is not the time to play with the temper of a child.”

After Akimichi finished speaking, he tried to stop Naruto Uzumaki.

“Dingza, stop!”

Bo Feng Shui Men saw this scene and quickly drank it.

His instincts are sharp.

If he hadn’t stopped Akidō Dingza, I’m afraid that Akidō Dingza would have been knocked down by Naruto Uzumaki.


“No matter how many times you try, it’s the same result.”

“Little devil, and the ninja of Konoba, let’s all die!”

An Lushan sneered a few times and attacked again.

“Shen Luo Tianzheng!”

Naruto Uzumaki whispered, and An Lushan’s attack was all blocked.

“Vientiane Heavenly Lead!”

Under the action of gravity and repulsion, An Lushan suddenly found himself completely unable to move.

“It’s that weird ability again.”

“Is it a special blood inheritance limit?”

“However, neither I nor Jiu Kuna…”

“Am I wrong?”

Seeing that Naruto had pinned An Lushan in place, Bo Feng Shui Men had some doubts.

After seeing Naruto’s appearance and Naruto Uzumaki’s use of the Spiral Pill, Naruto had a bold guess.

That is,

Naruto Uzumaki is most likely his future and Uzumaki Kushina’s child.


Now the ability displayed by Naruto Uzumaki made Naruto of Wave Feng Shui Men become confused again.

“You… Even if this is the case, it is only in vain! ”

An Lushan tried his best to struggle, but it had no effect at all.


Naruto looked at An Lushan with a cold expression.

Followed by

Behind Naruto in the vortex, nine inky black Seeking Jades condensed.

Killed by Qiu Daoyu,

It shouldn’t be resurrected, right?


With a single order, Qiu Daoyu instantly swelled and transformed into nine incomparably huge orbs.

Under the control of Naruto Uzumaki, the nine Seeking Path Jades simultaneously attacked towards An Lu Mountain.

Without any sound,

Everywhere the Seeker Jade passed, everything seemed to be erased, leaving no trace.

An Lushan, who was originally arrogant, also completely disappeared under this blow.


There was not a hint of ripple.

“Well… Such a strong momentum! ”

“What is this power? Why does it feel so terrifying when it doesn’t have the slightest might? ”

“How come An Lushan was not resurrected, was he really killed?”

“How is it possible, one hit to kill the shadow level strongman, the strength of this guy…”

When Naruto Uzumaki used the Seeker Jade, he didn’t deliberately hide his momentum.


The momentum of the six peak levels shocked everyone present.

Especially after seeing Naruto kill An Lushan with one blow from the whirlpool, Akidō Dingza almost collapsed to the ground.


If it weren’t for the stop of Bo Feng Shui Gate, then he might have made a big mistake.

Bo Feng Shui Men was also shocked in his heart.

Although he fought alone, An Lushan was definitely not his opponent.


The opponent has a dragon vein and can be resurrected indefinitely.

And the strength is also film-level.

Therefore, he also did not have the confidence to defeat An Lushan.


Such a tricky enemy,

It was so easily solved by Naruto Uzumaki.

You know, Naruto Uzumaki looks so young!

However, if it is so good,

It should be their own children, right? At least the appearance value is completely inherited!

“Okay, that’s settled.”

Naruto Uzumaki ignored the Akidō and went straight to Sarah’s side.

He didn’t forget,

This time the purpose is for the Dragon Vein.

“Sarah, don’t forget your promise.”

Naruto looked at Sara and said.

“I… I know. ”

“But… Can you wait for the evening…”

“I want to take a shower and get ready…”

Looking at Naruto the whirlpool who came over, Sarah lowered her head, her hands tightly squeezing the hem of her skirt, and her face was blushing.



“If you take the Dragon Vein, the sooner the better?”

“Late, who knows what will happen.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sarah’s face instantly turned redder.

The whole person is like a cooked lobster.


Naruto didn’t mean that? It’s over,

I seem to be thinking wrong!

Sarah had thought that Naruto had just taken the opportunity to do something to her, but now to say that she would not forget her promise, it must be a promise that she was willing to give everything.

She was ready to give her body.

But I didn’t expect that,

The other party actually said that it was about subduing the dragon vein.

“I… You bastard! ”

Sarah looked up in panic, only to see Naruto Uzumaki looking at herself with a bad smile.

It instantly became clear that Naruto was deliberately teasing himself.

Sarah clenched her fists and gently hammered Naruto’s chest. Naruto, on the other hand, pulled Sarah closer to his arms.

Conquest of the Queen,

It felt good.

When Qiu Daoding and the oil girl Shio saw this scene, they couldn’t help but show a hint of envy.


But it’s beautiful.

It’s a bit overwhelming next to the wave water gate.

Watching his own son pick up his sister in front of him, he was still so familiar with the road.

He didn’t know how to feel for a while…

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