Chapter 218 Naruto Uzumaki’s approval, Wave Feng Shui Gate’s relief!!

“Cough… Let’s get down to business now. ”

Seeing the way Naruto and Sarah were intimate, Naruto said with some embarrassment.

The thought that Naruto Uzumaki might be his own child made him feel a little uncomfortable.

“That’s right, Sarah, hurry up.”

“We still have to do the right thing first.”

Hearing the words of the Wave Wind and Water Gate, Naruto Uzumaki said in a straight word.

With these words,

Leaving Sarah speechless again.


Didn’t you just take me into your arms? Now it’s like I took the initiative to hold you and let go.

It’s outrageous.

Sarah complained inwardly.

And then

He broke free from Naruto’s arms.

“You come with me, and I’ll help you subdue the Dragon Vein.”

When Sarah finished speaking, she took the lead and ran towards the source of the dragon vein.

Naruto followed closely behind.

Bo Feng Shui Men and Qiu Dao Ding Za and others saw this scene and hesitated for a moment to follow.

Although An Lu Shan has now been solved.


The powerful power of the Dragon Vein has also already left a deep impression on their hearts, therefore,

After hearing that Naruto Uzumaki was going to subdue the Dragon Vein,

The three of them also wanted to see the process with their own eyes.


The group came to the source of the dragon vein.

After An Lushan’s death,

The dragon vein, which had been grumpy, became quiet again.

“Naruto, what are you going to do with the Dragon Vein?”

Sarah looked at Naruto and asked.

“I’m going to seal the dragon vein inside my body.”

Naruto Uzumaki replied.

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s answer, Sarah nodded and didn’t say anything more.

However, several people in the Feng Shui Men were shocked.

Seal the dragon vein into your body?

Isn’t that the same principle as the tailed orc pillar force? That is,

Naruto want to become a Dragon Vein Pillar Force?

“Thankfully, it’s our Konoha ninja…”

Qiu Daoding couldn’t help but mutter.

The oil girl next to her Shio also nodded her head in deep understanding.

Now Naruto’s strength was terrifyingly strong.

If he became the Dragon Vein Man Pillar Force again, who in the entire ninja world would still be his opponent?

They ask themselves.

If Naruto Uzumaki was the enemy, they might feel a pang of despair.

“Naruto, sealing the dragon vein into his body, although he can gain great power, the risk is also very great.”

“If it doesn’t succeed, it is likely to be killed directly.”


Naruto looked at Naruto Uzumaki worriedly.

He hadn’t wanted to have much to do with Naruto Uzumaki.


The more you talk to the people of the future, the greater the impact on the future is likely to be.


At this moment, he still couldn’t help but remind Naruto of the vortex out loud.

Seal the dragon vein,

It’s not a simple matter.

“Rest assured, I am naturally absolutely sure that I will do such a thing.”

“I have a reason why I have to.”

Looking at the worried look on the face of the wave wind and water gate, Naruto said lightly.

Let’s not talk about the rewards of the system.

Even if he wanted to break through to the level of the Blood Inheritance Snare, he had to seal the Dragon Vein into his body.

“Be careful!”

After hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Wave Feng Shui Men didn’t say much after all

Now Naruto’s strength was stronger than any ninja he had ever seen.

But he still wanted to take such a big risk to seal the dragon vein into his own body.

In the future,

You must have encountered a particularly difficult enemy.

“I’ll draw the power of the Dragon Vein later, and you’ll be responsible for letting the Dragon Vein settle down, Naruto saw that the Wave Feng Shui Gate didn’t continue to dissuade him, and he set his sights on it.”

Sarah’s body.

“I see.”

Sarah nodded solemnly.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, she now became nervous.


Naruto Uzumaki let out a low sigh.

Followed by

The Dragon Vein Chakra was forcibly removed from the ground by him.

Feel Naruto’s movements.

The dragon vein, which had been calm, instantly became boiling again.

“In the name of the queen command you, quiet, obedient!”

“Hurry as a law!”

Feeling the dragon vein become irritable, Sarah began to chant the incantation.

Under Sarah’s spell, the dragon vein gradually calmed down again.

“It works!”

Feeling that the dragon vein was no longer resisting, Naruto Uzumaki was overjoyed.

The extraction of the dragon vein was then intensified.

This time

The Dragon Vein did not resist again.

It seems that Sarah’s vein,

There is indeed a strong control over the Dragon Vein.

The power of the dragon vein is very large,

Even under Naruto’s full pull,

It also took half a day to completely seal the dragon vein inside his body.


Seeing the dragon vein disappear, Sarah jumped up in excitement.

She had been worrying about Naruto Whirlpool.

“Not yet, I still need to assimilate the power of the Dragon Vein into my own power.”

“Next, you have to help me.”

Naruto looked at Sara and said.

Now the Dragon Vein had been sealed into his body.


This did not allow him to successfully advance to the level of the Blood Succession Snare.

Because the Dragon Vein and the Ten Tails in his body were now completely two forces.

What he’s going to do now,

It is to combine these two forces.

“Got it.”

“I’ll try to cheer up.”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sarah calmed down.

Naruto Uzumaki helped her avenge the killing of her mother and also guarded the kingdom of Lou Lan.

She was willing to help Naruto with anything Uzumaki could do.

“Come with me.”

Seeing Sarah nod, Naruto took Sarah in his arms.

And then

With a wave of both hands, he launched the Yellow Spring Hirasaka.

A dark space door appeared in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

“Please rescue the people here.”


“Watergate, you’re a very good ninja.”

“I believe your children will worship you very much.”

Naruto said to Naruto Wave Feng Shui Gate.

Although he does not approve of the character of a good man who is rotten in the waves.


Naruto in the original book really recognizes the practice of the wave wind and water gate.

After Naruto finished speaking, Naruto disappeared into the same place through the Yellow Spring Hirasaka.

The next thing is related to whether he can be promoted to the Blood Succession Snare.


He had to find an absolutely safe place.

“Space-time ninjutsu…!!!”

“This guy, it’s so powerful!”

“The wood leaves of the future must be very prosperous.”

Seeing Naruto Whirlpool’s Yellow Spring Hirasaka, Akidō Dingza and Yume Shio all let out an exclamation.

Naruto Uzumaki was too strong.

A sense of adoration arose in their hearts.


Will Naruto be alive when they grow up? Bo Feng Shui Men was stunned.


Only then did a smile appear on his face.

Naruto Uzumaki is smart.

Bo Feng Shui Men can feel it.

From the moment the two met, Naruto Uzumaki was deliberately reducing the intersection between the two of them, just like him.


Now Naruto Uzumaki still said such things to himself.


The future must be what happened.

As a result, Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t say what he had just said to him in person.

As for what the reason is,

It’s good to guess for Bo Feng Shui Gate.

With his character,

If he’s alive in the future,

I will definitely talk to my own children.


Bo Feng Shui Men didn’t care.

Naruto could be heard in the vortex of his affirmation. This is the best recognition of a father.


Go with the flow.

“Everyone, in order not to affect the future.”

“After this mission, I want to erase everyone’s memories.”

“Therefore, everyone seized the time to rescue those civilians who were arrested as coolies, and after the Feng Shui Men finished speaking, they carved a record of elimination in everyone’s mind.”

The art of recall.

As long as this mission is completed, he will erase all the memories related to Naruto Uzumaki.

For him, the happiness of this moment is enough for a few…

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