Chapter 219 Promotion Blood Succession Snare!!

“Naruto, where is this?”

Looking around at the empty place, Sarah asked doubtfully.

They were just in the Loulan Kingdom.

How could it suddenly appear in this place of vigorous vegetation? She didn’t know what space transfer was.

In her eyes,

Naruto Uzumaki just carried her for a few steps before she came to this strange place.

“It’s far from Loulan.”

“Next, I will begin to assimilate the power of the Dragon Vein.”

“All you have to do is keep the Dragon Vein from running wild inside me.”

Naruto Uzumaki told Sara.

A huge dragon vein was raging through his body, and even with his strength, there would be danger.

“Rest assured, Dragon Vein will not resist the order of Queen Lou Languo.”

Listening to Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Sarah patted her chest.

I don’t know when her ancestors established a connection with the dragon vein.

Through this connection, they are able to control the dragon vein very well.

“Well, then I’m going to start.”

Naruto believed that Sarah wouldn’t do anything to herself.


Naruto closed his eyes and began assimilating the power of the Dragon Vein.

What he’s going to do now,

It is to merge the power of the dragon vein and the power of the ten tails into one.

Under the control of Naruto Uzumaki,


The ten tails in his body began to absorb the power of the dragon vein.

It seems that he feels that his life is threatened, and Naruto Uzumaki acts,

In an instant, the dragon vein became irritable.

“In the name of the queen command Ru, be quiet, be obedient!”

“Hurry as a law!”

Sarah felt the riot of the dragon vein and immediately activated the spell.

Powerful and grumpy dragon vein,

It was calm again.

Feeling the calm dragon vein in his body, Naruto Uzumaki quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

According to his estimation,

The Dragon Vein should have given birth to the most basic spiritual wisdom by now.

Although it may not be as good as animals, it does have its own spiritual intelligence.

Naruto was also unsure whether the Dragon Vein would obey Sara’s orders when his own life was threatened.

Now it seems that

His worries were a bit superfluous.

Since the dragon vein did not resist again, the process of assimilation did not last long.

The power of the Dragon Vein was completely combined with the Ten Tails.

【Dragon Vein task completed】

【Mission Reward: Time Travel Ability!】 】

As the assimilation was complete, Naruto Uzumaki also sounded the system’s prompt sound in his mind.

Followed by

A burst of obscure information instantly poured into Naruto’s mind.

After a long time,

The vortex Naruto completely digested this information.

“The power of time and space!”

Naruto Uzumaki had a burst of excitement in his mind.

He now,

It’s time to travel through time! It’s horrible.

As long as he wants,

He was even able to go back to the time when the Great Barrel Muhui Night had just descended on Earth.

He hadn’t waited for Naruto’s excitement to calm down.

His body changed dramatically.

After the power of the Dragon Vein and the Ten Tails were combined, the Chakra in the Vortex Naruto reached another peak.


It broke through the shackles of the six levels.


A powerful momentum rose from Naruto’s body.

There was a gust of wind blowing around.

At this moment,

Naruto’s body was covered with a milky white glow.

The whole person looks,

It’s like a legendary fairy.


Seeing Naruto Uzumhirl’s look, Sarah opened her mouth wide in shock.

Even if she doesn’t understand anything,

At this moment, you can also feel the power of Naruto Uzumaki! presumably

After controlling the power of the Dragon Vein, Naruto of the Vortex, now his strength has gone further, right?

Mother, do you see that?

That’s the man I chose.

You will be relieved in Pure Land.

“Is this the power of the Blood Snare Collection?”

After a long time, Naruto slowly opened his eyes.

With the Dragon Vein power in full control, he is now,

It has officially entered the level of blood succession.

Naruto Uzumaki made a surprising discovery.

Since the power of the Dragon Vein is different from ordinary chakra.

It’s almost entirely made up of natural energy.


After assimilating with the Ten Tails,

Naruto Uzumaki has now completed a qualitative transformation of the chakra in his body.

It can be said that

Originally, he had an endless number of chakras.

Now he,

Become a possessor of endless fairy chakras!

“Naruto, are you okay?”

Seeing that Naruto had not spoken for a long time, Sarah couldn’t help but ask.

Hearing Sarah’s words, Naruto Uzumaki came back to his senses…

The power of the Blood Snare was simply too strong.

Even Naruto Uzumaki couldn’t help but sink a little in the face of such a powerful force.

He now knows that in the original book,

How ridiculous it was that Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha were able to defeat Ōtsuki Katsuki.

But Fan Da Tube Mu Hui Ye was able to study his own strength a little more.

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha estimated that they would be killed in a few rounds.

Because the Blood Snare and the Six Dao Levels are completely two concepts.

At least

If he fought against him at the peak level of the Six Paths, then he could crush his previous self.

“Sarah, you’re suffering.”

Naruto looked at Sara in a good mood.

If it wasn’t for Sarah’s help, he would never have been able to assimilate the power of the Dragon Vein so easily in such a short time.


After assimilating the power of the Dragon Vein, the original spiritual wisdom of the Dragon Vein had been completely erased.

Right now

He no longer had to worry about the outburst of the dragon vein in his body.

“It’s my pleasure to do things for you.”

Feeling Naruto’s burning gaze, Sarah shyly lowered her head.

In her heart,

She had already thought of herself as a woman of Naruto Uzumaki.

Do things for your own man,

Isn’t that what it should be?

Seeing Sarah’s appearance, Naruto Uzumaki picked her up and hugged her.

“Ahh… Naruto, what are you going to do? ”

Suddenly picked up, Sarah exhaled.

“Now that one promise has been fulfilled, it’s time to deliver on another.”

Naruto Uzumaki said with a bad smile.

“You… I’m ignoring you……”

Sarah whispered.

Although she was a little shy, she did not resist in her heart.


“Huangquan Biryozaka!”

Naruto Vortex naturally knew Sarah’s mind.


With a single thought, he launched the Huangquan Birasaka, hugged Allah, and came to the bedroom of the Sara Palace of the Loulan Kingdom.

“It’s awesome……”

Looking at the instant back to Lou Lan Country, Sara couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This is the ability to travel through space, where you want to go in the future, talk to me, I can take you at any time.” 」

Looking at the shocked Sarah, Naruto Uzumaki smiled slightly.

“Naruto, I’m most fortunate to meet you.”

Sarah hugged Naruto Uzumaki with a happy smile on her face…

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