After the meeting was ended, where all the Clans took part...

Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, Hyuga, Uchiha, Hoshi, Uzumaki, Aburame, Inazuka and many more...

They all got notified about the course of action they will take and also let them prepare in their own way as each Caln had their secrets...

When they finished, Linley after taking care of everything, he created 9 clones and they all rushed at the central gate where 3 clones of Tobirama and 3 of Izuna...

They had long used transformation Jutsu and changed their appearance but with their pool of chakra, it didn't matter much...

After all, when Linley brought them back to life, he had given them the Chakra Superior Manual - Structure Bone Manual and the Sage Sensing Manual...

They had decided that, Tobirama will go towards Iwagakure while Izuna will go towards Kirigakure...

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Linley, on the other hand, will go towards Suna, Kumo and play the villain in Konohagakure...

Whe they asked him why, he brushes it off as it wasn't that much important and wanted to do it, but in reality, inside him, he wanted to do that and play somewhat the role of a true Villian...

Having set their targets, the all vanished as everyone else was gathered at the Hokage office for counter war measures...

They created a line of defence with pairing an Uchiha and Hyuga together for scouting 24 hours per day, 7 days per week with multiple shifts...

They then placed Aburamae and Inazuka together as their bug and sense of smell was of the charge for scouting behind the mountain...

All the others except a few sensory types were made to be on stand by as in cases of emergency...

The plan was to wait for 3 days and after the time limit, the assault will begin bearing fruits...

Fruits that will enable them to seize the future...

At the same time on a cave hidden among the darkness that nothing could be seen inside a small laugher was heard...

Hahahahaha!!! : ???

It worked!!! It worked!! : ???

Who would know that the body of Hoshikage would be so attuned with eye Dojutsu and different kinds as well... : ???

From the moment i had read through the scroll of Ben that Linley used, 6-7 bloodlines with close relations i though at first it was impossible... : ???

But now!!! Hahahahaha, i may have created a new eye bloodline!!! : ???

As he was speaking, a figure which was on the table couldn't move a muscle even though he had his senses...

The last thing he rememberes was staying behind and giving his fellow Hoshi members a way out...

But now, here he was brimming with power, unlike anything he had felt before...

He slowly opened his eyes and the only thing you could make out was his white eyeball had turned to black with 10 white magatamas spread out and not orderly placed together like the Sharingan that had a ring...

It was the only thing he could do, open his eyes and look at a marvellous twisted ceiling...

Through his new eyes, he could see coloured lines and felt he could touch them but alas as he couldn't move it was all in vain...

Hearing through the twisted voice drifting in his ears he knew that this person was Black Zetsu...

Fufufufufufu, by going with this logic then perhaps the body of Uzukage will produce different kinds of a result, if i add more bloodlines focusing on physique alone... : Zetsu

However, why is it that sinc yesterday i can't get anything useful from the scroll?? : Zetsu

Can it be they figured it out?? Or they didn't include him in any important meeting?? : Zetsu

It might be possible that they retired his to see his family... Well, it won't matter i will learn their secrets through them in the future... : Zetsu

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