As time ticked away...

Linley who was taking a stroll towards the Sunagakure, couldn't help feeling uneasy for some reason as if something important will happen...

He needed to reach the Sunagakure where is the hidden village of the Land of Wind.

As the village of one of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, it is surrounded by desert which offers the village a natural deterrent against invasion, as few foreign powers would be willing to endure the sandstorms and water scarcity common to Suna.

Sunagakure itself lies in a fortified valley behind cliffs of rock, with a passage in and out of the village restricted to a single passage between two cliff faces, making the area very hard to attack from the ground.

The buildings inside seem to be made of clay or stucco, which would help to keep the buildings cool.

The standard usage of Jutsus is wind with small Kekkais like the one Pakura has, thinking about her Linley wondered if he would counter her on the battlefield...

Well, if i do encounter which might really happen, i will try not to hurt her that much... : Linley

It took 2 days for Linley to reach the endless desert, he could teleport there but he still wanted to take a stroll...

Along the way, he who was a clone along with his 2 others clone discussed about many things and how they should act...

Two of them will go forward scouting the area and revealing themselves in small teams in order to have them investigate...

Eventually, they will all meet up and after having drawing quite a bit of attention by spilling small beans of truth he would start treating the mission as a failure for being discovered and create chaos...

Until the scroll in his hands fall in the right hands and found its way on the Kazekage...

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Finally after sleeping, eating and shitting in the desert the 3rd day has come which caused one of them to stay there until the two others brought the intended attention they needed...

Getting out of his hiding spot, both clones vanished and travelled far away, trying to find scouting teams and boy there were a lot since the last post-war attempt...

Thinking rationally right about now, possibly the Kages will issue a meeting to take answers from each one of them, so it was perfect to give them the info...

Running and running in the blazing sea of sand, he finally found a few people but ignored them and completely passing them...

Hmm?? : Ninja

That guy... He is not a Ninja from our Village... : Ninja 2

Follow him secretly and apprehend him... : Ninja Leader

Wait, look... His headband is that of Konoha... : Ninja 3

Leader, can it be he came to activate those Zombies again?? : Ninja

Baki, use the underground tunnels of the desert and get to the Village, notify this to the Kazekage and have all teams search for others... : Ninja Leader

Yes!!! : Baki

The rest of us will follow closely... If he is related to that... Kill him... : Ninja Leader

Having their orders everyone scattered from their position and followed what the need to do...

Linley had realised he got the attention of them and slowly changed directions in order to return back to the Clone that was sitting still...

The Ninjas kept following him like an idiot unable to realise the circle he made them do and when he reached his destination, he cautiously looked left and right before he did a few hands signs and revealed something like a tent through an illusion...

When he entered inside the Leader also made a few hand signs before calling in in a low voice...

Wind Element : Whispers In The Wind Jutsu!! : Ninja Leader

Just as he activated his Jutsu, his eyes opened white with what he heard...

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