Two steps came to the unconscious Mu Zizhou. A bone spur gathered from Li Mingren's palm, wanting to directly result in him. Just then, another ringing sound drifted into the ears.

Li Mingren was speechless for a while, and complained, is this all the standard for your organization? It's either a broken window or a rattle ... Is your organization taught by a teacher? How did that come about? It is possible to be late for the ringtone, but it will never be absent!

The old man in the secret room was sitting majestically when he suddenly sneezed. Well?

As the bell flew by, a huge arm suddenly slapped out of the land in front of Li Mingren and slapped at him. He took a few steps back, and a thigh appeared behind him, and his foot stepped on him again. I lean, you think you're Robin! Hey! Li Mingren secretly spat out. Hurriedly wanted to unravel the illusion.

At the moment when Li Mingren used the Sharingan to unravel the illusion, another flute sound sounded. Oh? There is a new trick again, you teacher teaches music? The arms and thighs that had just disappeared solidified again in the sound of the flute. There was even a layer of armor on the outside. And this time the arm and thigh were faster, and they quickly shot towards themselves like a gust of wind. The power is more than an order of magnitude stronger than just now. Li Mingren was busy resisting with a thousand hand kills. At the same time, the two chakra eyes were powerful again, and a large number of chakras in their bodies burst out. Finally, the illusion was solved.

But when he recovers again, there are still people around. After glancing left and right with his white eyes and finding nothing, Li Mingren returned to the inn in a rage.

In the secret room, the old man looked at the unconscious Mu Zhou's face gloomy, yes, it was Mu Zhou, because he would not have a "son" in his life. "Useless stuff, waste! It's all waste! The old man roared. And the crowd shivered with fear. Only a woman in black held her shoulders with her hands, holding a bamboo flute in her hand, standing next to the old man with an indifferent expression.

After venting for a while, the old man took a sip of tea and sat back in his chair. Looking at the woman, he said, "Tingting, what is the strength of that kid?" "Master Qiyu, I can't see through." "Then if you fight him, what are the odds?" The woman who was called Tingting by the old man thought for a while and said, "Wucheng..." The old man was stunned, Mu Tingting was his strongest disciple, and her strength had reached the early stage of Transformation God. This kind of strength battle, that kid is only fifty percent sure... He couldn't help but fall into deep thought. After thinking for a while, he called a henchman with fast legs. Whispered a few times in his ear. The subordinate nodded repeatedly, then quickly exited the secret room and flew west.

The next day, Li Mingren got up early. After having some breakfast in the room, he asked the shop Xiaoji for directions and prepared to leave. As soon as I came to the street, I found that the large hole left by yesterday's battle had been filled. I thought it was really worthy of the Tianduan Empire. The roads were built too quickly. How did he know that when Xiao Er was about to open the door in the morning to welcome customers, he found so many traces of battle on the street. He followed the position of the big pit and looked at his inn, facing the "mortal" room. I thought that the adult was really hiding. As soon as he thought of this, he quickly filled the pit and pretended that nothing had happened. Cooperate with the low profile of the adult.

After leaving Yuetian City, Li Mingren did not follow the route planned on the map, because the Yuetian City on this map was followed by Lanjin City, and then out of Imperial City. And these three towns are in the shape of a "C". Li Mingren thought about it, if his legs and feet were a little faster, he should be able to go to the imperial city before sunset. After leaving the Imperial City, he arrived at the capital of the Tianduan Empire, Huangtiancheng.

But after walking for about two or three hours, Li Mingren knew why the route was not planned here. Because the road here is so difficult to walk. Sometimes cliffs and cliffs, sometimes deep ravines and dangerous ravines, and wild spirit beasts that pop out from time to time. The most important thing is that the air here is turbid, the spiritual energy is thin, and it cannot be absorbed at all, once it encounters the beasts, the spiritual energy will not be replenished, and it will only die of exhaustion. Unless the average person is full, who will walk here. However, this was not a big problem for Li Mingren, and when he encountered a deep gully on a cliff, he used a kunai shot with a technique to the opposite bank. Then use the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport directly over. When encountering wild spirit beasts, they will use strange powers to caress them. If you are a little more fierce and resist fiercely, you will directly open the eight-door Dun Jia and stroke it wildly again, the kind that plucks off the hair. As for Reiki, Li Mingren didn't need it at all. Huazi is in hand, and the world is free for me to go.

In the blink of an eye, Li Mingren walked about a third, and at this time, Li Mingren's eyes became suddenly bright. There is an extra relatively flat path on land. On both sides are dense woods.

"Drip, detect that there are unsigned psychic beasts near the host, please go and look for it."

Belch...... Originally, I just wanted to take a short cut, but I didn't expect such an opportunity. But think about yourself as a child of luck, and it is natural to receive some care. Uh-haha....

After two hours of searching, Li Mingren found a shining giant egg on the branch of a large tree. Looking at this egg, Li Mingren loved it for a while. There will definitely be divine beasts hatching here in the future. Eh, hey, hey.

"Drip, congratulations to the host for finding the unsigned contract psychic beast, and reward the host with props: one each of the Xiao Organization Ring (South), the Xiao Organization Ring (empty), and the Xiao Organization Ring (white)."

"Shoji Ring: After wearing the ring, you can use the ring to correspond to the character ninjutsu once. Discarded after use. Note: Chakra is not required. "

Double happiness, beauty. After putting the egg into Shenwei, Li Mingren blew the tune of "Happy Today" in his mouth. Have fun and continue your journey.

Two-thirds of the way he walked, Li Mingren stopped. Xiao Waist interjected: "If you don't make a move again, I will be there." It turned out that when Li Mingren was searching for treasure just now, Li Mingren opened his eyes for convenience. Before the egg could be found, he spotted someone following him. To be able to follow with such a fearless and dangerous person should not be to cheer up behind him.

Seeing Li Mingren say this, Mu Tingting was stunned, feeling that her whereabouts were quite hidden, and she didn't know when she was exposed. Originally, I thought that I only had a fifty percent chance of winning, but if I could secretly calculate a sneak attack, my odds would increase by 20%. However, it seems that he has thought too much, and it seems that the other party has already discovered his traces. She smiled self-deprecatingly and no longer hidden. One rolled over and jumped down from the tree.

Li Mingren looked at Mu Tingting, who came to kill him, and had to say that Mu Tingting was still very good-looking. Especially the figure, it is definitely the best Li Mingren has ever seen. Towering chest, slender waist, long legs. Full marks can be achieved in each category. However, when he thought that he was coming to kill himself, Li Mingren secretly said a pity.

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