Since she has already appeared, Mu Tingting does not do much nonsense. I saw that she used her slender jade fingers to take out a bamboo flute from her waist, raised her hand and waved it, and actually swung out a sword qi. Seeing that the power of this sword qi was not small, Li Mingren wanted to turn over and dodge. But before his feet could leave the ground, he heard a pleasant flute sound drifting into his ears. The feet suddenly seemed to be poured with lead, and they couldn't lift them up in the slightest. "Boom". Li Mingren's head was directly blasted by this sword qi. The water splashed all over the place. He hurriedly gathered the water spray back, only to be blasted again by another sword qi. After three or five times. After Li Mingren gathered again, he was somewhat impatient, although he could condense his head back, but it also hurt. He said, "My head is not a dough pinch, the last one!" Seeing

that this trick was ineffective, Na Mu Tingting took out two bracelets from her arms and put them on her hands, and on that ring she wore three small golden bells. After putting it on, Mu Tingting's arm trembled slightly, making a faint sound. It's not loud but refreshing. An invisible sonic force field enveloped the surroundings. Li Mingren only felt that every cell in his body was trembling. He tried to hydrate one of his hairs, but under the interference of the sonic force field, the hydrated hair could no longer condense. This...... This sound wave actually restrained his hydration technique. Li Mingren was shocked.

Two more sword qi, Li Mingren's legs were bound, and he couldn't hydrate. Hurriedly, two bone spurs were stretched out from the palm of his hand to resist. "Dangdang" two sounds, although blocking the sword qi, but a crack was also shocked on the bone. He secretly said, this woman is so tricky. Hurriedly opened the eighth door of Dun Jia and the fifth door of Dumen, and his legs were finally able to move. However, the speed is greatly reduced. Come to think of it, stopping this woman from speaking out is the key. Li Mingren didn't care about a lot, melting, magnetism, and Lan Dun bombarded in waves. That Mu Tingting was very flexible, and her movements were not big, but she could always dodge Li Mingren's attack just right.

Seeing that these moves did not work for that Mu Tingting, Li Mingren thought in his heart, since you are so good, then I will use this trick. "Boiling, the art of clever mist!" I saw a large amount of thick fog suddenly spit out from Li Mingren's mouth. Dispersed in the direction of Mu Tingting. Mu Tingting didn't dare to be careless, knowing that this Li Mingren had many means. Hurriedly took a few steps back, and the sleeve came into contact with a little thick fog because he couldn't dodge in time. It was corroded in one fell swoop. Seeing that the power of this dense fog was so amazing, Dark Dao was fortunate to have those treasures from the teacher. Thinking about it, he took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms. Mu Tingting's aura poured into the rune paper, and a burst of golden light appeared from the rune paper. "Kamikaze Curse!" Exhaling, a gust of wind blew out from the talisman paper. Instantly blow away the fog. And the fog scattered and killed the surrounding trees.

Seeing that she couldn't take this Li Mingren for a long time, Mu Tingting was a little anxious. This Li Mingren kept tricks, I am afraid that it will change later, she gritted her teeth and was ruthless, and took out another talisman paper from her arms, and hesitated for less than a second. Still using this talisman paper, he recited a few words in his mouth. The rune paper turned into a golden light and entered Mu Tingting's body. "Borrow the Spirit Spell!" This spiritual spell is a spell that relies on depleting one's own cultivation to forcibly break through its own strength, and can increase its power by several percent in a short period of time. After using the Spirit Borrowing Spell, Mu Tingting had an extra point of light between her eyebrows, and her eyes revealed a sense of pain. However, she did not dare to delay, and with the power of this spiritual spell, several sword qi struck towards Li Mingren. Li Mingren also secretly complained at this time, he was bound by this sonic force, and he could barely recover his free body through the eight-door dunjia. And he couldn't attack that Mu Tingting, so he could only be beaten passively. Naturally, it is bitter.

Seeing that several sword qi were coming towards him, he looked a little stronger than just now. Li Mingren dodged in panic. Bang bang bang... The sword qi fell behind Li Mingren with a loud noise. Seeing this overwhelming sword qi getting closer and closer to him. When Li Mingren could not avoid it. Lee Myung-jin exploded to all his potential. The eyes suddenly turned into kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, and blood and tears flowed from the corners of the eyes. Bang bang bang... The sword qi exploded about two meters in front of Li Mingren's eyes. Just look at the large number of orange chakras that suddenly appeared around Li Mingren. Chakra quickly condensed, forming a materialization. It transformed into several ribs around Li Mingren. A huge skeleton arm grew from next to the ribs. It was actually Lee Mingjin who turned on Susanoo at a time of crisis. Suddenly, Li Mingren felt that all the cells in his body were painful.

This Susanoo is a powerful ninjutsu that is said to be inevitable if you see it once with your own eyes, and it can only be unlocked after opening the kaleidoscope chakra eye. Also known as the power of God, it symbolizes destruction and destruction! It's just that at this time, Li Mingren's Susanoo is only in the initial stage, and the power is not even one thousandth.

Mu Tingting saw it from a distance, and she saw that she was about to succeed, but she didn't expect that Li Mingren actually had a hole card. How many secrets does this man really have. Mu Tingting took a deep look at Li Mingren and knew that she couldn't take Li Mingren today. After all, he even used the spirit spell, but he still didn't hurt Li Mingren. Thinking about it, he immediately whistled, and a hummingbird in the early stage of the Transformation God flew quickly and did not stop. Mu Tingting jumped and sat on the hummingbird and flew away quickly.

At this time, Li Mingren was not immersed in the joy of opening Susano. In this battle, he opened five doors in a row, and made several blood succession limits. Finally, it was opened again to Susano. The chakra in the body has been depleted. Exhaustion filled his body. Moreover, if it weren't for the critical moment that he turned on Susano. I was afraid that I had already died here, and I was afraid for a while when I thought of this.

After making up for two huazi, Li Mingren adjusted his state. Walk quickly in the direction of leaving the Imperial City. After entering and exiting the imperial city, Li Mingren finally felt a little more at ease. Because this is the gateway to the capital of the Tianduan Empire, and it is also the hometown of the Tianduan Emperor. So the level of security in this city is much higher than in other towns. From time to time, soldiers patrolled the city and the streets. Because of the delay on the road for a while, the sky was already getting dark when I entered the city. Li Mingren casually found an inn and walked in quickly.

What Li Mingren didn't know was that when he walked to the door of the inn. Not far away, in the shadows of the alley, a pair of eyes were staring at him. Those eyes were also full of shock when they saw Li Mingren appear here. At the same time, it reveals a wave of hatred. Seeing that Li Mingren had already walked into the inn. The man in the shadows gritted his teeth, knowing that he was not Li Mingren's opponent now. Clenched his fists, turned around and disappeared into the gloom.

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