“That’s not the technique he knows at all, it’s your technique that he copied!”

“What? Replicate my technique?”

“Wouldn't it mean that all the techniques would be reproduced by Urashiki?”

“Why does this guy have more headaches than Madara! "

Naruto's face was very helpless. He had tried all kinds of ways to deal with Madara before, but now an enemy stronger than Madara has appeared. Obviously, even the few techniques Madara used just now are not effective against Urashiki. Didn't cause any harm。

“We have now determined that Urashiki can reproduce or even be directly immune to our chakra. If we use ordinary or chakra-related techniques, there is no way to cause harm to him. Can we only use physical techniques? "

Shisui analyzed calmly on the side. Seeing this scene, they didn't dare to be careless anymore. This Urashiki not only has more chakra in his body, but also has this special ability. He just ended a big battle. , and now such a strong enemy appears, it is really a headache。

“I don't believe it!”

“Shadow clone! "

Naruto, who did not believe in evil, immediately summoned more than two hundred clones, preparing to punch and kick Urashiki.

But a strange scene happened, that is, when the fists of Naruto's clones were about to approach Urashiki, suddenly Appeared in another place in the sky, directly changing the space.

It can be seen from Naruto's expression that this was not a teleportation used by Naruto himself, but a forced change of position.

Naruto's brows were tight Wrinkling, it was the first time I saw Urashiki today. He used this unknown skill to dodge his own attack.

Ye Ying observed on the ground, hundreds of clones in the sky kept making noise. Urashiki attacked, but Urashiki stood there with a relaxed expression without any change.。

“Naruto's clone couldn't catch it at all, and the Rasengan just hit Urashiki's body and had no effect. What on earth is going on!”

“Could it be that?”

“You want to say that this Ura style is immune to both magical attacks and physical attacks, right?”

“Almost, you see, every clone that wants to attack at close range has been directly changed its position. It seems that there are many space-time cracks around Urashiki, and once it gets close, it will enter another place through the cracks. "

This is a very tricky thing. If Urashiki really has these two absolute abilities, then to a certain extent, wouldn't he be perfect and close to invincible? Although Naruto has seen hundreds of clone

changes position, but he did not give up, but summoned more clones.

Even if there was a space crack around Ura Shiki, which caused the people approaching to change their positions, the space cracks could not accommodate so many people at the same time. There must be more clones.

This is Naruto's guess.。

“What is Naruto doing? Isn't this a waste of energy?”

“I know what he means, let's see!”

“How about we go together?”

“No, I haven't really started this Ura-style yet, let's take another look! "

There are now many clones appearing in the sky, attacking Urashiki.

And Uchiha Madara is also very curious about this vision. He wants to experience it for himself, how Urashiki did it, and what is it? Technique.

Immediately, Madara flew towards Urashiki's side, preparing for close combat._

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